Fenugreek Benefits: Boost Health Naturally

Posted by Alexandra (London)

Just commenting: no idea about the tomatoes for sinusitis but will pass it on. Always avoid dairy products when you have any sinus congestion of any kind. This helps--plus try a infusion of a mixture of these herbs, readily available fennel seeds, flaxseeds (aka linseeds) and fenugreek seeds. Mix equal parts of each seed. It's really up to the person how much of each seed they buy and how long they are going to be taking the combination. It's a combination I keep around. I tend to mix up a 1/4 cup of each seed and mix them into a jar and keep them in a cool dark place until they are needed. When needed place a heaping teaspoon of the mixed seeds into a mug of boiling water. Allow to steep, or infuse, whatever you call it, then stir, (sieve if you like or better, eat the seeds) then drink copious amounts. Really does the trick for any congestion lung and sinus.