Green Tea
I noticed my relatively new habit of drinking green tea is drastically affecting the frequency at which canker sores appear in my mouth. They now seem to form only in the upper part of my mouth. Swishing tea on the sore greatly reduces the time it takes (24-36 hours) for it to heal. It's amazing to find this out after years of dealing with them.
Raw natural honey worked very fast for me. I had a very painful canker sore for over a week. I tried salt, baking soda and collodial silver with no improvements. I read on here to try raw honey and I noticed relief the very first day. Within two days of dabbing raw honey on it several times per day the sore was almost gone. It was a huge relief and a yummy remedy!
Honey will get rid of cankers almost over night everytime, works for me.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I discovered to use on canker sores Hydrogen Peroxide on my own a few years back. I used it 30 sec per day, everyday, and now I have had one, maybe two canker sores since then. I think the Hydrogen Peroxide interrupts the life cycle of the virus by destroying the infected cells. That was back in 2001!
(Salina, KS)
Good to know. Also, I wanted to add that 2 weeks ago my brother had canker sores in the back of his throat which hurt so bad that a sip of water felt like a knife. He sucked on licorice lozenges from the health food store, and within one to two days the sores were gone.
Take an ice cube with frost still on it over the canker sore and it will rip off the white part, and numb it at the same time. Then take hydrogen peroxide and hold it on the sore mixed with Apple Cider vinegar for up a minute or two. This will sting like a bitch. After all this take a Q tip and activated charcoal and scrape the crater from the former sore. Then take just the charcoal and make a paste and leave it for a few minutes. Problem solved overnight or at least smaller. Or alternatively you could use alum which also burns like hell.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I have always used hydrogen peroxide for skin infections, insect bites, cankers, cold sores & deleting blood stains. Results are quick & inexpensive. I dab it on my finger, straight from the bottle, to apply to a cold sore or canker. I have never had a cold sore for more than a day. When I was a teenager, I also applied some to any pimples that might crop up.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Take one capful of H202 and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. No more canker sores and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide def works for canker doctor prescribed some mouthwash that just numbed it for a few hours..but peroxide reduces the pain and it also helps cure canker sores
Hydrogen Peroxide
For canker sores, either dab hydrogen peroxide directly on the canker sore until it stops bubbling, or hold and swish 2-3 tbs hydrogen peroxide in your mouth for 30-60 seconds. Spit out and repeat 2-3 times. DO NOT SWALLOW. Rinse your mouth well with water after using the peroxide in either method. The canker sore/s will be noticeably improved and much less painful within 24 hours. They should disappear altogether within 48-72 hours.
Hydrogen Peroxide
hydrogen peroxide, swish it around in your mouth or dip a q-tip in it and place it on the canker will be gone in a few days!!
Came to the site for canker sore remedy/ies. Decided to try aspirin (apple cider vinegar would make it worse) but didn't have any on hand. Aspirin and ibuprofen are both NSAID's. Used ibuprofen instead and instant relief. Repeated as necessary. The next day sore was in advanced stage of healing.
Thank you!!!! This afternoon a canker sore became incredibly painful. Tried salt water. Tried lisine. Came here and tried Apple Cider Vinegar. All either did nothing or made it hurt more. Kept reading here and saw all the good aspirin reports. Didn't have aspirin so I used ibuprofen instead. Oh my goodness, it's now numb. No pain at all. Even if it doesn't last, a bit of relief is a godsend!
The best for canker sores is Lugol's Iodine 5%. Take 5 drops in the morning on empty stomach for about 2-3 weeks, they will never come back.
Lysine for canker sores works wonders! My son had a mouthful after having his wisdom teeth out and they healed up quickly. Recently I had plantar facitis and found 5 star reviews for lysine and tried it and it worked in 24 hours! Amazing stuff. I don't know what the chemistry behind it is, but I am grateful!
I always take lysine for canker sores. Recommended by my Dr 40 years ago. Also use peroxide. Usually goes away within 5-7 days.
Canker sores - I started getting them when I was 5 yrs. old. I was eating alot of chocolate. I had a mouth and throat full of canker sores. This progressed as I got older. Early twenties, I would eat hot dogs and bologna....and more canker sores came. I started noticing the connection. I also started doing alot of research on this and many other health related things. What I came across was a book on Amino Acids and how they work and what symptoms you may have if you are depleted. Aha, when you have too much Arginine and not enough Lysine...they will come.
At the tiniest of inklings that I'm getting a canker sore, I take L-Lysine 2 grams (4 - 500mg) capsules on an empty stomach, 3 times a day. I have had a bit of runny stool, but it goes away. The next day, the canker sore has disappeared. I am so grateful for Lysine.
I agree, Lysine is the solution for Canker sores. Take it daily.