Essiac tea (homemade steeped or storebought) is wonderful for fungal infections! I soaked my hands and feet in it for a half hour each, then used an emory board to remove top grunge off entire nail. It was a big job, but then soaked another half hour in fresh hot tea. It never came back, and it had been baaaaddd. I also drank the tea on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day, until the big bottle was used up, just following the directions on the side. This helped get rid of the fungus mouth thrush, like a one-two punch-- inside and outside my body. I had tried for three months of ACV to do a foot soak, and for me at least, nothing happened. The essiac tea helped me to slough off the fungus with the nail emory board, making it almost fall off by itself. And it only took once!