Seborrheic Dermatitis
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lara (Boonton, NJ) on 01/07/2007

When my brother tried to commit suicide in Feb. 2006, my scalp suddenly became extremely sore & huge pieces of it began to slough off. This wasn't like little bits of dandruff here & there. The pieces were sizeable square inches of skin. Because the pieces were so large, they wouldn't fall off because several hundred hairs were still threaded through them. The pieces looked like off-white tissue paper hovering about 1/2 inch above my scalp. It was a very alarming sight (though not as alarming as the condition of my brother). I first tried Scalpicin from the hospital pharmacy, but that only provided a very brief, cooling sensation. I looked on the internet & read about apple cider vinegar. The recommendation for scalp problems was to dilute the acv with water. I was in a state of extreme anxiety due to long hours in the ICU, & just wanted very fast relief. So I poured several cap-fulls of acv on my scalp & massaged it in a bit. The only thing I noticed was the vinegary smell & a very slight tingling sensation. I sat for an hour or so, & then rinsed my hair & scalp. It's hard to believe, but after that one treatment, the horrible huge pieces of skin stopped rising up from my scalp immediately. I repeated the same treatment one week later, just as a preventative measure. The problem never returned, despite several months of equally stressful hospital experiences.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (California) on 01/02/2007

Hi, I tried ACV for my scalp Seborrheic Dermatitis. And it worked great. The ACV left my hair soft and my scalp 90% free of flakes. I have been using every kind of dandruff shampoo including prescription for 6 weeks. None seemed to help. But two days after one 30-minute application of ACV and no flakes! I also have Seborrheic Dermatitis of the eyebrows that is quite bad. And causing hair loss according to my doctor. Can I use ACV straight on my eyebrows or should I use a mixture? Will this cause any additional hair loss or be ok? Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Max (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/24/2006

I've been a vegetarian for many years. And although I'm not 100% vegan, I rarely eat dairy (except yougart). I get plenty of exercise and I don't smoke and I rarely drink (red wine once a month). In spite of all this, I have been suffering from CFS for the last 7 years. Through diligence and hard work, many of the symptoms have slowly faded away. Recently, I got one of Kevin Trudeau's books and in that book he talks alot about the wonders of apple cider vinegar and pure distilled water. I've also researched this on the net and it all seems to be true. So for the last two weeks I've been drinking 8 full glasses of distilled water everyday and I've been taking 2 tablespoons of vinegar a day. I've noticed some obvious improvements. The most significant thing that I noticed is that I no longer have such dry skin and my scalp isn't flaky anymore. Also, it seems I'm sleeping better and I don't crave sweets has been lessened. Nonetheless, in spite of all the good news, I've been experiencing something that's totally unexpected and very unusual. I'm constipated. I've never had a problem with constipation. Even in my worst days with CFS I was never constipated. But now, every other day it seems I'm struggling to get something to come out. This is really baffling to me because I'm drinking more water than ever before and I have more energy, yet I'm suffering from constipation. Do you know what may be causing this?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marissa (USA) on 04/09/2006

I have suffered with pretty severe seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp for about 2 years now. I have been to 3 different dermatologists for it. None have been able to give me anything that even begins to help. I have spent tons of money on prescription medicine for this as well as over the counter products. I happened to come across this website a few days ago and started reading the success stories. I said this is something I have to try. So, I went to the store and got some white vinegar which was super cheap, I put it in a hair dye bottle and squirted it all over my scalp 2 nights ago. I had washed and dried my hair before I put it on. I did not rinse it off at all or dilute it at all. I just put the straight vinegar all over my scalp after washing and drying my hair. I let it sit for 30mins, then dried my hair again. Well, I have done this the past 2 nights, and what a difference! This is remarkable ! My scalp still has a long way to go, but I see so much improvement. The redness is much less and so is the itchiness. I did notreally have a lot of flakes. I mostly had a very oily, itchy, inflamed scalp with pretty bad hair loss as well which I think is because my s/d is from a skin fungus (I think). My plan is to apply vinegar every night except once a week when I will do vinegar and hydrogen peroxide together. I don't dilute it because my condition was bad and I needed the treatment to be very strong. Don't let the smell stop you from trying this. If you leave it on all night, by the time you wake up the next morning, you can't even smell it. I hope this is able to help others with this VERY uncomfortable condition. I also hope my scalp does not become immune to it as it has to so many different things, but I'm optimistic here because I think the vinegar will eventually kill the fungus. Please repond to this if you have any other helpful tips or "cures" for dealing with s/d. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brijette (Bettendorf, Iowa)

My chiropractor told me to use vinegar on my baby girl's cradle cap. I applied it straight and let it sit for 10 minutes before her bath. I've done this only four times now and her cradle cap is almost gone already!!! Maybe this straight vinegar treatment could work for other scalp problems as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Reader (Boston, MA)

I'm so happy that I found this site. I have applied straight apple cider vinegar 30 min before washing my hair and the flaking is almost gone. It has taken five treatments and WOW what a difference. It make my hair shiny too (extra bonus).

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