Egg White for Fever

Egg Whites
Posted by Chris (Battle Creek, Michigan) on 01/25/2008

I tried the egg white remedy to bring my 16 year old daughters temp down. It was 102.9 to start. We tried a warm bath, we tried ice chips..nothing. Finally I convinced her to let me try the egg white. Within 30 mins her temp was down to 99.1 !!! The shaking stopped, she was able to sleep and within another hour it was down to 98.8. THANK YOU!!!

Egg Whites
Posted by Wyndy (Atlanta, GA) on 01/26/2008

I have my grandson visiting from Birmingham; he had been sick for two weeks with a terrible congestion and cough, and most recently worsened with a high fever (103oF) so I searched on line for a natural remedy to break fever. I came across this site and these suggestions. After reading all, I decided on the less messy potato remedy. I slice a white potato into pieces about the size of his little foot and ut them into his socks. It worked in 30 minutes! The fever is completely gone and he is back to a normal reading. Further, I am using apple cider vinegar with natural blue agave sweetener to loosen the congestion and a juice mixture of fresh lemon with grated ginger and sweetener to sooth his cough. Natural is always better! Thanks to all of you for sharing.

Egg Whites
Posted by Amy (Troy, MI) on 01/29/2008

Egg whites cured my 7 year olds fever OMG...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! After a full day of fevers at 102.6 to 101 I needed to get this fever down. All day long I used over the counter drugs to try and get his temp down. It worked for a hour or two and then went back up. Knowing that I could not give him and medicine for another three hours I went on the internet to try and find another wat to lower this temp. I came across your web site. I have heard about the Vicks on the Feet in order to cure a cough before so this made sense to me. I used 4 egg whites and paper towles, wrapped his feet and put socks on top of the paper towels. Within 30 minutes his fever went from 102.6 to 99.6. We still have the egg whites on his feet and will see how tonight goes but this is the lowest his temp has been ALL DAY.

Egg Whites
Posted by ANA (BOSTON, MA) on 01/31/2008

My 3yr old started a temp three days ago at 102. I started to give him Motrin and alternate with Tylenol. His fever did not go down all night and proceeded into the next morning. I stayed home with him and kept him on the medications and his temp stayed all day between 102 and 103. In the evening yesterday by 9pm my husband checks the internet for any remedies to bring down fevers. We were starting to worry. He was burning hot. Well he browsed until he got to this website and told me about it. I have never heard of egg yolk remedy before and I was skeptical about it. So off I went to get cloths, soaked it and applied it to my son's feet. Within half hour from 103 his temp went down to 101. I reapplied he cloths again with yolk a second time. Within 35min his temp went down to 99.5. I was amazed. All day trying to get his temp down with Motrin and Tylenol and nothing. Which surprises me becaue usually the motrin has helped at least bring down his temp a little. But this fever was not letting down. So after he fell asleep in his bed, i got up many times to check up him, and his fever was gone. Today I kept him home from daycare just to make sure his fever didnt come back. Sure thing, it DIDN'T. I am so THANKFUL,i have no words to explain. Who says because it sounds wiered to try it won't work. I instantly told my two closest friends and my sister about this and they were in disbelief. I will most definitly keep this remedy in mind for any future fevers that come along. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

EC: We presume you used egg whites, not egg yolks, but let us know if we're wrong. We'd love to know if egg yolks work as well!

Egg Whites
Posted by Jill (Arizona, Phoenix) on 02/03/2008

My boyfriend had a fever of 103. Knowing that a fever is good and natural way for the body to fight off infection... we waited... then got nervous when it wasn't going down, and only going up. I soaked two wash coths in a bowl of seven egg whites. He said it was cooling and comforting... within 20-30 minutes his temperature was down to 99.0! It's totally worth a try. Thanks to all for the advise!

Egg Whites
Posted by Stacey (St Charles, Illinois) on 02/18/2008

After battling a high fever for 2 days....I couldn't fever was 102.9 then I tried the egg whites..I figured I had nothing to lose...within 20 minutes of applying...I felt I could sleep so I went to bed...fever was down to 102.2...I woke up 2 hours later drenched in sweat, but FEVER WAS GONE! Thank you

Egg Whites
Posted by Sheila (Manhattan Beach, CA) on 02/19/2008

re: Egg Whites on Feet to Bring Down Fever. Thank you! I used this solution on my boyfriend (who was suffering from a 103.5 fever) and it brought it down to 99 within 30 minutes. I couldn't believe that it worked, but now I'll definitely reach for the egg whites, cloths, and plastic freezer bags the next time any of my loved ones need a quick, natural, and efficient fever reducer.

Egg Whites
Posted by Matthew (Palm Bay, Florida) on 02/23/2008

Our son had been running a fever for the past couple of days but earlier today it spiked to 103.9. Out of desperation my wife searched the internet and came across your egg white remedy. After only 15 minutes his fever had dropped to 102 and then to 99 within 15 minutes later. Amazing yet excellent remedy to say the least. Thank you. This is one we'll definitely remember.

Egg Whites
Posted by Maria (Trenton, New Jersey) on 03/10/2008

Egg Whites For Fevers I tried the egg white cure for fevers and it worked! My daughter was sick with a 102 degree temp. I soaked the bottom of a pair of ped socks in two egg whites, slightly beaten and put them on my daughter's feet. I then placed a plastic bag over each foot to keep the bed sheets clean. I put another pair of socks on top of the plastic bags to keep them from slipping off. I kept it on a few hours at a time and reapplied twice after that. To my surprise the fever really did go down in a little less than a half hour. Her fever went from 102 degrees to 99.4. One thing though. My daughter developed a tender spot on the bottom of her foot that really hurt her with the slightest of pressure. That's when I stopped the applications. She really didn't need it after that, the fever had broke but now she was left with a very tender spot on the bottom of her foot. The tenderness went away afer about a day. Can anyone tell me why this happened AND why does the egg white work?

Egg Whites
Posted by Katina (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 03/28/2008

egg whites on the feet. It worked so well. I took two egg whites into a bowl, i put my sons feet in ziploc bags, poured the egg whites in and squeezed the air out. I put a hair scrunchie (cloth didn't want it cut off circulation)around the top and put socks on him. He didn't like it but with in about 10 minutes his fever had gone from 102.8 to 99.3. THANK YOU SO MUCH! p.s. I then washed his feet in anti bacterial soap. I didn't know if egg whites carry salmanilla(spelling?).

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