I also had severe pms after the birth of my 4th child. I started taking fenugreek to increase my milk supply and my pms is cured!! I feel so much better. With my first 3 kids I had a lot of mom friends and would get oxytocin with some good friend conversation. But now with my 4th child I do not have as much time to hang with friends and most of them have moved on and started working. Fenugreek is amazing! And I actually do not mind the smell, hopefully it does not bother my family;)
I have enjoyed drinking fenugreek and other herbal teas to keep healthy since the 1970's. I am a seasoned old holistic health practitioner. I am no stranger to fenugreek or to men insisting that when a girlfriend throws them out of the house it is because the woman is PMS or just plain wrong. There might be other reasons that women unleash their anger during certain times of their cycle. Low oxytocin levels may not be a sign of weakness or error in women; it just might be Creator's way of seeing to it that for a few days out of every month women find it impossible to play "nice little mother" to their boyfriends but instead let our guys know what we really think of them and the imbalance in the relationship. Maybe low levels of oxytocin are what's needed to allow women to tell it like it is so that men can take responsibilities that they have been ignoring for so long that when women's oxytocin levels are low women can't hold the sweet posture up any longer (or the denied torrent of anger down any longer) thus she lashes out as an angry lion.
Maybe low oxytocin levels are Creator's plan to see to it that women put their food down and make efforts that their relationships are brought into balance in light of the fact that many wonderful women spend 3 weeks of every month pussy-footing around trying to please everybody! I know it would be convenient for the world to make women and children feel wrong every time they step outside the box and their attitudes are "inconvenient" or threatening to the powers that be ..... we can have kids and wives on strong calming teas or perscription drugs to sedate them, but then we'd miss the opportunity to learn from other people's extreme discontent with family and society! I think it is wise and fair to first assume that the reasons people are "acting out" are generally because they have deeper rights and needs that are being oppressed and need to be listened to and nurtured, rather than judged and treated as pathological. Just sayin'
Use fresh Fenugreek seeds which are alive and can be boiled and set to steep with a dab of honey and sipped as a tea. Seeds can be used over again with fresh boiling water several times a day and drank before eating the seeds (on a salad)or sprouting them or planting them in soil. They grow into a nice tall grass with an aroma of maple syrup when brushed against.
Fresh Fenugreek seed is a blood cleaner, thus the scent that exudes from your skin may smell a bit like fresh urine, especially if you are very toxic. Your fenegureek skin odor is a barometer for how toxic or clean you are. As one cleans up his diet and anatomy the skin odor will begin to smell more like maple syrup. But Fenugreek should not be used more than a few days every week.
My girlfriend suffers from bipolar mania and PMS, and I've tried hard to figure out why she can be the most perfect, wonderful, loving girlfriend for months, then turn into a mean, vicious, heartless, remorseless monster and kick me out of the house. Then she started taking an herb called fenugreek to increase milk production while breastfeeding. Within less than two weeks she transformed back into the wonderful, loving woman I fell in love with and it was better than ever! After doing more research I determined that the culprit was a neuropeptide hormone called oxytocin, the love hormone. It's responsible for milk production, bonding, trust, openness, reduction in stress/anxiety, and to some extent libido. It was a beautiful transformation! Apparently there was an intranasal form of oxytocin available previously, but now you have to get it custom made, but fenugreek seems to promote its production. I guess the key is to make sure that she takes it regularly while her oxytocin levels are high and she's still reasonable! Otherwise the bad version of her may refuse to take it!