Teeth Grinding Cures

Violet Ray Machine
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/18/2010

I had no idea that this would cure my teeth grinding, however, I haven't grind-ed my teeth since! I now have a "violet ray" machine and I have been using it on my scalp for about 6 or 7 months now to cure some hair problems that I use to have. It has caused a great side effect though! A WARNING though if you decide to get the "violet ray" - DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL on the day that you use it!! And please search the internet for all other warnings about it. I only use it for about 1 -10 minutes at a time. It has relaxed me tremendously; so much that I only use it once a week instead of 5 days a week! However, it has CURED me of grinding my teeth at night, which I did for about 13 years. I use to wake up with a sore jaw, and my teeth have been a little disfigured from it. It has also helped with some blood pressure issues that I have had, which is also a wonderful side effect!
