Hangover Cure Drink | Hangover Remedies

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ellie (Bournemouth, Uk) on 10/23/2011

Worked like a dream! But it was very difficult to get anything down let alone water, try it!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by JB (Minneapolis, MN) on 01/03/2007

If you take a tablespoon of Black Strap Molasses after a night of drinks and then one in the morning, the effects don't seem as bad. I'm thinking it's the potassiuim that is the helper. This molasses has a lot of potassiuim. My husband tried it and he agreed that he felt much better in the morning. I at first recommended the molasses to my mother who was iron low and had a hard time with iron pills. Her iron was normal a few weeks later at her scheduled doctor apptmt. I read the bottle and noticed the potassium percentage and decided to try it after a cocktail party and was amazed!
