Itchy Ears
Natural Remedies

Itchy Ear Remedies

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Omega 3 and Omega 6 Oils
Posted by a2zRandall (Gainesville, FL) on 12/19/2023

I've had itchy ears for over 12 years now and went to several ENT doctors and dermatologists in the beginning who all said it was dermatitis and prescribed different stuff, none that really worked..

Then a couple of months ago I read that a sign of essential fatty acid deficiency is dermatitis!! I began supplementing twice a day with Alpha-linolenic acid aka 'Omega 6' and linoleic acid aka 'Omega 3' and so far after 3 months have had the closest thing to lasting relief/cure so far!

Some other things that worked for awhile from time to time over the years:

1) Equal parts of water, isopropyl alcohol and vinegar, then filled ear with eye dropper. Don't do it after heavy itching of ear, it'll burn. Was told this will treat both bacterial and fungal issues.

2) Hydrogen Peroxide: often made better for a couple of days, but sometimes made it worse..

Hope this helps.
