Effective Natural Remedies for Bartholin Cysts

Dietary Changes
Posted by Shelley (Rowlett ) on 09/08/2016

Prevention of Bartholin cysts is in your diet. Remove all processed foods, canned foods, fermemted, picked, pasteurized, plastic packaging. All mold must be removed all fungus must be removed from the diet. Basically it's gluten-free sugar-free and yeast free. No bread no cheese no pasta. No pork of any kind. No lunch meat - no leftovers that set out at all. I know it sounds harsh but It can save your life from the misery of the cysts.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Ingrid (Oldsmar Fl) on 08/27/2016

I had the same thing happen to me. I put the tea tree oil on my cyst and it drained fast. I'm so happy thanks for the info. God bless you for that.

Potato Poultice
Posted by Laura (Brisbane) on 08/05/2016

Bartholin Cysts

This sounds a bit odd but I have been trying a slice of potato as a lot of natural health websites say it will draw infection from an abscess. I have added a garlic rub to this. The cyst does appear to respond well to this. Last time I was on antibiotics for this and if it gets worse I may be again but must admit I dislike how they disrupt the ecology of my body.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Brooke U (New York) on 07/29/2016

Editor's Choice Bartholin cyst: I had a marsupilzation done in November. After this terribly painful procedure I believed the cyst would not come back, it came back ten folds about four days ago. I did not want to go back to have this done again, so I googled natural cures and found Earth Clinic. This was the best thing I could have done!

I started with the tea tree oil rubbing it on the cyst with a cotton ball, then taking baths with Epsom salts. I stayed in the bath for about an hour due to the severe pain I was in. I put castor oil on a wash cloth, plastic over that( it did does stain) and boiling water in a water bottle, and propped my butt up on a pillow, applied the washcloth, then the plastic and then the water bottle to the cyst and went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I was in severe pain. I took another Epsom salt bath, and then rubbed the castor oil right on the cyst, and covered it with medicated white tape. I suggest letting this come off in the shower or bath. It's quite painful to just rip it off.

That afternoon I was in so much pain I decided I had to go to the Dr, just as I was on my way out the door, the cyst started draining.I took a cotton ball and started pushing lightly all over my golf ball sized cyst, and it was instantly so much relief! I used the castor oil pack that night, and then again in the morning took another Epsom salt bath, only 20 minutes this time, and rubbed the castor oil right on it again. The cyst drained again. This was a miracle for me, way better then an awful procedure, at least 3 days of recovery, and in my case no sex for 5 weeks.

The natural cures took 3 days with none of the terrible after math. I do have a dr appointment in a few days just to make sure, but that's just a safety precaution. If I had done this the first day I had noticed the cyst instead of when it was awful, I could have avoided all the pain. I am so happy this information is available, and I do not have to go through torture every time I get one.

Goldenseal and Castor Oil
Posted by Donna (Edmonds, Wa) on 06/24/2016

I apply a salve of powdered goldenseal from a capsule or two and castor oil to a swollen bartholin cyst. You can also use evening primrose oil as it is also anti-inflammatory or olive oil. You put it on some toilet tissue which has been folded over or some of those square or rounded cotton squares. I just use toilet paper now. It should be a little runny but not so it will run off of the tissue, meaning you do not want a dry salve, nor a runny one. Something in between. The oil carries it into the skin underneath. Apply it to the swollen gland and then put on a pair of old panties that you don't care about to hold it in place, since goldenseal stains. Then I apply a heated rice bag as the heat hurries the process along, but I have done this also without the heat when I have been away from home.

Overnight this will kill the infection and relieve your pain. I would always use two capsules on one that is inflamed and hurting. It has hurt on occasion, but not swollen and when I can feel it, I apply it at night.

A low grade infection can give one insomnia, which it does for me if I don't treat it when my gland is telling me that it isn't happy. After you kill the infection, it will eventually drain.

Sitz Bath
Posted by Annas (Littleton) on 06/23/2016

Editor's Choice Okay so I have had Bartholin cysts for about 10 years. One grew the size of a lemon because I didn't have insurance to get it treated. The one I just currently resolved I did completely on my own.

First I took 2 sits baths each day for two days.

Second I used a lavender salt scrub on the affected area before the site baths. After all this is caused by a clogged duct. What do we do to our faces when we have clogged pores from makeup? Anyways it sounded logical to me.

After the bath I would pat dry and then applied tea tree oil to the affected area. After just 1/12 days ( or 3 treatments of each) the thing ruptured and completely drained itself. It was much less painful than enduring the cyst or having the procedure done. Hope it's just as effective for you as it was for me. I also want to note that for two days after I rubbed tea tree oil on the site. Tea tree oil is a natural bacterial. The only side effect that I noticed from using it was a tingle down there.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Trinaray (Michigan) on 06/07/2016

I had a bartholin cyst that started about 6 days ago. I read about the tea tree oil remedies. I'm happy to say it works and saved me from the knife!

I applied tea tree oil 2x daily and took 2 sitz baths. After the 2nd bath (didn't have time to do more) on the 6th day it burst. The doctor wanted to cut it open and put a catheter in it on the 6th day. I had that procedure before and it's extremely painful so I decided to give the tea tree oil a few more days. I came home and did the 2nd bath and then applied tea tree oil and in less than a hour it started draining. Oh what a relief. I wish I knew this the 1st time.

Thanks for the great remedy it really worked. Mine grew to the size of a golf ball hanging and as it gets close to bursting it becomes VERY painful but when I applied the tea tree oil it seemed to numb the pain. It definitely did the job and the pressure is relieved. The doctor gave me antibiotics and I only took one today so I know that it was the tea tree oil. Thanks ladies.

Posted by Renu (Dallas) on 04/13/2016


Bartholin cyst/abscess for the 3rd time. Pain level was 8/10. This time I was prepared beforehand itself. I already had Silica complex, and 40,000IU Serrapeptase at home. Started with 2 Serrapeptase twice a day on empty stomach and 1 Silica complex tablet. Since the cyst did not burst out till Day 6, I increased Silica complex caps to 3 that particular day. Next day cyst drained.

Posted by Dlk88 (Milwaukee, Wi) on 04/12/2016

I had my cyst drained about 10 days ago and I wish I had just done it right away. The surgical drainage brought me instant relief and it turns out mine was very abscessed, which is nothing to mess around with.

Going back, my problem started on vacation. I had no idea what was wrong, but didn't want to see an island dr., so I toughed it out. The day after I got home I went in and was diagnosed. My Dr.offered to drain it at that time, but I wanted to try natural remedies first.

After almost a week of sitz baths, with and without Epsom salts, the swelling was going down a little. The area of swelling had gone down to the size of a largish cherry tomato. But I decided to up the ante with Serrapeptase and Cypress oil. I don't know for sure that they triggered anything, but the problem got much much worse--worse than it had been at the beginning. By the end of the 2nd week, I had swelling that extended all the way to the crease of my leg. The area of swelling was at least the size of an egg. It hurt to walk, sit, and lay down. So I called my doctor and had to wait another week to get in. I'm not exaggerating when I say it was excruciating.

I should mentioned that I talked to an OB-GYN of acquaintance and asked what SHE would do it if were her and her body. She said she'd get the procedure because the relief would be instantaneous. I also called another Dr.I see, who has more of an integrated / holistic approach to medical care. HE supported the surgical drainage. I was convinced--plus I couldn't take the pain anymore.

By the time I saw my dr., I was tired of being in pain and quite crabby. The procedure took 20 min. at most. She gathered the instruments, disinfected the area, numbed me up, and made a small incision. She did not put in the catheter; she holds that back for recurrence. The worst was that she had to push on it to try to get the yucky stuff out, because it turns out it was very abscessed. (That hurt like heck.) I hadn't run a fever and the area didn't feel hot, so I was surprised by the infection.

I was prescribed antibiotics, and she suggested continuing the sitz baths to encourage further drainage. It's too early to comment on recurrence, but my suggestion is that if you have insurance and a Dr.you trust, just get it drained. Save yourself a lot of time and discomfort. Plus, you could have an infection and not know it.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Emma (Indianapolis, In) on 03/08/2016

I had a bartholin cyst and did the epsom salt bath one time and then after drying applied with sea salt and left it on overnight. It dried it out and by morning it had burst. It was painful to go to bathroom because of the wound so I used vaseline to coat it and it healed in two days. Doctor thought I was crazy to use sea salt but it worked. She did a test on rhe area and labs came back negative so all is good. Since then someone told me about clove oil and how to cut a hole in washcloth and cover everything leaving cyst exposed thru hole and carefully apply tiny amount of clove oil mixed in coconut oil or vaseline to be a carrier because clove oil is really strong. But it will dry them out. It can deaden nerves if used more than a few times in a row so space out the oil maybe every two days and let it work. My doctor says to just let them run their course but they are so annoying, I HAD to do something. Seems to work.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Eve (Tallahassee Florida ) on 02/12/2016

Tea tree oil helped alot with my recurring cyst. A week of rubbing it on the labia saw good results in a week. I also cleansed internally by ingesting fresh garlic with olive oil on toast (to avoid upsetting the stomach), manuka honey in tea and acf immune booster extra strength .I may have had an infection and now I'm all better. I also avoided sex for that week as well.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Heayawn (Dublin, Ohio ) on 02/04/2016

The alkaline diet works for me too!! I tried sitz baths and some other treatments, it just doesn't work!! I was so frustrated and I didn't want to go to the doctor to get rid of it so I tried the alkaline diet and man it works wonderfully!! The pain not only lessens so much but it did go away too!! Man I was just so happy!!

Posted by Adriana (Prilep, Macedonia) on 02/03/2016

I would like to share my experience with Bartholin cyst, with those who suffers from it. It was my fourth time having it, first with antibiotics, second time incision, third marsupalization, and fourth time now after 9 years. I couldn't believe it when I touch it and feel that something was happening down there. I thought that after marsupalization it will never happened again. But here it was. my ginecologist confirmed me and gave me a antibiotics.This time I was decided that no matter what I won't have any kind of operation ( it hurts very very much). So I started my therapy with antibiotics and after third day I think that grown more I was in pain and I read here for SERRAPEPTASE AND TEA TREE OIL.

Immediately I started taking serrapeptase internally and do baths with added tea tree oil, I was starting to lose faith but after four days the cyst ruptured by itself, oh what a instant relief. So anyone who have this horrible thing use these two products and after some days will help.

God bless us all.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Aeb (Usa) on 01/31/2016

I sure hope you have had success with your cyst! It's a lot to go through, especially if you have them repeatedly! I had one over two decades ago and my ob/gyn very quickly and easily opened it up with a sterile needle, pressed on it to drain it, and I was over it! All in his office; nice and easy. I believe I may have had another that I squeezed at home, about 15 years ago, right at the beginning stages (I say I "may have" because I did have another issue once of a very large pimple "down that way" that I took care of...my memory fails me a bit on whether I had another BC or not).

ANYWAY, two weeks ago today, I woke up with a blocked B. gland and recognized the feeling. I would say that the swelling was about the size of a cherry tomato. It did not take long for it to grow the size of a large egg (or a kiwi! :) ) For the past two weeks I tried everything I found online. I did a couple of sitz baths a day with tea tree oil and epsom salts, continued taking my serrapetsase and D3, added vitamin C, restarted probiotics, and began regular homeopathic doses of Silica and of Calcarea fluorica. I ordered the magnesium sulfate drawing ointment, but it has not yet arrived. I drank lemon juice in water and steered clear of sweets (couldn't resist a bit of chocolate here and there.)

When the pain was really excruciating, and after each bath, I applied tea tree oil and couple of drops of clove oil in shea butter to the area. That was soothing (after the initial twinges). When I remembered, I took some tincture of Turmeric followed by coconut oil (to help with the absorption of the Turmeric.) Sometimes I used a hot water bottle at night. A couple of times I tried the advice of alternating heat and ice. After almost two weeks and still so much pain, I wondered what more I could do. Last night I ordered a special essential oil blend made specifically for BCs. I was also going to try to make a turmeric salve....looks very straight-forward, but I was lazy.

Just this morning, the thing finally started draining on its own! I woke up to use the bathroom and was very very pleased to see that after 2 weeks, I was finally on the mend!

I was on the verge of ordering the online ebook everyone was talking about, as I realize that diet is very important. Have you purchased that? Perhaps that would help you avoid repeated bouts with these nasty cysts.

Sorry to be so lengthy...

I do have a question. Now that it is draining, what is the best way to protect the area against infection? I will continue taking Kyolic garlic, but will have to stop the colloidal silver (forgot to mention that I was also taking those two natural antibiotics! ), since I have been taking it for two weeks already. Maybe Echinacea.

Any tips on avoiding infection now that it is draining will be very welcome.

I, too, am so grateful to this Earth Clinic forum for providing so much advice and encouragement!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Neetha (Sydney Nsw) on 01/19/2016

Hi there, was curious to know if you used the turmeric powder. I'm a victim of BC. Have had around 6 of them. First one and 4th one were removed in an op. I'm now trying to solve it naturally. Have found all the blogs here very useful. The last time I had one, in November, I took the colloidal silver, iodine, vitamin D and rubber clove oil. It was at the final moment of excruciating pain. A few hours later it popped and I was dumbfounded. I now have another one, this time became bigger in the space of a couple of days. I'm hoping to try the tea tree and perhaps the turmeric at night time.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Col1218 (North Carolina) on 01/07/2016

I recently had a Bartholin cyst. It wasn't overly large, about the size of a small dried pea and it wasn't abscessed. I did go to the Dr. just to make sure it wasn't anything serious, but she did give me antibiotics in case it did become infected and advised me to take warm baths or sitz baths with Epsom salt to help bring it to the surface. I did try that which helped a bit, but it was very time consuming and the cyst wasn't shrinking too much. I went on earth clinic to find other remedies and did find that mixing calamine lotion with tea tree oil and witch hazel did actually help. Along with an occasional Epsom salt bath, the cyst shrunk to almost nothing, but I stopped the treatment before it was completely gone and the cyst started coming back.

I've read that Tumeric helps with shrinking certain tumors and I've used it as a successful acne treatment in the past. I decided to try mixing coconut oil and the turmeric together and putting the mixture on the Bartholin cyst. I'm proud to say it's almost gone!! I'll continue with the tea tree oil/calamine mixture, but the turmeric and coconut oil seem to work well even though it's really messy and can stain clothes and fabrics, so use with caution.

Lancing a Bartholin Cyst
Posted by Hopeful1 (Nc) on 12/02/2015

I had a Bartholins cyst at age 18. I could tell when it was going to burst because it would start throbbing and become very painful. The thing about those is that they will continue coming back unless you have it lanced. I had my lanced at 19 and I am now 39. Get it lanced, it will be the best thing for you. Its a very simple and quick procedure. You will feel much better afterwards. TRUST ME!

Lancing a Bartholin Cyst
Posted by Roo (Nc - North Carolina) on 12/01/2015

I have my first Bartholin Cyst. It is EXTREMELY painful. About the size of a large grape? I'm thinking about getting it lanced tomorrow because I'm in welding school and need to be able to move without pain.

I got some Silica today and have been taking a bunch of it...yet to see results... I have an important test on Thursday (it's Tues) I need to be able to practice for. Should I get it lanced at urgent care? I have no gyno or insurance.

Also I've been doing hot calendula compresses and taking a lot of vitamins.

It hurts to drive, do anything, I'm scared and not sure what to do. Help!!!!

Castor Oil Packs
Posted by Kayy (Ma) on 11/09/2015

Antibiotics are known to cause yeast infections.. Then you'll probably have to go on another round of antibiotics to get rid of the yeast infection if over the counter meds don't help. It's like an endless cycle. A cyst probably formed because of the yeast infection; somehow a blockage happened and fluid backed up.

Posted by Leilani (Kona, Hi) on 10/28/2015

Just endured painful cyst this past week, and it finally ruptured last night! Hallelujah!

Short Term Causes and Remedies: I had been wearing pantiliners for a month and it has been horribly hot and humid here. Plus eating too much sugar! So, once it started, the horrible cyst, I tried everything. I ate yoghurt, I put Tea Tree oil on it (dilute, or it burns! ), Witch Hazel, and compresses of Epsom Salts. Even tried a paste of Diatomacious Earth, to dry out the cyst. I took Colloidal Silver, some antibiotic, Vit D, and Silica. This all likely helped but it wasn't until I received the Serrapeptase that I rush ordered from Amazon, that it finally burst six hours later. I took three pills so that it would be at the suggested 120 dosage. I'm sure the others helped, but I think the Serrapeptase helped it to rupture on it's own. Years ago, when I had this, the doctor sliced me open, so painful and it came right back the next day. Has to rupture on it's own.

Long term causes and remedies: eating too much sugar and acidic diet, so off sugar and switching to vegetarian, alkaline foods.

So happy to be able to walk and sit down again! Hope this helps! I was there, just a day ago!

Castor Oil Packs
Posted by Jellybelly (Toronto, Ontario) on 10/11/2015

How does an upper respiratory infection and antibiotics cause a cyst? I've had mucous build up and probably it is an upper respiratory infection for 2 weeks now, then I got a yeast infection then now a cyst! How are they all linked?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sashab (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/22/2015

Bartholin Cyst:

I've suffered from these cyst for 7 years. My first experience I thought I was given a STD however, after a check up by my Gyno-- he informed me of the glad and how common this is in women who are sexually active. My last three experiences all 2 years apart consisted of a painful cyst size of a golf ball in my right genital area. These all very painful ruptured on their own after 4-5 days-- and sitZ bath...pain was worse as the days went by took way to long ti rupture and very painful!!

This recent experience was 4 days ago. I noticed after my cycle was ending a slight itch, I figured it was due to my ph off given my cycle. Two days later I was intimate with my boyfriend and realized something was different. Sex was uncomfortable but not painful, so I tried to enjoy it.

The next day I realized that the glad began to act up so I applied pressure knowing what it was from past experiences.

Day 2 I was able to apply pressure and get out some fluid but it did not get better.L uckily this did not get to a size of a golfball more like a walnut.. by day 3 I was in pain And had to clear the remainder of my schedule for the day.

I applied pure Tea Tree to the area..instant relief!!! (Tingling) Followed up by a sitz bath with 2 tbsp Epsom salt And a few more drops of tea tree In the water..this helped but the pain continued .. I was over it!!

I purchased womens probiotic for vaginal support, 3 capsules 1 when I woke up, and 1 every hr until I had 3... clove oil and grapefruit oil. 1000mg vit C and Vit D.. I applied the clove and grapefruit oil directly to the area. And took the vit as directed..Tingling occurred. Within 3 hours the cyst ruptured and it was instant relief, I can walk again!!!

Hope this helps... I had to share...!!!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Joanne (South Africa) on 09/03/2015

I woke up Monday with this lump - consulted with Dr Google and decided it was a Bartholins cyst (hoped it was) and then found this site yesterday. I had been applying a drawing ointment with tee tree oil in it, but decided to add to my treatment by cleaning with colloidal silver, then applying the ointment 3-4 times a day. Yesterday (Wednesday) I also decided to drink an alkilizing soda) - someone's comment suggested our bodies may be unbalanced (this resonated with me because I had been eating too many sweets). This morning on checking - I noticed a head on the lump, I squeezed it and pus came out - much smaller now - cleaned it with colloidal silver and applied Traxa and drank some more alkalizing soda. Holding thumbs- I do like to heal myself!!

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