Posted by Kathy (Atlanta, Ga.) on 01/26/2018
After about 3 years of lots of pain, burning, and pressure, I came across your remedy and trying so many of natural products for these years I could not get anything that would really help me. I started out with a UTI and antibotics did not help, it just would come back. I was miserable all the time and in pain and hurting. Your remedy is the first one that is actually working for me. I have been on it for about a week and no more pain or burning so far. I still pee too frequently and do not know what is causing that, but just getting rid of the burning and pain has been a big help. I still do not know really what is the real problem but continue to research and hope to find out eventually so I can get my life back. Thanks so much Anna, for sharing.
Amino Acid Nac, Vitamin C, Spirulina
Posted by Nelsi (New York) on 07/14/2017
I just started feeling these symptoms the burning was out of control all my lab test kept coming back fine GYN exams too even had a sonogram everything fine. Came across your suggestions bought this combo last night and this morning I already feel the difference!!! I also use cold compresses that helps as well. I can't thank you enough for sharing I hope to continue to feel better. Seriously forever thankful!