I have suffered of water retention all my life and no doctor could help me. Finally after reading a lot of books and doing trial and error with my body I'm at peace with my body. I even become a hypnotherapist trying to get some answers and I did.
My answer to inflammation, swelling, bloating, etc is to give up all the white stuff: everything made with wheat, potatos (big culprit), rice, excess sugar or replacements and grains as a whole. I know for some people it's not easy but at the same time it's easier than it seems. I increased proteins (chicken, fish, beef) consumption and vegetables and fruits. The more protein the less cravings yo have.
Do you see animals eating grains in the wild? Maybe I am wrong, but animals in nature eat each other or they eat plants, leaves, fruits, seeds and other animal's eggs.
Grains are hard to digest, we need to take out the bran in order to eat them (as rice, oats, wheat, etc) or soak them for hours to soften them (chicken peas, beans, etc). I wonder: Is it nature trying to tell us something? Anyway, let me assure you: If you really want to improve your health forget at least about everything and I mean everything made with wheat and avoid potatos and rice at least.