Bladder Cancer
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies to Support Bladder Cancer Treatment

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Pastor William Barhorst (EC's YouTube Channel) on 06/11/2021


I'm 62 years old and cancer free! Read it! I remember getting planters warts because of all the marching with the new Navy issue shoes in boot camp. The doctors would shave the wart down daily then put a piece of hard foam with a hole in center over the wart to force it out with each step and kept shaving it down until the root would separate from the rest of the skin then grabbed it with tweezers and pulled it out! I did it myself many times after that. I'm planters wart free for over 40 years.

I used borax to successfully treat my cancer. I'm adding more information to this four months after I posted this.

Today is Jan 22,2018 and I want to add that the Doctors at the Veterans Hospital told my family If I didn't go through the entire procedure they recommended including scraping the tumors out of my bladder then after it healed to fill bladder and hold it in as long as I could or I'd die in 30 to 45 days.

Well after the doctors forced the large equipment (Video cameras needed to see what they were doing plus the scraping and burning equipment up my very small in diameter urinary track), they ripped it from tip of my male member all the way up to my bladder causing heavy bleeding which caused the catheter to get plugged up which caused a life threatening infection and tremendous pain. I begged doctors to cut my member off because it swelled to the size of a cucumber and was just as green. I told doctors I will not let their urinary doctors touch me again. Especially after the doctor pulled out the catheter from me as if he was trying to start a lawnmower that wouldn't start! I filed a report against him after I left the emergency room with Patient Advocate at the VA.

Well it's been just over 2 years since I was diagnosed with the cancer in 4 parts of my body and since I started treating my cancer with Borax. So I am living proof it works! The doctors did an ultrasound to locate the cancers they originally found on x-ray after I went to them because I saw blood in my urine. They wanted to find out if they could cut the cancers out. Well, they couldn't find any cancer! They wouldn't document when I told them of my curing it with Borax but they haven't done any more testing to try to locate it. I'm going to have my Primary care doctor put in an order for further tests to see if they can find any cancer in me. But they said I would be dead 30 to 45 days and it's 2 years now and I'm still here. I took a table spoon of Borax in a 2 liter plastic bottle from either Gatoraide or Poweraide. I drink it slowly over a few day period. I also recently found I've been getting erections for no reason throughout the day and night! (I'm celibate for many years I might add.) Which for me decreased with all the pain medications I was on. I haven't had this happen like this since grammar and High School!

EC: We just discovered this fantastic comment on our borax video YouTube channel. It's from January 22, 2018. Someone recently replied that they discovered on Facebook that the pastor died last year (2020). It is the first testimonial about borax successfully treating cancer that we've come across!

The pastor's original post is here if anyone wants to read the additional comments:
