I have found that the best remedy for vaginal dryness, tearing, or achiness is coconut oil suppositories.
I make my own using about a tablespoon of virgin, organic, cold expeller pressed coconut oil, a 400 IU vitamin E capsule, and a drop of tea tree oil. I mix all ingredients together (empty the vitamin E capsule) then refrigerate for a few minutes until the coconut oil has hardened a bit and can be formed. Form the suppositories by using plastic wrap. Place about a 1/4 tsp. of the mixture in a small piece of plastic wrap and gently roll it until you get the thickness and desired shape, then twist the ends of the plastic wrap. I place several in the refrigerator for future use. Insert them as you would a tampon. They have done a wonderful job of healing internal dryness and tearing. I use them as rectal suppositories too.
One tip: use panty liners, because the oil will stain clothing and bedding.
Another thing that helps the achiness is a ice bag filled with warm water placed over the affected areas, especially before bedtime. It takes about 5 days to feel relief.