Natural Fever Remedies: Safe & Effective Relief

Potato, Garlic and ACV
Posted by Nicole (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/30/2007

My 4 year old son woke up with a HIGH fever, but otherwise was fine. I worried after pain relievers were not bringing it down. I went on the internet and typed in break fever and this site came up. I didn't have eggs so I couldn't use the egg white remedy, but I did have onions, ACV, and potatoes. I got socks and placed potatoes and chopped onion with a hint of garlic and placed them on his feet--he didn't like it. Then I got a washcloth soaked in ACV and placed it on his forehead. I checked his temperature every 15 minutes from 3am-6am. it went down from 102.7, droping .1 degrees to 1 degree at times. I am a believer in this and will now try this again. There is something to be said about folk remedies.
