Epstein Barr Virus
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

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Cortisol Treatments
Posted by Susan (Stroudsburg, Pa) on 10/08/2009

In response to mentioning cortisol treatments for chronic fatigue. I did this, but only for 9 months, as I was suffering from chronic fatigue after mold exposure which caused adrenal burnout. I would not suggest this for everyone. You have to realize that when you choose to do this, it shuts down your adrenal glands. And you risk the possibility of having them not be able to function again on their own. I did not know this when I started the treatment. I gained over 50 pounds as a side effect which was not fun. I can honestly say, it was a temporary help on an energy level, maybe in fact much needed, but I still was not able to function up to par. After 9 months and finding out I risked not having a functioning adrenal glands at all if I stayed on the drugs, I chose to go off of the, I consulted my M.D. about weaning me off of the cortisol, and he agreed. (Note: I did a saliva adrenal test first before being placed on the cortisol). As I weaned off the cortisol, I took a regiment of Adrenal support, Cod Liver oil was also taken 1 tablespoon in the a.m. (as EFA's are important),other supplements, Traditional Weston A. Price Diet, as well as Phosphatidylserine at bedtime, along with a pill called 7 flowers. Sleep is very important...So getting to bed at 9:30 or 10 the latest....was part of my regiment. (your body repairs itself from 10 pm to 2 am) Avoid caffeine and sugar as this stresses and stimulates the adrenals. And if your adrenals are not functioning...caffeine stays in your body much longer, because the body can't function properly to get it out.

If your adrenals are not functioning, then chances are neither is your thyroid, or hormones. It's all CONNECTED. Adrenal fatigue, I have found can not be self diagnosed or messed with without first getting adrenal saliva testing, hair analysis, thyroid and hormone testing. And all has to be addressed according to each persons body chemistry. It is all a delicate balancing act. I tried many avenues of trying to help myself, but found relief after finding the right holistic doctors who understand natural therapies and proper testing. Doctor who helped me Dr. Bogazot.
