Posted by Debi (Scranton, Pa) on 06/10/2011
Hi, I want to thank everyone for recommending Apple Cider Vinegar and Neti Pot for curing sinus infection. The unexpected bonus was helping me with a voice disorder/problem that I had since 2005. I would lose my voice for months at a time (sounding like Minnie Mouse) and get it back for a week or two. I went to 3 different ENTs and was told something different each time I went. Diagnoses ranged from a mental problem to getting the wrong kind of voice therapy. I have sinus/allergy problems since I was a child and tried taking OTC medications at the recommendation of my family Doctor for my Laryngitis but it never helped. I even tried Acid reflux meds. Nothing helped until this past March when I went online to look for a natural cure for a sinus infection I had, 2nd one in two months. I hate taking antibiotics. Never in my wildest dreams did I think Apple cider Vinegar would help my voice!!! I have had my voice for 11 weeks now and still counting!!! The longest I've had it since 2005!!! I take APV at least once a day, up to 3 times when I have a allergy/sinus problem and still have a voice!!! Thank you again! It's so great to talk normal again!!!