Voice Issues
Natural Remedies

Voice Issues

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Helichrysum Italicum for Vocal Nodules
Posted by Sunnya (Stockholm, Sweden) on 12/25/2023

Helichrysum Italicum for Vocal Nodules

After overusing my voice I had a horribly weak and raspy voice for months...probably vocal nodules. I tried a lot of stuff and nothing really helped, but after starting to drink Helichrysum Italicum tea daily, I started seeing rapid and real improvements. After about 2 weeks of taking it I had an appointment with a laryngologist, and he said he couldn't see anything unusual on my vocal cords at all. At this point my voice also felt almost back to normal again. The only other thing I started doing at the same time that might have also been the "cure" for me was that I started wearing an amber bead necklace...usually these are used for teething babies and I thought it couldn't hurt trying it...so I am not sure if it was the Helichrysum tea or the amber necklace or a combination of both, but yea my voice is almost back to where it was before and I am so happy.
