I too have suffered for 52 years of having food lodged in my throat and staying for extended periods of time...
My best success has been in sourcing "Food-Grade" essential oils. I put a drop or two in my tea and drink daily. These break down the food and dislodge it...
I've also purchased organic lemons - wash, chop and put into blender whole (skin seeds) Add 8 oz water and 8 oz grape juice. Blend and drink.
My theory is that once the food becomes lodged, the body creates mucus to alleviate it... the food is kept warm, thus fermentation and a breeding ground for bacteria...the mucus then hardens to a cocoon type structure that is persistent and extremely difficult to remove...
I have only found essential oils strong enough to break through and give relief.
I have also had amazing relief by using a gua sha tool, rubbing upwards on my throat towards my chin... Massaging the area (always have oil on your skin to keep the skin from sticking to the tool)
My last amazing rescue suggestion is to purchase an acupressure pen- Amazon $25. put the flat tip on and massage upward towards your chin in 5 minute increments. If you feel a stinging sensation this means that the pen is not making proper contact- add more oil to your skin. Keep the pen in a fluid motion moving back and forth. (set it no higher than 5. 3 seems optimal for me)
Best to drink 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar with the mother in hot water like a tea each morning.
God Bless You and Keep You!