Pityriasis Rosacea
In 2020, I came to this site for assistance. We were under quarantine and I couldn't see a doctor in person. First I brought L-glutamine. After week of drinking that, I brought activated charcoal. I never ended up using it bc my rash was gone by the end of the 2nd week after watching this rash grow and cover my torso for 4 months.
I had Pityriasis Rosea a few months ago and tried treating it with Aloe Vera first. That didn't work. I tried Tea Tree Oil. That didn't work. Tried Paw Paw Ointment. That didn't work. Doctor prescribed cortizone cream which I wouldn't use anyway. Nothing was working, the rash was getting worse, so as a last resort I called on the ever trustworthy L-Glutamine powder which is known to boost the immune system and voila! Within two weeks, the rash was gone.