Natural Fever Remedies: Safe & Effective Relief

Potato and Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ginene (Baltimore, Md) on 12/18/2009

My daughter had a fever of 103 at 7:55. I put apple cider vinegar and soaked her rag and put it on her forehead. Then took some egg whites and put on her feet for 5 minutes and when my husband came home from the store I sliced up some potatoes and put it in her socks. By 8:15 her temperature went down to 101.7. I can't believe it. I am about to check it again. She refused the tylenol and was very lethargic, now she is drinking and talking. I love this site!!!!

Potato and Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bianang (Sarasota, FL) on 01/17/2008

Being that my son is allergic to eggs, I tried the ACV and water compress to help bring down his fever of 101.8. After a few hours, it came down to about 101. I then tried a big slice of potato in each sock - after an hour fever was down to 99.9! Thanks for those that have shared on this site - I've gotten a lot of helpful non-drug remedies here.
