Epstein Barr Virus
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

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Vitamin C
Posted by Angel (Damascus, Va) on 05/04/2012

Coconut oil seems to work for many people however it has never helped me! In fact I get bad stomach cramps if I ingest even a teaspoon and if I use it on my skin it feels like my skin is on fire! I have dealt with Epstein Barr virus for 25 years and the only thing that has ever worked for me is 2000 mg of vitamin ester C per day during my mono like sypmptoms then back to 500 mg a day when pain and swelling are over. In a few cases I had to take 5000 mg for 3 days in a row when I had a liver inflamation problem due to Epstien Barr virus it only took 3 days on 5000 mg and 2 weeks of 2000 mg vit C to get rid of all signs and symptoms of MONO to include returning my liver back to a healthy state.

