How to Get Rid of Ants Naturally

Posted by Nicky (Vancouver Island, Bc Canada) on 04/16/2021

Editor's Choice Ants hate powdered cinnamon. My experience is that if you liberally sprinkle powdered cinnamon in their path they won't cross it. Apparently they don't like getting it on their feet, or maybe they don't like the smell of it (like peppermint), but they avoid it completely.

Posted by Hisslv4ever (Rodeo, Ca) on 02/04/2018

Cinnamon will make ants leave. Sprinkle it on them and watch them run. it does not kill them but they will go away. I sprinkle wherever I see them and if possible where they are coming in from. No chemical smell and no bodies to clean up. it looks a little messy and they might find another way to get in but just sprinkle some more. sometimes I leave it for several days to make sure.

It works great and smells good too.