The Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment for Ear Wax

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cynthia (Fort Hood, Texas) on 09/20/2012

I have done the hydrogen peroxide a million times tonight and it didn't work at all. Then I tried the bobby pin and that didn't work. So I guess I have to go to the ent. :(

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bonnie (Halifax, Nova Scotia) on 01/01/2012

Hydrogen Peroxide did not work for me... my ear is worse clogged than ever and sore now too.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Luis (Cali, Colombia) on 07/21/2009


HP 3% Food Degree in Ears: Please, be cautious with application of HP 3% food degree in ears, since after sprinkling it with an inhaler to my elderly mother, she experienced an inflammation of drums and internal channels, with the side effect that she lost the hearing almost completely for one day. Nevertheless, with medicinal drops for inflammation and pain, the following day she began to recover gradually her normal level.Thanks God. I was very worried and disheartened.


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Usha (India) on 11/08/2006


I have a similar situation to Deb from Philadelphia. I would not suggest putting ANYTHING in an ear with a perforated eardrum or no eardrum at all. You must be careful to protect your middle and inner ear from being damaged. They have a very specific Ph and a system of dealing with invaders. The reason your eardrums burst is because your eustachian tubes are probably closed, not just blocked. Ear infections are one of the most common childhood diagnosis because children's eustachian tubes are not fully developed. Many adults have malformed or closed eustachian tubes becuase their's never developed from childhood or because of allergies. First of all you need to address your allergies because nothing will work that you try unless that is also under control. Some ENTs also conduct allergy tests becuase the whole system is so closely connected as is balance ie. verigo. There is a new surgery which I just had to open a closed eustachian tube. It is called eustachian tubectomy. They endoscopically go in through your mouth and shave the sides of your eustachian tube utilizing the scar tissue that will develop to cause the eustachian tube to function properly. I had this procedure as well as a tympanoplasty which is a rebuilidng of ear drum. The first attempt at closing the ear drum was unsuccessful but the second time they used another new procedure that uses the cartilage from the little flap of skin outside of the opening to the ear to close the ear drum and this cartilage creates a very strong structure. Now I no longer sound like a broken speaker in my head! I would highly suggest you get your allergies under control and really try to surgically fix your eardrums ESPECIALLY before you start considering putting things in your ears. Your hearing will be negatively affected to say the least as well as your inner ear which could cause worse vertigo and balance problems. If you aren't already you should be wearing earplugs, never go swimming or bathe unprotected (this could be causing infections, having water in your middle ear). Ear plugs should not "go down too far" as you say becuase your ear canal is much longer than you think. Any ear plug I've ever used won't go deep enough to be a problem. You can have custom ear plugs made to fit your ear which are the most comfortable option in my opinion. Don't mess around with ears, they're too delicate.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Natasha (UK) on 10/09/2006


Anyone with major ear problems, please do not use hydrogen peroxide, particularly Deb with the broken ear drum! It is basically bleach and is a really fierce chemical. It only works to clear earwax and you must be sure this is where your problem is coming from if you want to use it. In the UK, hydrogen peroxide is NOT recommended by doctors even for this - they actually recommend pharmaceutical olive oil, which is sterilised, mixes with the wax and helps it soften and clear naturally.

Ears are delicate and can easily be sent out of balance. I used to use q-tips to clean my ears and now suffer from chronic otitis externa, which is basically eczma in the outer ear. I haven't noticed earwax for years, just a dampness and whitish discharge. This, with the "debris" which collects in the ear (dead skin), provides a perfect environment for bacteria to breed in.

The first time I ever had an infection was when I had had a cold, used q-tips and took a long-haul flight with two changeovers. I had the WORST ear infection when I landed the third time and spent the next week in bed on antibiotics and painkillers in the most horrendous pain. That was five and a half years ago and I now have to use ear plugs in any situation where my ears can get wet (swimming, showering) or I will get an infection within 24 hours. I also have to be very careful to avoid introducing germs to the ear with a hand or headphones etc - in-ear headphones are not an option! This is actually a pretty common condition, is most often caused by using q-tips and is not curable. I'm 24.

Saying this, I have heard that garlic can be a very good antibiotic and also Hopi ear candles are great for clearing blocked sinuses. I am very cautious in using anything non-prescribed myself these days as my condition is so sensitive that I'm afraid anything will set it off, but these are gentle enough not to be so bad. Regarding hydrogen peroxide, if you are more resiliant, maybe have a go, but with more serious conditions, don't risk it! And don't ever use it for an extended time. These are all things your doctors should be telling you - there are a lot of advantages to free medicine...

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Chandra (Virginia) on 03/03/2006


I tried hydrogen peroxide in my left ear two nights in a row. After the first night, the problem seemed to be showing signs of clearing up, so I decided to follow up. Now I have a horrible ache in my left ear. The two small itchy bumps in my ear are almost gone, but now the inside of my ear is hurting very badly. I don't think I will try this again.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Samantha (UK)


I used hydrogen peroxide tonight for ear wax. I was woken 3 hours later with severe pain. I have called A&E and i must go to them as now i have a thermos burn in my ear. It's 3am in the morning i have 4 young children asleep in bed and i am waiting for my sister who lives 40mins away to get here to sit with much for hydrogen peroxide.