Hangover Cure Drink | Hangover Remedies

Posted by Brandon (Keighley, Yorkshire, England) on 02/05/2007

Honey is a good one but take it before you drink or whilst boozing. Honey on toast is a great way to prepare the body for a drinking session. Eat several slices (more if you're really going to town) and the honey helps break down the consumed alcohol and hey presto a good night with no hangover.

Posted by Eric (Anchorage, Alaska) on 12/16/2006

i am a severe drinker, but had been on wagon for 1 month then went on a major drinking episode. i took 2 tablespoons of honey every hour when shaking and sick and felt calm and good did this for 5 hours and was like new next day.

Posted by Chris (Knoxville, TN) on 11/14/2006

I tried the honey for a hangover after discovering your website by chance last week. I am not a heavy drinker but last night had a little too much red-wine. I woke up this morning with a slight hangover so I took two tbsp. of local raw honey I keep in my pantry; at first I had heartburn and a burning sensation in my throat but then after about an hour I felt much better. I hope to use this site for more often for insight on natural cures than taking the usual Tylenol or asprins I usually take for just too much of a good thing. Thanks for our Global friends who want to share natures remedies.
