Natural Celiac Disease Remedies

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marisa (Adelaide, South Australia) on 03/11/2009

aid in coeliacs disease, change of life style.

I had reflux, bloating, bowel discomfort, loose bowl movement, mouth ulsers, constipation, gum cysts, itchy skin, pain in joints, nervousness, fategue, depressioon, low energy, malnutrition, were all the side affects,

Aid in repairing the colon, Aloe juice on an empty stomach, herb teas no coffee, no sugar, honey instead, damiana, coltsfoot, dandilion, milk thistle, nettle, grate fresh ginger in with any 2 herbs of your choice in a tea mix, growing your own vegi's and herbs replacing minerals in your body, eating fresh fruit veg, repairing the intestine and colon as it has folate as well, garlic, to replace vitamin C: capsicums, manderins. D&K calcium & magnesium, B12: spiralina, ginger. E:fish oil & omega 3's, Folate: E&A tomatoes, mellons, cauliflour, cabbage, brussels, spinach Iron.

Stay off processed foods and wheat products, read all labels before you eat.

I feel wonderful now, stay on the diet for will learn to love it, as the benifit and wellbeing is so worth it. best wishes.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Wendy (Plover, WI U.S.A.) on 10/29/2007

Celiac causes many health issues. Diabetes, fibromyalgia,blemishes, yeast, MS,attention deficient, lupus, cancer, eczema, psoriasis, low thyroid, arthritis, acid reflux and many more. Good Book- Dangerous Grains by Braly Diet- eating no dairy or grains, Vit B12 methycobalamin shot, Vit D3, HCl and enzymes with meals, dairy free acidophlus when stomach acid is low helps. I also did LDN. I don't like drugs but LDN helps since there is so much hidden dairy and gluten it is hard to avoid it. I take 41 vitamins since my intestines are not absorbing as much as they should right now.People do not see my MS. I take things to counteract it like coenzyme Q10, rhodiola,biotin, carnitine, acetyl carnitine which helps the mitochondria work better which also helps fibromyalagia people too. I take the good oils:fish oil, evening primrose oil, Krill oil,lecithin, phoshpadityl serine/DMAE.
