The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
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Posted by Cwilly (Kennewick, Wa, Usa) on 02/17/2011

I am a big fan of this site and have been for several months. This is my first question. Does anyone know if using natural remedies for a sinus infection along with augmentin (antibiotic) would pose any problems. My son has a genetic immune deficiency and his Dr. Has prescribed augmentin for a sinus infection that showed up on an xray. He does not have typical symptoms but has had nose bleeds and headaches regularly for several months and has had chronic sinusitis most of his life. I want to avoid the use of antiboitics (he has been on them most of his life as well) and try the natural route of ACV, oil pulling and sovereign silver nasal spray and liquid. But because he has the immune deficiency I don't know if skipping the antibiotics this time would be in error. I was wondering if anyone has used these remedies while taking antibiotics and if one would interfere with the other?
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Posted by Judy (Hawkesbury, Canada) on 08/25/2007

re: using sinus or allergy medication - makes it worse in the long run. Pain diary sounds like I could have written it. Add guaifenesin to the must-use. It's the active ingredient in Robitussin. No dextromethorphan or other fancies - just the plain stuff. Or get capsules. It tastes awful. I noticed pseudoephidrine in the diary. I use it when I can't handle the pain when I have a head cold. I also use Claritin (allergy medication) which also dries things up. It has consequences that don't seem to be listed any where that make things worse for people like us. Your face fills up with dried up mucous - layer after layer. And it won't come out. This impacts the trigeminal nerve. I couldn't even touch my cheek just beside my nose for YEARS - and my tooth ached constantly - but it is already a root canal. And the pressure on the nerve precipitates the attacks and makes migraines worse. So do swollen glands. Clean out the dried up mucous with guaifenesin (active ingredient in Robitussin). Might take awhile, but it's worth it. Also steam and massage. You'll never believe how much gunk is tucked away in your face! Makes you really sick because all the stuff that you dried up is loose again and floating around, but it's coming out - fast and easy.
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Posted by Kathy (Saskatoon, Canada) on 04/30/2007

Re: Over the counter medicines prolonging sinus infections -- I've noticed a similar problem with over-the-counter cold/sinus medications. Every time I take one of these medications it seems to provide short term gain for longer term pain. I usually end up having to go to the clinic for anti-biotics to get rid of the lingering sinus problem.
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Posted by Denise (Ely,UK) on 03/31/2007

Re: Acid Reflux/Sinusitis: After struggling with acid refux doc took me off N S A I D's. I thought it was common knowledge that these cause acid reflux. I just hadn't made the link. However due to severe arthritis, now taking a lot of painkillers! [cocodamol] am now struggling with sinusitis, doc said no link, hence this internet search hope you are right, off to make tomato tea, fingers crossed it will work