Natural Remedies

Iritis Remedies

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Dietary Changes
Posted by Anna (Florida) on 04/30/2021

MCAS protocol:

First, I want to say that I have had uveitis iritis as well as intermediate, and posterior, and underlying Sjogren's for 22 years. In the fifth year, I used to get excruciating pain in my eye no matter how many drops I used and be blind for a week out of every month. It was suggested in a university article to try an allergy Elimination Diet.

To me, it seemed everything was causing it and I didn't know what to eliminate without not having enough to eat. I came to find that all the nightshades except for potatoes and I thought, tomatoes, were usually the culprit. I had not eliminated Tomatoes, but when there was a nationwide tomato shortage, I was forced to. Hard to tell if anything else had helped it because I did do a liver cleanse juice fast the week later ( do not recommend, I lost too much weight).

MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) protocol!

My eyes cleared up and my Sjogren's improved. However, it had not gone away entirely and when I got around animals I had a known allergy to, the condition started to come back. I had gone back to eating things I had been afraid to before I found out it was tomatoes, and my ana levels were high.

For the suggestion of a friend, I went ahead and removed major food allergens and had to remove all grain as I had just got fibromyalgia from taking doctor's oral steroids. The ANA levels dropped down to nothing. Still, however, my Sjogren's was now back to being seen on blood work, and my uveitis was present and worsened with chemical sensitivity. 3 years ago I had an eye doctor say that the cells they see when the eyes are inflamed are mast cells. I had heard about Mast Cell Activation Syndrome from my chemical sensitivity group online.

Having to research low histamine for another condition, I came across a histamine dietary protocol. Believe it or not, it happens to be suggested for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (this and low FODMAP which has been helping my IBS, best to work with a nutritionist or a certified app)! Every food it said was High histamine, for the most part, I had already found flared the uveitis. I've continued further and removed the rest of the food's it's suggested.

My saliva has come back in my mouth, tears back to my eyes, although my skin has yet to fully get hydrated. My uveitis seems to be more peaceful to me. I will continue posting updates. I am very excited about the success of this!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Alan (UK) on 01/30/2020

I have A.S. but haven't been tested for HLA B27.

My problem with the gene cause is that it doesn't explain flare ups, it predisposes us but an environmental trigger might well be involved. I have a flare up of iritis right now, I'm 64, I tend to have them two or three times a year. I honestly believe food intolerance might be a trigger.

I started eating organic humous a few days ago not knowing it contains sesame which I have an intolerance to. It's something to consider.

There's also a theory that klebsiella bacteria are involved, which thrive on starchy foods and when they thrive, we don't. In fact a few years ago I cured my ulcerative colitis by cutting out bread cakes, sugar etc. so I am a believer.

The S.C.D. is worth looking at, and the London diet. The diet approach has helped me a lot, got me off meds completely, and I've had the lot over the years from anti-inflammatory to steroids to anti-tnf alpha injections. My doctor reckoned the A.S. had gone into remission, I think it was the dietary changes that put it there. Wish I'd known 40 years ago what I know now.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Amaia (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/13/2015

I suffered for about 20 years with this painful and terrible nightmare: iritis in both eyes. I did every little thing to get rid of it. Nothing worked for those 20 years. On the contrary, the iritis was getting worse and stubborn as I aged. Cortisone drops were the only medicine that worked if I started the same moment it appeared. I was at the point to give up and just wait what was happening to my eyes. One great day I was getting informed about the vegan life style. In a few days I started this new (for me) way of eating. Plant based diet, which excludes all animal flesh, eggs, milk and milk products. Since then on -6 months, I've been iritis FREE. Today I went to the ophthalmologist. He couldn't believe it. He said my eyes look very healthy. I had iritis so often that when an eye was healed, the other one started or both at the same time. I felt so relieved when the iritis was in remission for 3 weeks or rarely a whole month! Now nothing. I believed I am cured.
