Tea Bags
My husband told me to put a tea bag on my canker sore. It definitely took away the pain! As for curing it, I think it speeded up the process. The tea bag remedy is good for any type of mouth sores because of the pain relieving effect. I usually use black tea, simply because that's what I have around most of the time. Green tea also works, and I'm sure any kind will probably do the trick. It is not necessary to steep the tea first, however it does work better if the bag is already wet before applying. If the strong taste is too much for you, drinking brewed tea also works if you swish it around over the canker sore while you drink it. However, it's been my experience that the tea bag directly on the sore is much more effective.
Tea Bags
First, the tea bag, was very helpful in the healing process it definitely made the pain disappear in minutes as for the peroxide,i would use this as a last resort, but it does work! The tea bag was very successful! try it! it most definitely works! Use the peroxide as a last resort!
Tea Tree Oil
Yay - My second painful canker sore just showed up yesterday, and last night it woke me up from my sleep. I tried dobbing some tea tree oil on it with a q-tip, and the pain was immediately eased enough to get back to sleep. I don't know if it will help speed the healing, but it does certainly help a great deal with the pain!
Placing a dab of toothpaste on a canker sore inside the mouth will reduce the pain and heal the sore quicker. This is a remedy my mother has known since she was a child in Belgium.
Toothpaste Without Sls
SLS-free toothpaste eliminated my canker sores. I was getting numerous canker sores each month, sometimes several at a time.
I tried canker sore gels. They eliminate the pain temporarily but not the sore itself.
I tried baking soda. That seemed to help shorten the duration a bit was very painful for about 5 minutes. Similarly, apple cider vinegar was painful and seemed to cause a slight improvement in symptoms but didn't eliminate the sores.
I tried a pinch of alum, which also stung to apply and really pickled my lips. I coudln't determine whether that helped much either.
Finally, I bought SLS-free toothpaste 6 months ago. I haven't had a full-blown canker sore since! I think 1 or 2 may have thought about starting during that time, but each time they went away without forming or causing pain.
(Kearney, Nebraska)
Definitely! I regularly got canker sores and even once had a large lesion on the inside of my cheek and swollen lymph glands (I had the habit of holding my toothbrush in my mouth while I attended to something else before I finished brushing). I used baking soda to brush with for awhile and that was fine (sweet aftertaste, too :-), but no fluoride or polishing. Then I discovered the SLS connection and bought the SLS free brand (lousy aftertaste ;-p). They also make a sensitive teeth product-you can get it at Amazon. It's been several months now without a canker sore.
(Whitmire, Sc - South Carolina)
Toothpaste Without Sls
I suffered from the time I was a child. My mother has the same and now my kids also suffer. about 5 years ago my Dentist told me about recent findings on the link between Sodium Lauryl Sulfite and canker sores. This is a preservative found in almost ALL name brand toothpastes including some of the natural ones. I started using a SLS free Toothpaste and now I get one maybe once or twice per year (and that is usually if my hubby has brushed right before I kiss him). One brand I use is called ____. Very expensive, but worth it. You must be loyal and never use any toothpastes or mouthwashes with S.L. Sulfite. Good Luck
Toothpaste Without Sls
Please please PLEASE try this. It really works. I suffered from multiple outbreaks of canker sores for years and now am down to one or two per year. ____ makes a toothpaste called _____ that is free of the ingredient Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. This ingredient causes canker sores in many. Try this toothpaste, just once (it costs around $7.99 but lasts forever and is well worth it) and you will see a huge difference.
Toothpaste Without Sls
I have had really bad canker sores my entire life. None of the ideas listed here ever worked for me and all of the over the counter meds that you get only made the duration of the sore longer. The ONLY thing that helps me is toothpaste without Sodium Laurel Solphate (sls) - ____. The toothpaste is the best. I also got a paste from my doctor that lessens the severity and the duration.
(Greenville, SC)
The only brand that doesn't have SLS is a specific flavor of ____. I can't remember the flavor but read the ingredients. There is an ingredient like it, but not it just be careful it doesn't say Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. I have used the ______ and it gives me horrible canker sores though it does not have SLS. I think it's the Sodium Saccrin in it, not sure. The only thing I've found that doen't make me get them is the _____. And you have to hunt for it. Hope this helps someone!!
Toothpaste Without Sls
First, I use a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate , second I use Clobetasol propionate ointment 0.05% this is by prescription only. This cures canker sores in their tracks. Twice a day usually for only two days and they are gone. I use a q tip for application.
Toothpaste Without Sls
Use Toothpaste and Mouthwash without Sodium Lauryl sulfate! I get canker sores, sorry did get them if I bit my lip or cut a gum on chips or something. Two weeks of pain! Now I don't get them at all even after a bite or cut gum. I read this cure in some blogs here and there. I started buying ____ toothpaste and mouthwash and this prevents canker sores. I never get them now and I love it!
Turmeric for Canker Sores/Cold Sores
Recently read in Rebecca Wood's "The New Whole Food Encyclopedia" about using turmeric for canker sores. I have low iron which occassionally gives me canker sores so I was searching for a home remedy. Take an 1/8 tsp. of turmeric and just enough drops of water to make a thick paste. Put directly on canker sore before bed and it will be gone by morning. Works well on cold sores too. Beware that turmeric will stain the skin a little (no big deal). I've been referring to this website for years and am glad that I have something to offer back.
Unlit Match
Unlit Match for Canker Sores: Oh thank the lord someone put this remedy up.... The to the point story.... Large mouth ulcer with white crust forming, lots of pain, put unlit match on the white part for around 20-30 seconds, not to long in case of further irritation which causes them to grow. Woke up 50% better, repeated same process this morning, ulcer is around 85% gone, will repeat tonight and be done with it, fastest ive ever gotten rid of an ulcer, no more white crust, warning this will sting but the relief it provides after is well worth the pain.
Unlit Match
I tried this last night and I'm shocked at how well it works!! When you hold the match head on the sore, it HURTS like you want to SCREAM, but when you're done, the pain practically disappears. The next day, the sore is significantly less painful and it has started to heal.
Unlit Match
Holding an unlit matchhead directly onto the white center of the canker sore always helps to take the pain out and heal the sore more quickly. The white material is actually absorbed by the matchhead. It stings very badly, but I hold it on as long as I can stand it, then repeat 3 or 4 times. This has something to do with the sulfur in the matches, so make sure not to get the new kind that are sulfur-free.
Ok I had this terrible sore on my upper lip. I wear braces, so the braces were digging into it making it even more painful. I tried the vinegar and q-tip thing and it really worked! It's been about 2 minutes since I tried it, and I can't feel anything anymore. Thanks so much.