How to Treat Blurry Eyes Naturally

Sea Salt
Posted by Mountain Girl (Blairsville, Ga) on 10/04/2010

I've spent a fortune on eye drops especially the $300.00 prescription kind that is not available in generic. They help temporarily, but, I tried the sea salt in water and take a q-tip and dab a drop in the corner of each eye morning & night and by golly this has pretty much helped with the scratchy, blurry, feel like you got something in your eye feeling. I work at a computer & this of course dries yours and strains them also. But I can honestly say the sea salt & water drops have helped me in the last of couple of weeks. I was miserable, looked like I was crying or high on drugs all the time, but now, thank God, I feel better and do not have the blurry, gritty eyes now. Thanks EC.
