Natural Remedies

Iritis Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Valorie M. (Ny) on 03/14/2016

I was accidentally punched in the eye when I was younger by my brother. For years combined with eye allergies (blapharitis), my eyes went through so much irritation (light sensitivity, some pain, etc). Did a fruit fast for 7 days of eating only organic fruits/water and my traumatic iritis went away.

Now trying to heal my tree nut allergies by doing the 5:2 fast. Will update on the allergy page.

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 02/02/2015

Yes, please add my vote for this. Fasting will definitely work for iritis, and I have used fasts to clear inflammation in the past.

It is sufficient to do just a "fruit fast" - just fresh fruit and water. Absolutely no milk or other fatty foods for the duration. The inflammation should clear quickly as silver fox mentioned - should definitely be gone by the second or third day at the latest.

I also used to use fruit fasts to clear Ankylosing Spondylitis inflammation (AS is associated with iritis). In this case all fruits containing starch should be avoided too: no bananas or stone fruits. Good fruits to use are: grapes, pears, apples, melons, oranges, mandarins. In the case of AS you should find relief from pain and inflammation on the third day of the fruit fast.

Posted by Silver Fox (Arcata, California, Usa) on 04/19/2012

I have successfully used fasting for numerous "itis"s. An "itis" of any kind is an inflammation. Fasting reduces inflammation. When I first used fasting for iritis I was scared. My doctor said I was going to go blind, but I had had an adverse reaction to the eye drops in a previous attack. So.... I got up my courage and went to bed and water fasted for a week in the dark. After just one day of not eating, the pain subsided. This was profoundly encouraging! I stuck with it and at the end of a week my sight had completely returned! Always before, I had found that iritis lasted about a month. I tried to tell my doctor about the huge discovery I had made. He didn't want to hear about it. I have never (knock on wood) had iritis return and it has been twenty years.

I believe I got iritis from drawing for hours in poor light. I believe it was brought on by eye strain. Anyway, fasting turned a miserable experience into an empowering experience. You can use it with colds, flu, tonsilitis, arthritis, bronchitis, cystitis.... On and on.
