Achieving Thyroid Balance with Natural Remedies and Nutrition

Posted by Kathie (Houston, Select State/province) on 05/28/2011

It is my understanding that high cholesteral can only be a cause of poor funtioning thyroid gland or the liver (granted there are a few that have a hereditary gene that can cause high cholesterol). So, if you have high cholesterol, get your thyroid checked (you want your TSH under 3) and get your liver enzymes checked as well (though a poor functioning liver does not always show up on tests). Treat these conditions and your cholesterol will improve. I urge to treat them with things mentioned here on the site and not take drugs.

My case, my Dr. put me on Synthroid for my thyroid ( my TSH was a whopping 104! ). I did not get into the natural approach until years later and when I tried to switch over to natural thyroid I experianced extreem panic attacks, heart palpitations and major vertigo. If you have a thyroid issue, look into natural approaches, it is very difficult if not impossible to switch from synthetic thyroid to natural thyroid if you have been on it for a long time..

Posted by Bev (Long Beach, Ca Usa) on 05/25/2011

I get Lugols from my local fish store. Find one that sells products for salt water aquariums. Iodine is essential for salt water tanks. In my area I go to Strictly Fish.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Prosperity (Tampa, Fl) on 05/15/2011

I went through the same thing. I use lemon balm, Bugle weed and a green supplement. I meditated and confessed the word of God. I would close my eyes and focus on the muscles in the back my eyes to pull my eye back in.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marlane (Geelong, Victoria, Australia) on 05/15/2011

Hi Lorna,

You didnt say whether you had Hyper or Hypothyroidism. The research I have done on thyroidism points to high levels of copper and low levels of zinc for hypo (hashimotos disease) and low copper and high zinc for hyper (Graves disease). I was diagnosed with Graves disease at Rotorua hospital. Hypers must avoid anything related to the brassica family, cabbage, brussels sprouts etc. And up their level of copper rich food. Hypo's, the opposite. I have found that ACV has no effect on my thyroid whatsoever. Try for more info,

cheers Marlane E

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lorna (Rotorua, New Zealand) on 05/14/2011

Dear Ted

I am just wondering if the ACV therapy would help with my hypthyroidism and thyroid eye disease? I was diagnosed with being hypthyroid in 2009, and having the eye disease in 2010. Have had the eye problem now for 13 months, and there is protrusion of the eyes. I am always on the lookout for anything that can help me. Have just come off prednisone after 8 months and symptons are returning. My doctor says I have high antibodies which are attacking my own eye tissue, and that it will eventually resolve itself within 2 years. I hope that to be the case too! Adding to all my problems I'm also perimenopausal. I would appreciate your response. Thankyou!

Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, Usa) on 05/04/2011 115 posts

Go to and find the listing for the yahoo groups, there is one that teaches the use of iodine and nutrients for healing your thyroid, The owner of the group is a Naturepathic Doctor, she is a recovered thyroid CA patient.

Posted by Dixie Pearl (Tracy, California) on 05/03/2011

Tom from Regina, I also have nodules, I was told I need to have my thyroid removed, I have a goiter also, I am also hyperthyroid, when I read about taking iodine, it nearly always talks about hypoT.

I need help fast, I only have until the end of this month, I came off the medication I am talking for hyperthyroid and I'm sure the DR will be able to tell I did that, if I can't find something fast to help this problem, I just don't want to have my thyroid removed, I feel sure there is help for me naturally. Can anyone help thank you

Posted by Dixie Pearl (Tracy, California) on 05/03/2011

Thank you Ann From Duncan, for your posting, I too have a goiter, and I was told I need to have my thyroid removed, I will try the turmeric.

Posted by Meadowsweet (Halifax, England, Uk) on 04/20/2011

Does anyone know a natural cure for thyroid nodules with mild hyperT, please? I've found how someone found relief using ACV/baking soda, co-enzyme, selenium and L-lysine, which I plan to try, but that remedy was for hyperT caused by Graves Disease, I think. My problem is thyroid nodules which seem to be making thyroxine on their own. I'm waiting to see a specialist but the possible problem seems to be Plummer's Disease (i. E. Toxic multinodular goitre). I'm not on any medication. Thanks.


General Feedback
Posted by Denice (Knoxville, Tn) on 04/14/2011

Was wondering if you found out oil pulling had anything to do with swollen thyroid. I have been oil pulling for about 3 weeks and noticed a swollen thyroid. Blood test for thyroid came out normal. Had an ultrasound today but will not find out results until next week. Thanks

General Feedback
Posted by Mary B. (Sandpoint, Idaho, Usa) on 04/13/2011

I am female, 49, and have been oil pulling for about two and a half weeks. My positive experience with oil pulling has been a definite clearing of sinuses. I have always been a mouth breather and now find that I can breath through my nose. In the past, I felt as if I was not getting enough air when breathing through my nose.

Last Tuesday (day 10) I woke up with a swollen thyroid on the right hand side of my neck. Blood tests show my thyroid function is fine. Ultrasound shows that several nodes on the left side of my thyroid are swollen as well. Docs are not worried about the large swollen node on the right but are concerned about the smaller ones on the right that are considerd complex - part liquid, part solid. Any chance the oil pulling could have triggered this?

They took more blood yesterday and are running additonal tests. My liver function is also normal.

Thanks! Mary B.

Posted by Rachel (Regina, Sk, Canada) on 04/02/2011

Hi Cari, If you have an enlarged thyroid (goiter), it could be any number of things. I have a slight goiter caused by hyperthroidism, but others have a goiter from hypothyroidism. It could be Graves' disease, Hashimotos or another disorder.

Please see a doctor before using iodine on yourself. A healer told me to use iodine, and so I used 2 drops, rubbed into my hands, daily. About the 4th day, when I used the iodine, my heart started racing, I got hot, and shaky. These are all classic signs of hyperthyroidism which I had not had in more than a year! Then I took some motherwort tincture and that made me feel better, but not entirely. I went to work, but thankfully I had no students that day, it was just a report day, or I would not have been able to stand and teach them.

Iodine is powerful and effective, so please be sure you are using it for the right condition, and with supervision from someone who knows (doctor, naturopath, etc.)

Good luck and God bless!


Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Rachel (Regina, Sk, Canada) on 04/02/2011

Hi Neelam and EC, I agree with you: they don't have to take out your thyroid, or irradiate you. That is just silly. I mean unless you have an excessively serious form of it. Removing the thyroid to treat Graves' disease is like punishing the victim. Graves' is a disease where the immune system is working too hard, not an issue with the thyroid, really.

I was diagnosed with Graves' in Mar. 09 and was off work from then until Apr. '10 with hyperthyroid symptoms and adrenal fatigue symptoms. I am way way better now, thank God!

Adrenasense is a remedy that supports the adrenals. I take 4 capsules a day: 2 in the morning, and 2 at lunch. This has been a lifeline remedy for me! When I was off work there, for some of the time I could only stay awake one hour and then had to sleep 2 or 3 hours to get my energy back. When I started to take Adrenasense, I was gradually able to do more and more. When I went off it, my energy level went very low. I remember one day after I had run out a week before, it took me 1/2 and hour to walk very slowly across the park to the library becuase I had to stop and rest on 2 park benches and take a nap at a table in the library. That walk usually takes about 5 minutes. It took 2 weeks to get my previous energy back when I started back on the Adrenasense.

Also, a special diet from my naturopath helped immensely: no wheat, dairy, sugar, refined or processed things. Brown rice, freshly cooked veggies and meats. Organic as much as possible. No fruit for the first 2 weeks and then just a few, b/c of the sugar. I felt sooo good on this. I went off it, to go to my cousin's wedding and will get back on later I hope!

I took Tapazole for a long time, and a beta blocker for my heart, which I was very very happy to get off of. I work half time now, and am just tweaking my intake of remedies. I take a motherwort tincture, which you can get, straight, from Wild Woman Herbals, or other companies. And another one from Genestra Brands, Motherwort Combination #3, which my Naturopath had recommended. These helped me a lot! I'm going to try EVCO now, because it sounds promising!

I was on Tapazole for 2 years, down to 1 pill a day from the initial 4, but then stopped it to see how I would do, in January. My levels went up above normal again, even on the motherwort. But not very far up and the only symptom I had was a bit of anxiety. Then I restarted the Tapazole and for some reason started getting palpitations, pain in my thyroid, and a sad, discouraged feeling, which I think is my thyroid reacting to being suppressed. Anyway, I told my doctor about the heart and pain issues and so now I'll stop the Tapazole for a bit, at least, and try the coconut oil and other things.

Now I want to try meditation, really, truly. Before I did it sort of, but now that I am off Tapazole again, I see this is a great opportunity to try connecting with my thyroid and becoming one with it, seeing things from its perspective and then encouraging it to make less hormone, and to feel safe in my body. I do this, connecting to God, asking for God's guidance, and other healing guides. If you want to know how to get into that, you can write to me. My Dad's meditation manual, The Prayer of Silence, will be published in a couple of months, if you want to look at that, too. He discusses basic silence, and advanced inner work in the silence, and how he used meditation to heal his broken back and heal himself from encephalitis, with God's help and also Jesus' inner guidance.

These are some things I suggest. Best wishes!

Oh, have any of you tried THYROSOOTHE? It is a remedy made by a company... It is 37$ on sale! Plus 10 bucks shipping. Is it worth it? The Genestra motherwort combo 3 that I've been taking is only 16$. Can anyone give feedback re. Thyrosoothe? Thank you! Rachel

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rachel (Regina, Sk, Canada) on 04/02/2011

Hi Carolyn, that is awesome! Congratulations and that is very encouraging! Thanks for sharing! Yesterday my doctor suggested stopping Tapazole for awhile since I had restarted last Friday and was getting heart racing, and thyroid pain, and have a physical assessment coming up re. a car accident, which I need to be healthy for. I have been hyperthyroid as well. I was off work for a year with it. Now much better, Thank God!

Now I was wondering what to substitute or try in place of the Tapazole. I have been taking motherwort tincture, and also a mixture of motherwort and three other herbs, in Genestra's Motherwort Combination #3. That has been quite helpful! But not helpful enough I guess, as my levels still went up when I was on it.

Yes, but now I would like to try coconut oil, which I had started a month ago, and stopped, although I liked the taste and it felt so good in my stomach. And my hair and skin felt softer.

So, could you tell me how much coconut oil you took, and at what level were your thyroid levels? My TSH was at .01 last I checked; .025 3 weeks before, when I went off the Tapazole. And my Free T4 at 28 last I checked, and at 20 the previous time. So I'd like to know how much you took, and how much it helped you so I can figure out how much I should take.

Thanks a lot! Rachel in Canada.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/01/2011

Hi Iwanttobehealed... If you take the recommended medical solution for your problem with hyperthyroidism, and have your thyroid removed, then you will be permanently hypothyroid and you will have no other option but to take synthetic thyroid hormones for the rest of your life.

But, in my opinion, you have other options that you should try first. Thyroidism is a huge subject, and I haven't got enough space to fully describe the reasons which are somehwat complex. But here is a short article on the simple use of Lugol's Iodine that completely explains it:

And finally here are all the detailed research articles from The Iodine Project on the causes of thyroid problems, whose authors have discovered easier and less drastic ways of resolving thyroid problems -- including hypo- and hyper- thyroid problems -- using just larger dose lugol's iodine:

The Iodine Project is the most current independent research on the benefits of iodine that is ongoing. No doctor will recommend iodine as a cure for hypo- or hyper- thyroid conditions but the research simply speaks for itself.

It would seem to make sense to try these other options first before you decide to have such drastic surgery to remove your thyroid which will be irreversible.

Posted by Wishingyouwell (Gentle Earth, Ks) on 03/31/2011

You might want to read a book called:

Living Well With Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You... That You Need To Know

by Mary J. Shorman

You can check out reviews about it on Amazon.

Wishing all the best to you in your healing journey!

Posted by Iwanttobehealed (El Paso, Tx, Usa) on 03/31/2011

Thanks for the info. I was diagnosed on new year's eve with hyperthyroidism with goiter. Because of the health care situation and lack of specialists in my area, I have yet to see the endocrinologist. So far the 4 general physicians I have seen told me I will need my thyroid gland removed and perhaps the goiter to be treated radioactively. This is my first time being attended/treated for any medical situation and it's definitely not easy. I'm not sure what all of my options are either. Everyone has told me the easy way to treat this is to remove the gland and that I will be on pills for the rest of my life. I've never had surgery before so you can understand how I am hesistant. I am looking to heal myself in natural ways. Can anyone give me any other advice? Right now the only medicine I was given is propranolol. Please help me, I don't know where to turn (websites, doctors, supplements, etc.)!

General Feedback
Posted by Tiamat (Cypress, Tx) on 03/30/2011

Thanks Linda, I'm going to get my son retested in about a week. I'm back on my full dose and also trying bentonite clay with the UT. We shall see what happens.

General Feedback
Posted by Loren (Queens, Ny) on 03/24/2011

Hi everyone: Has anyone heard of a product called Chinese bitters and if so does anyone know if its safe for thyroid patients? Thanks everyone for yr comments. God bless

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (York County, Maine) on 03/24/2011

Hi Tiamat, I have no experience with UT but have been on over 200 mcg of Levothyroxine or Synthroid for several years; at one time, I decided to stop taking it and felt fantastic for about a week..... When I started feeling bad and began the meds again, it took a couple of weeks to feel better. You and your son, Please be careful.

General Feedback
Posted by Tiamat (Cypress, Tx, Usa) on 03/23/2011

I have been doing hardcore UT for about 3 months. When I say hardcore, I mean drinking almost all of it everyday. Before that I drank about 8 0z. Three times a day for three months. I was on 180 mg of Armour thyroid for 15 years. I am 42.

After about a month on the "hardcore" regimen, all of my chronic fatigue, achiness, and all the rest of the stuff that comes with chronic illness disappeared. I started having a reaction to my Armour and started cutting back on it. I felt better than I ever had. In about a month I was off of my medicine completely and felt great. About a week after going off of it I started having the worst pms ever, followed by a horrible period, cramps, migraine, the works. I decided to wait a couple of weeks to get my thyroid checked so it could regulate.
I waited three weeks and have felt pretty bad the last two. I got my TSH tested yesterday and it was 11.5.

Needless to say, I am dismayed because I thought the UT was helping my thyroid. Also, I am afraid if I go back on my full dose I won't be able to tolerate it. What I experienced before was chest pains, jumpiness, general hyperthyroid symptoms that went away when I cut down the meds. This is very confusing for me because I have an 18 year old son with a low thyroid too and he is about a month behind me on the UT. He also had the same experience with intolerance to his Synthroid and has been off of it for two days. He feels great but is now worried that his will go back down. I didn't have it tested when I was cutting back, I only went on how I felt. Has anyone had experiences like this? I would really appreciate any insights.

Posted by Bonj (Lock, Il) on 03/12/2011

Hi being treated for reverse T 3 with bioidentical my body gets headaces and feels lousy on it. What can I do to fix this? Is there any danger or side effects with the iodine? My body is so sensitive to some things. Thanks so much. B

Iodized Salt
Posted by Annie (Branson, Missouri) on 03/04/2011

If you are experiencing enlargement of your thyroid (goiter), try using iodized salt on your food. Generous use of iodized salt gave me relief within a few days.

Avoid Soy
Posted by Shanti (Tiruvannamalai, Tn, India) on 02/21/2011

I second Cynthia from Jacksonville, I am severely hypothyroid and growth hormone deficient and if I eat just a handful of almonds I have an aching, swollen thyroid for the next few days and feel terrible, like I have stopped taking my meds (even though I haven't). The same feeling of a swollen very sore thyroid happened to me recently after eating a whole pomelo (giant grapefruit like fruit). It cleared up by itself after a few days, but I am now assuming there are some powerful anti thyroid compounds in pomelos. I stopped eating grapefruits in large amounts a few years ago for the same reason. I am also very sensitive to cabbage, broccoli etc.... Hope this helps someone.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Alimaacd (New Fairfield, Ct) on 01/20/2011

Coconut oil will help the hypothyroid symptoms but 9 out of 10 cases of hypothyroidism are autoimmune (hashimoto's) so you still need to address any underlying conditions that are causing the autoimmune responses. Gluten free diet is a must and other food sensitivities could also cause symptoms. Adrenal fatigue is a biggie and can cause blood sugar issues etc. Check out the hashimto's 411 group on facebook for links to good information on all this.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Alimaacd (New Fairfield, Ct) on 01/20/2011

If you're on thyroid meds and experience heart palps with coconut oil you may need to adjust your meds accordingly. If you experience them and not on meds you may just be taking too much.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Alimaacd (New Fairfield, Ct) on 01/20/2011

low carb may help some but you really should consider going gluten free. 9 out of 10 cases of hypothyroidism are autoimmune (hashimoto's) which causes the immune system to attack the thyroid. Gluten molecules resemble thyroid tissue so it can actually stimulate an attack. Besides avoiding an autoimmune response, going gluten free can relieve all kinds of symptoms like aches & pains and especially digestive issues. I lost 17lbs within 4 weeks when I went gf and I lost all the bloat!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Alimaacd (New Fairfield, Ct) on 01/20/2011

the reason you may go hyper when using it is because it's working and you may have to adjust your thyroid meds accordingly.

Posted by Momof2 (Lancaster, Ca, Usa) on 01/14/2011

Hello everyone, I am new here and I have come to this site for almost everything.. I have a question regarding my mother.. She has a thyroid disease she say the name of her condition is MDS syndrome and currently taking synthroid I suggested her to taking iodine therapy but taking idoral, but I researched and it says iodine is not to be taking with synthroids? please help any advice pr suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Posted by Organic Health (New York, New York, Usa) on 01/07/2011

Organic Health from New York, New York. Happy New year to all! @Ted From Bangkok, Thailand
Is it Safe to use Lugol's for HYPERthroidism? if so what is the dosage and how is it administered?

My mother has it and currently takes the following supliments:
Co Q-10

Also her face is a Lil puffy and her hands. I read somewhere on here where someone said that was also a condition. I've read so many post about hyperthyroidism I'm getting confused. Some say it works but only temporarily and should not be used unless it for Pre-Op surgery to remove the thyroid. Then there is the post under Thyroid remedies quoted here: "04/18/2008: Jan from Buffalo, NY writes: "Lugol's cure for Hyperthyroidism. 2 years ago I went to the doctor for fast pulse rate. Resting it was 105 to 110 bpm. He sent me to an endocrinologist who recommended the radioactive pill approach to killing the thyroid. I asked him about Iodine. He was very specific about how dangerous it would be to treat it with Iodine. I went home and ordered a bottle of Lugol's from the internet and three days later having taken doses for 3 days, my pulse rate was below 75 and the swollen throat had subsided. "
I Googled Lugol's cure for hyperthyroidism and only got links to that post. Nothing showing what the Lugol's cure is dosage wise and how to administer it. There is one post about using POTASSIUM IODIDE and they are asking what I'm asking. Any help would be appreciated and THANKS in advance from the thousands of HYPERthyroidsim sufferers who search this site in need of help.

Posted by Barok358 (Covina , Ca, Usa) on 12/21/2010

I agree about all the good feed backs of VCO, 2004 I was diagnose with ulcer, I underwent colonoscopy once, endoscopy twice and my doctor put me on NIXIUM for 8 months, it helps in a sense that I am relieve but not cured, but when I used VCO WITH IN 3 WEEKS I am cured and can eat anything I wish, not feeling to throw up when I smell the food. I gain back my weight that I lost, I am back to 155lbs. Suppose to be my normal weight. It is also good for gum disease it is called oil pulling( you gurgle 1 tbs oil Virgin Coconut Oil for 20 minutes once or twice a day, right after you spit out the Virgin Coconut Oil you feel very clean, your loose teeth will become strong again. Athletes foot apply before putting on your sock everyday, dandruff after shower, heals wound very fast.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 12/21/2010

Hi Hope... In answer to your questions.

Is it recommended to take the Lugol's/C solution on an empty stomach or is it ok with food?
If it needs to be taken on an empty stomach, how long should one wait before eating?

I usualy always take lugols either one hour before or two hours after meals. I always take iodine outside mealtimes. This is also to ensure maximum absorbtion of iodine from the intestines into the blood. When you take supplements with food, approximately 1/3 is lost through excretion.

Since I have been taking 100mg of iodine sski with some k12 every day for over a year, would I be wise to to just take as much as 8 drops of Lugols 5% with the Vit C etc?

I myself have experimented and taken 100mgs of lugol's iodine with no ill effects. For serious auto-immune problems like fibrocystic breast problems or uterine fibroids or cancer, amounts above 150mgs per day have been used by The Iodine Project. The problem here is that lugol's iodine's valid reputation has been so successfully trashed by the drugs and medical fraternity, so they can push there own expensive and relatively useless patented remedies instead for profit. This is why, through the propaganda, everyone suffers from "iodophobia", despite lugol's iodine's past and long use in much larger amounts (by the older doctors) than the FDA recmmends now. With the opposition destroyed and gone, the field is clear for the drugs cartels to do this. In the old days, iodine was more or less tried, tested and used -- quite successfully -- as an antibiotic and antiseptic as well as being as being used as a regular cure for thyroid and asthma problems.

Also bear in mind that the many organs and areas of the human body absorb the iodide/iodine in three different ways. Either they only absorb the iodide form or they can only absorb the iodine form or they can absorb both the iodine or iodine forms. From the Iodine Project's research it was discovered that only the iodine form is absorbed in women by the breasts and the uterus -- and in men only the iodine form is absorbed and will be beneficial to the prostate gland. Therefore depending on your reasons for taking SSKI -- which is a Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide((KI) -- if you are taking SSKI for breast, uterus or prostate problems then it will have little beneficial effect. This is why I would always prefer taking Lugol's Iodine which contains 5% iodine and 10% potassium iodide in water. In other words -- everything is covered if you take Lugol's Iodine.

Posted by Hope (Sacramento, California) on 12/20/2010

Hi Bill -
Is it recommended to take the Lugol's/C solution on an empty stomach or is it ok with food?
If it needs to be taken on an empty stomach, how long should one wait before eating?
Since I have been taking 100mg of iodine sski with some k12 every day for over a year, would I be wise to to just take as much as 8 drops of Lugols 5% with the Vit C etc?
I appreciate your link to the article from the Iodine Project!

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 12/19/2010

In my studies on problems with the thyroid on the internet I came across an interesting discovery by The Iodine Project, which is an independent foundation whose only purpose is to research and update the benefits of iodine on the human body.

Their newest piece of research indicates that there is more to the reasons for thyroid problems than just being low on daily iodine intake, with flouride or bromide as the causative factors.

What Dr Abraham and his team have found out from the Iodine Project is that significant thyroid problems can also arise from poor absorbtion and poor transport of iodine throughout the human body. As a remedy, they conclude that large dose Vitamin C, when taken with Iodine supplementation(Lugol's Iodine or Iodoral), greatly enhances iodine absorbtion in the intestine and greatly increases the transport efficiency of iodine throughout the human body. Their research also indicates that taking Lugol's and Vitamin C in this manner for about 6 months resets and completely heals the absorbtion pathway and transport mechanisms back to normal.

Here is the detailed research by the iodine project on the efficacy of using Vitamin C together with Lugol's Iodine:

The way I have always taken lugol's is with 1000-3000 mgms Ascorbic Acid powder dissolved in a glass of water, with two drops(12. 5 mgs) of 5% lugol's iodine solution added to it. Then I add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate to convert the Ascorbic Acid to Ascorbate and add a little extra sodium bicarbonate to make the mixture more alkaline(increases the ORP factor beneficially). Taking iodine this way also eliminates the iodine taste and has the added benefit of converting some of the Vitamin C to Dehydroascorbic acid. This chemical has exactly the same benefits and properties as Ascorbic acid except Dehydroascorbic acid is able to penetrate the blood/brain barrier whereas ascorbic cannot penetrate this barrier unless it is combined with your body's glutathione -- a very precious and otherwise useful bodily antioxidant.

Also worth mentioning is that Ted from Bangkok has always advocated taking lugol's with Vitamin C in this manner.

Another added and enhancing idea if you take the Iodine with Vit C for thyroid problems is to also take Magnesium(500mgs/day of Mag Chloride, Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate) and Selenium(200microgms/day) supplements as well. Magnesium is used as a co-enzyme that helps to store iodide as iodine in the thyroid gland(low Magnesium also reduces the T4 count) and research indicates that selenium is essential for converting T4 into the more active T3 hormone as well as in helping to regenerate the Vitamin C.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Carmen (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 12/02/2010

Does anyone use Coconut Oil while hyperthyroid (Graves')? I've seen a couple of statements on the web that it supports both thyroid conditions; Hyper and Hypo. While I fully understand the mechanics behind the HypO support, I'm confused how it can work for HypER conditions. Supposedly it can stimulate a thyroid or slow it down. If that's the case, why do hypOthyroid patients become slightly hypER when using Coconut Oil on a regular basis? Does it balance itself out at some point? I haven't seen any studies on the HypER-support, so I'm skeptical and just plain curious. So I figured, I'd ask the people here. Does anyone have info on this?
Thanks :O)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bilja (Toronto, Ontario) on 11/30/2010

Greeting. Thanks for sharing your experience. It is quite motivating. Just a question, mostly hear ACV should be taken prior to meal. Is it OK to have yogurt&VCO first? What would be difference if taken other way around? Thanks

Posted by Joanheron (Kansas City, Usa) on 11/29/2010

I live in Platte City and am curious as to who your holistic Dr is?

Wilson's Syndrome
Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 11/10/2010

Does anyone know anything about Wilson's disease or natural treatment for it?

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Andi (St. Paul, Mn) on 11/03/2010

If you have thyroid disease, can you eat cruciferous vegetables? I have read that you should avoid them completely, and other sources say you can have them as long as they are cooked. Thanks.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sue (Bellbrook, Oh) on 10/18/2010

You mentioned using ACV but it is not in the tea recipe. When do you take it - and are you mixing it with anything? Thanks!

Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 10/16/2010

In this slide show on scribd. com:
Look at slides 36 and 48 and 81, where the word "nodules" is found in a Searchbox (must have the item locally on your computer, not just in the viewing window to be able to use Search). They say nodules in ANY tissue are from iodine deficiency, not from any disease. But another document I have says that a shortage of Selenium and magnesium will result in those nodules. That makes sense too since all the Iodine doctors are clear that Selenium is required to get the iodine where it can be used! So, an easy and harmless route to try for a few weeks if you're in no hurry is to make sure you get foods high in Se, like brazil nuts, cruciferous= cabbage family veggies like broccoli, brussels sprouts, and then garlic. But try to get some foods with Iodine in them at the same time (dulse seaweed, etc)

If you do want to go the LUGOLS iodine route, then just heed the slide 36 note that on their high doses of 50-150 milligrams per day, after 1 month one should get a thyroid panel to ensure you haven't gone hyperthyroid! (BTW, 1 drop LUGOLS 5% contains 6. 25mg total iodines. )
Or you can take a lot lower starting dose of LUGOLS, say 1 or 2 drops per day. That will still give you more intake than over 95% of people get today. The iodine taste is easily hidden by putting in milk, or fruit juice a few ounces.

Posted by Jenny (Morehead City, Nc, Usa) on 10/14/2010

After the birth of my son almost 5 yrs ago, my birth control choice was Mirena I.U.D.. Up until the day that it was implanted, I was steadily losing the baby weight, that first day-I stopped losing and began gaining, slowly. I didn't attribute this to the choice but, to the fact of relocating, taking in a foster child in addition to 2- 8 yr olds and a newborn, life... I had it in for three yrs before tieing my tubes and that's when my OB/GYN found the nodules and sent me for the ultrasound. My question is: Is there a home remedy that could help reduce the size of the nodules and help alleviate the obvious hypothyroidism the birth control caused?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 10/06/2010

Thanks, Cat, for your update. Sorry to hear about your eczema! I've been taking 1 teaspoon of coconut oil daily (will slowly work up to 1 to 2 tablespoons daily) and I hope I will do as well as you have. Good luck on your mission. Isn't Earth Clinic grand?! I've learned so much. Cheers.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cat (Austin, Tx) on 10/05/2010

Hi Bessie! Well, the experiment works! 10 lbs every 2 weeks! HOWEVER, I now know I'm allergic to this nut as well. Had to make a choice between extreme eczema or weight loss. Chose my skin which is getting better now that I've stopped the VCO. Also noticed my blood pressure slipping higher which ceased when I stopped imbibing VCO. Sigh! What next? mmmm.. I'm working on it..

Posted by Eve K (Houston, Tx) on 10/01/2010

Your doctor should know but there are two tests for thyroid antibodies: anti-TPO and TgAb. The first antibody, anti-TPO, attacks an enzyme normally found in your thyroid gland, called the Thyroid Peroxidase, which is important in the production of thyroid hormones. The second antibody, TgAb, attacks the key protein in the thyroid gland, the thyroglobulin, which is essential in the production of the T4 and T3 thyroid hormones. It is common for a doctor to only do ONE test, and you need BOTH tests, since you can be normal in one and high in another. There are a lot of good websites about thyroid disorders.

Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 09/29/2010

Hello Y'all, Wow Tom, you are an "intellectual quarterback" in this field, and I'm in the audience thinking, Wow man... Cool. Thank You. My case may be one example of these topics you have posted. For instance, my TSH was never higher than 4. 5, but would dip to. 3 with no medication. My free T3 would remain low or subnormal. I had to persuade the Internist and Endocrinologist to test the T3. It was determined along with other tests, ( ACTH, cortisol, DHEA, etc. ), that I had low functioning pituitary and adrenals. Hormones are similar to electrolytes in that they shift and change quickly, and are difficult to measure. Testing sensitivity needs improvement. More attention is needed for discussion of symptoms. I am going to bring up another instance that applies to this need. I am the middle child of three. Tragically, my elder brother, (age 13), and my younger sister, (age 41), experienced sudden death. Autopsy report: no known etiology (cause), ventricular fibrillation in both cases. We all had similar but varying degrees of symptoms, my brother's being the most aggressive, mine second, my sister's, the mildest. Before my brother's death, (1968), he had many episodes of fainting, whereby he had to be resuscitated by EMTs for survival. V. Fib. Was detected in blood tests. I would faint, wake up, walk away. My sister did not faint. We all had anxiety and palpitations, among other shared symptoms. I don't at all blame the medical community for not determining our conditions, difficult to test, difficult to analyze symptoms. But, I do see a strong need for improvement in the aforementioned, and, respect for the patient. My case was "written off" by some doctors and practitioners; and it was strongly implied that my survival was a case of random chance. That may be, but, I will not rely on random chance to save me. The only difference I can determine in my case of survival here, is that I have practiced good nutrition as best I could, from a very young age. That's the bright news of this. Thank You, Connie

Posted by Shiloh (Escondido, California) on 09/30/2010

To Eve K from Houston, Tx. Thanks so much for your quick reply, I will start doing all the things you mentioned. Could you please tell me what you meant by having his antibodies checked? We are going to the Drs. Tues 5th of Oct. And I want to be prepared.

Posted by Eve K (Houston, Texas) on 09/30/2010

Shiloh from Escondido,

First, the medication your husband is prescribed is actually very safe and there are no side effects. He should ask his doctor for antibody testing and separate T3/T4 tests also, not just TSH, which may offer more insight into what is causing his disorder. Also, he may want to have thyroid function (tests for iodine uptake) or a scan of the thyroid. There are a number of good books about thyroid issues--check your library--many of them address alternative therapies. I am much smaller than your husband and I was on 100 mcg per day until I was able to discontinue (about 2 years). Now, for the iodine. First, you need "Lugol's" or Iodoral tablets (I got mine on Amazon). The tablets are 12. 5 mg each. I started with 50 mg (divided between am and pm) and now I take 25 mg (one tablet am and pm). Second, eliminate soy--read labels because it is in everything! Soybean oil, soy protein, etc. Third, avoid broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage--for now. He will be able to work these back into his diet later. Finally, fluoride detox! This is most important. The protocol is discussed more thoroughly in other posts on this site but basically, 1/4 tsp of borax (20 Mule Team from the laundry section of the store) in 1 liter of non-fluoridated water. Drink and cook with only non-fluoridated water. Avoid chlorine as much as possible also--this includes swimming pools and hot tubs. There are shower filters available if your water is highly fluoridated. My TSH was borderline high (2. 5) but I had antibodies. The Rx eliminated the antibodies and got my TSH to 1. 0 and I have maintained that number using the above remedy. I went off the medication with the approval and supervision of my doctor and have continued to monitor my thyroid levels to make sure everything is still working properly. Good luck to you!

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