Fertility Treatments
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies For Fertility

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Maca Root
Posted by Milo (So, Ca) on 08/17/2016

This is my first post on EC, I am not a female but have personally witnessed 3 of 3 women conceive from Maca Root alone .. My sister in law at age 34 and her husband for 9 years tired, I gave her a bag of maca root and she took half a table spoon in yogurt or oatmeal once or twice daily ... then worked up to a level table spoon .. And In 6months she was pregnant, she stopped taking Maca after she conceived, she now has 4 healthy children. Two of my wife's co workers for 3-5 years could not conceive, I gave them a bag of maca root and both got pregnant in 3-4 months.. MACA ROOT is truly an amazing gift .. Hopefully you have the same Results, God bless
