We don't feed ACV to horses, but the ferrier did tell us to spray it on their hooves when they have a flare up of thrush. It dries it right up.
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I give my horse acv every day in his feed, he was suspicious of the smell at first by now loves it. I feed it for his arthritis as it flushes out toxins and he definitely moves a lot easier, his coat is also soft and very shiny, his appetite has improved too.
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ACV has been working well to get rid of flies. I use minimal fly spray on my horses. I also feed it to help prevent stones, I figure that if it DOESN"T work, it's the cheapest non-usable horse item I've purchased!
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I discovered how wonderful apple cider vinegar was for my horse about 3 years ago. I had to give him supplements that he absolutely refused to eat. I read somewhere to mix some acv in with his feed, and it would mask the taste & smell of the supplements. He loves it! I just keep it in a spray bottle, and after top dressing his grain with supplements, I just spray about 6 good sprays of acv then shake it all together. He is never bothered by flies in the summer either. If I feel the need to apply fly spray, I mix equal parts of acv, water, and Avon skin so soft. I find that this makes an exceptional coat conditioner as well. I make sure to NEVER run out of acv around the barn- my horses would just not tolerate it. They literally lick their feed tubs when the grain is gone!
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My vet had me spray proud flesh on my horse with cider vinegar then pack the wound with ground black pepper. It healed it up in no time with very minimal scarring. I also feed all my horses 1/4 cup [acv] per day to help their digestion and we put it in the goats water to help them with stones and with white muscle disease.
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I feed my horse Apple Cider Vinegar every day and he loves the taste. I like it because he has a healthier coat, better appetite, less smelly urine, less fly bites, less need for worming, and better feed efficiency. I also put it in the water buckets to keep algae from growing and to keep the flies out.
The vet recently told me to up his ACV to 2 cups per day to help prevent kidney and intestinal stones. I have also started giving it to my dogs, and I am also mixing a little in with my tea. The stuff is great!
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I have fed 2 ounces of acv 5 times per week to my horses for two years now. ACV in combination with a joint supplement keeps my horses feeling good all the time! They are both shiny, happy and healthy. They don't seem to itch. During the worst of the fly season, they didn't seem horribly bothered by flies as were there neighbors. I also combine 1/3 water, 1/3 Avon SSS and 1/3 ACV for fly spray which worked well. I am very pleased with the health of my horses and attribute much of that to the ACV. I buy a gallon at a time from Smart and Final for under $4. I have persuaded my barn buddies to feed as well... all are happy
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I have 2 Standardbred geldings and they have been getting 1/4 cup acv daily since I got them, which is 4 years. I combine it with 1 tbls garlic, 1 tbls dolomite, 1 tsp seaweed meal, 1 tsp yellow sulphur and 1/4 tsp copper sulphate, which by the way is what Pat Colby recommends. The combination keeps my boys healthy and I find that I don't need to worm them as often. They love the taste and lick their bowls clean every night. Their coats are shiny and they keep their weight on throughout the year. I have also found that if they get a scratch or nick it heals in no time flat and flies don't bother them as much as the other horses on the property. I recommend acv to everyone with horses!
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After Hurricane Katrina blew through here flies were every where. I tried the fly collars , fly spray and nothing seem to keep the abundance of flies away from my horses. I went on line when power was restored looking for a answer I came across this forum and I tried ACV and in a matter of two weeks I could see the difference . Flies were still in abundance but left the horses alone more and bothered us more. We were using off spray every night and my son suffers from eczema ( a skin rash disorder) the off irritated him until he started bleeding in areas. I said what the heck and I sprayed it on us.. okay it dried my skin out a little but over all it help us out as well. Thanks to this forum we are not bothered by pesky flies anymore.
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i brought my daughters welsh section a pony about 5 months ago and when she came she was really stiff in the hind,someone suggested that i use acv and the results are amazing,within just a week there was a big difference when she was walking and trotting around her field like a youngster.
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I have a 27 year old quarter horse that went through Marqui treatment for EPM last August. It was a slow hard recovery. About two months ago I noticed that his stools were very loose, but not watery. I was very concerned as horses have fragile digestive systems. I tried ACV 3 ounces everyday for about 1 week now. I noticed after about 3 days they had firmed up but were unusually dark. Today I went to clean his stall and I saw the first normal looking stool I've seen in a long time. He seems to be moving better and I'm not hearing his joints 'crack' as much. Good stuff!
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I tried the acv, flaxmeal, and at first corn oil, but found canola was better. The combo cured my horse from scratching himself until his skin was oozing and crusty. Then his hair would fall out in patches. I have been using the 1/4 acv twice a day, 1/2 cup flaxmeal twice a day and 1/4 canola oil twice a day for about 2 months. Buddy eats better, He not scratching at all and his hips seem to be doing much better. His scratching has been a problem for year, the last two owner gave up on trying to cure him because they tried everything, and he still scratched. Hot wire was the only thing that kept him safe. Now I can let him out and not worry about him. also his whole well being seems great.
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I use 1/4 cup of acv in grain everyday. Was told by Pat Carter it would calm a nervous horse and it sure did. My horse loves acv and is so much calmer now, it's amazing.
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I have been using ACV on JR this past year and have seen a big difference in using this product then any of those commercial fly sprays. I give him around 1/2 cup per day with 2.5 lbs of grain. I also mix in corn oil around 1/2 cup and this has kept his coat looking shinny and flies to a minimum. Great Stuff!
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Apple Cider Vinegar with added garlic certainly helped my older horses coat and skin disorder (together with a little Yellow Sulphur) and also helped with joints. 'I have had a bottle of acv (with garlic added) in the tack room for a while but didn't think my horses needed it. I had an aged pony with a horrible skin problem and thought I would try it on her. Her skin was heaps better (and sooo shiny) after a few weeks. Just 30mls in her feed each evening was enough. I ran out a few weeks ago and forgot to get more each time I went to town. I rode her tonight and she was a bit funny in the joints and her skin didn't seem as shiny as it was. Now I know why, I haven't been feeding her the acv. Tomorrow I am going to find some. I believe it is great stuff. I will never run out again.