Posted by Connie (Usa) on 10/20/2016
I just have to share my experience after hearing these Vulvodynia horror stories. I suffered for 3 years, yes years, with this pain. Add menstrual cycle of blood and the pain was consuming. Saw about 4 specialists, had biopsies, laser treatments, ablations, etc. I read, and read and read. Mix up a potion of Desitin and few drops of tea tree oil. I kept it in a tiny container in my purse, to use after urination through out the day. I cleaned the area with sensitive wipes, then applied the creme. Oh my gosh, so much relief...not too much tea tree oil, it too can burn.
At my worst, I also wore an estrogen patch. Also took plenty of Vit E, Vit D3, and some coconut capsules.
If this helps just one other person, glad I took the time to post.