Pulmonary Fibrosis - Art Solbr
Natural Remedies

Five Supplements for Pulmonary Fibrosis and IPF

Article Updates
Posted by Art (California) on 05/01/2024 2165 posts

Update To The Article: Five Supplements for Pulmonary Fibrosis and IPF

This new study (April, 2024) adds further confirmation to the idea that melatonin is useful for the treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis and IPF :


Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' Melatonin, a hormone with antioxidant properties, has been shown to prevent EMT and reduce fibrosis in previous studies. However, the mechanism through which melatonin targets EMT to prevent pulmonary fibrosis caused by PM2.5 exposure has not been extensively discussed before. In this current study, we found that melatonin effectively prevented pulmonary fibrosis caused by prolonged exposure to PM2.5 by targeting EMT. The study demonstrated changes in cellular morphology and expression of EMT markers. Furthermore, the cell migratory potential induced by prolonged exposure to PM2.5 was greatly reduced by melatonin treatment. Finally, in vivo animal studies showed reduced EMT markers and improved pulmonary function. These findings suggest that melatonin has potential clinical use for the prevention of pulmonary fibrosis. '

