Tonsil Stone Remedies

Posted by Amy (Toronto, Ontario) on 05/17/2024

I suffered from tonsil stones for a few years. It was getting progressively worse to the point where people would turn away while I was talking to them and it was really affecting my self esteem. What finally worked for me was taking oral probiotics with the strain Blis K12. I noticed a big difference in just 2 days and by about day 5 I was still getting tonsil stones but they were odorless. I would also brush my tonsils with diluted grapefruit seed oil to help. It has been about a 2 months since I have been taking the probiotics and it has cured the problem. I got ill and didn't take the probiotics for a few days and the problem came back so I will never be without oral probiotics again. I take 2 pills in the afternoon (you just let them dissolve in your mouth) and 2 after brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash at night. I hope this helps someone as much as it has helped me.
