Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs

Urinary Issues
Posted by Denise (Conrad, Ohio)

I have a diabetic schnauzer and he gets a tsp. of ACV in each home made meal. Diabetics are prone to urinary infections and he hasn't had one since the day he was diagnosed 3 years ago. His coat is also in great shape and some diabetics get really dried out hair. I love it! I like using something for my dog that I also use for myself.

Urinary Issues
Posted by Carole (NJ) on 05/06/2006

I have an 11 lb. Chihuahua. His urine was always at a pH of 8 with crystals forming. I put him on a urinary acidifier tablet for a couple of years and it did not do anything. I tried 1/2 teaspoon of ACV once a day and in only one week his urine pH went down to 5!!! Even the doctor was amazed when I told her what I did.

Tear Stains
Posted by Anonymous (USA)

I had a completely white bulldog with black spotted skin. He had dark tear stains running from his tear duct area down. I tried a few of the tear bleaching products sold for dogs but none worked (besides being expensive). I also tried some suggested home remedies (e.g. hydrogen peroxide, etc.) and those were not effective either. A vet told me the tear stains were caused by the acidity in the dogs system and if I neutralized his system, the stains would go away.

His suggestion was to put vinegar in the dogs drinking water! He suggested putting just a "tiny" bit of vinegar in the drinking water for a few days (I interpreted that as about 1/4 of a vinegar bottles cap full) and then increase the amount of vinegar added until I was adding about a teaspoon to the drinking water each day (I would estimate his drinking water bowl to contain about 5 cups of water.) Each time I changed or added water to his bowl, I also added the vinegar. Within a few weeks, the tear stains were gone for good!

Posted by Connie (Eugene, Oregon)

My friend's dog drank some bad water and she believed she needed to take both of her dogs to the vet which she could not afford, so I recomended she give them some ACV to drink and it helped them almost immediately.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok , Thailand) 391 posts

My dog was dying, perhaps from old age, he's about 12 years old. It refused to eat for 3 days and was dying. What I did was instead of using apple cider vinegar, I used ordinary vinegar about 2 tablespoon on the water and bathed the dog with pure vinegar. Within 2 hours, the dog defecated ... and was back to normal within 2-3 hours. I recommended my friend's dog who was dying from some kind of insecticide poisoning and recommended the same, the dog licked some vinegar and vomited, and was cured. So ordinary vinegar works just as well.

Ear and Eye Infections
Posted by Anna (Ottowa, Canada)

Our 13-month old female Black Lab-Rotty mix dog Maya has been suffering from recurrent eye and ear infections for the last 7 months. When we first took her to the vet 7 months ago, the diagnosis was ear mites. We treated her with Revolution - twice. The infection seemed to get better at first, but then returned quickly. I then treated her ears with Yellow Dock for a few months, it seemed to keep the infection under control, but had not cleared it. Last month, Maya got a very severe ear infection and we took her to emergency - the test showed NO MITES - YEAST infection! It meant that I have been treating her all this time for the wrong cause - thanks to the vet who did not perform any tests the first time around and simply "guessed" that Maya had ear mites. To cut the long story short, the emergency vet gave us some antibiotic cream, which helped at bit at first, but then we saw no improvement, especially around the eyes, so I found this website and decided to treat Maya with an organic ACV (half and half with water). I sponged her back (she had a few lesions there as well) and her ears twice a day, I let her shake and then wiped her ears dry. I sponged her eyes gently as well. Her eyes were circled by an elephant-like skin with no hair, and it seemed that like would never go away! Within 2 days we noticed a great improvement. I continued the treatment for a few days twice a day, and her conditioned improved 99%. I've read that it takes 3-6 weeks for it to clear up completely and that it is suffice to do it three times a week.

I measured her pH balance and noticed that it was too alkaline (around 8). This helps yeast to grow, so we started adding a bit of vinegar to her food to stabilie her ph balance. We've also implemented other dietary restrictions that are typical with yest

Overall, we've definitely found success with ACV, and I hope that other dog owners would be able to learn from us to help their furry kids.

Ear and Eye Infections
Posted by Carolyn (Gallon Jug, Belize)

I use a few drops of ACV solution (1 part ACV, 1 part water, 1 part rubbing alcohol) applied with an eyedropper in my dog's ears after a bath. It cleared up her dark ear discharge completely. We use it on ourselves as well since ear fungus is common in this humid part of the world.

Ear and Eye Infections
Posted by Debra (Morganton, North Carolina) on 09/21/2007

Mandy and I just moved into an area where pets are allowed, which in itself is a rarity. Fleas are an issue. Mandy is my only (baby) still at home and she's a 14 yr old schnauzer. She depends on me for everything as it should be. I depend on her for "lovin' and cuddlin'" and she's very good at it. Anyway, I've only recently discovered (lemon) flea killer, however, after using this half and half mixture leaves me to wonder. Did I do this right because this smell is almost unbareable it really smells like wet dirty dog, but not on Mandy only where she's been ie under coffee table, her bed' etc... Can anyone tell me how I messed this up because I don't see how??

Also, I have used the vinegar solution (one (1) part vinegar to two (2) part water) for a yeast build-up in Mandys ears and as of this day I'll swear by how well it works three (3) or four (4) days in a row then weekly treatment, amazing, and no vet bill nor chemicals which is a bonus for us as well as the world. THUMBS UP!!!

Dull Coat Issues
Posted by Heather (Kathmandu, Nepal) on 04/17/2006

Our Tibetan Mastiff/German Shepard mix puppy had really itchy dandruff and a really dull coat. I started feeding her about 5ml of apple cider vinegar once or twice a day. She really doesn't like it, and when I add it to her food, then she doesn't want to eat her food. Instead I put it in a syringe and feed it to her that way. Her coat improved in about two days, and now it is thick and shiny and not much dandruff. She also had weepy eyes and now she doesn't. Other dogs from the same litter have thin hair and patches coming out. Our landlord was so impressed that they started using it themselves! They said that our dog looked like a different dog altogether.

Dull Coat Issues
Posted by FE (Laguna, Phillipines) on 02/17/2007

I've been giving my pets a dose of apple cider 3 x a week, and it reflects well on their coat!

Posted by Anonymous (Los Angeles)

Apple cider vinegar didn't help my dog. However, I found that keeping his eyes clear of discharge by using a clean index or thumb finger pad as often as possible cured the issue. You must be very gentle! At first your dog may not particularly like this being done. However, if you are very gentle with the process, your dog will soon allow you to clear his/her eyes and will be forever grateful for this ritual.

Posted by Sandi (Rehoboth MA)

I personally use it several times day, it works for different problems. All the dogs (7) are on it, from a disabled dachsie to three young healthy dachsies. It helps with arthritis, ear problems, wounds, itching. Adjust ph levels, prevents uti's. Gives them a healthy skin and also cleans out the bodies, like it does for humans

Posted by Wendy (Canada)

My Chocolate Lab Sam has arthritis and was recently attacked by a dog. I had started him on ACV before but forgot sometimes. He has been on it faithfully for the past 3 weeks now and is getting better and better. He is on a raw diet and I just mix it in. For those dog owners who have dogs with failing health I recommend you look at the BARF diet. I wouldn't have believed that a dog who I was told would be dead in 3 months from liver problems would completely turn around due to diet and supplements(including ACV). We are what we eat and so are our pets. It has been 11 months and Sammy is doing great!!

Posted by Ann (Victoria, Australia) on 07/28/2007

I used acv after reading about it on the website and my doggie who was suffering from terrible skin problems, started looking so good, her hair was growing , there was no more scratching. She is looking great. All the medications never brought her to full recovery but acv is just great and has done so much good for my doggie.Thank you so much.

Posted by Grace Wahlman (Chester, Illinois, USA) on 08/28/2007

Editor's Choice After reading about Apple Cider Vinegar as a remedy on your site, I started given it to my Boxer, Peaches, who has had recurring allergies and skin rashes...I noticed a marked improvement in less than a week... I also give it to the Lab, Sadie, just because, and her coat has improved tremendously and she doesn't shed nearly as bad.. I have recommended ACV to many people and 99% have been helped... Thanks so much for posting this info.

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