Effective Natural Remedies for Bartholin Cysts

Sitz Bath
Posted by Kelseym (Duluth, Mn) on 03/12/2018

Just noticed my BC yesterday morning and successfully popped by this evening!! I did one sitz bath with epsom salt last night. This morning I noticed it was more tender and it bugged me all day at work. It was a bit larger than pea sized..

I perused all the remedies here and decided to continue with the epsom salt baths and add cotton compress of colloidal silver and witch hazel. The sitz bath I took after getting home from work really softened it up (I massaged it a bit as recommended by another writer). Then I mixed 1 part coconut oil, 1 part colloidal silver and 1 part witch hazel. I dipped a cotton pad (gauze) into the solution and applied to the softened BC. I checked it about 3 hrs later and it had popped and started to bleed! I made 2 new pads for over night.. applied one now and will switch midway through the night. I already feel relief and hope it's even smaller by the morning. I plan to continue the pad through work tomorrow to really ward off infection.

Sitz Bath
Posted by Maria (Quebec) on 12/18/2017

Tea tree oil + hot baths + sea salt

Definitely, it helped me. After read some horrific stories, mine..it was the same. The was pain of my life. The bartholin cyst started on Thursday and it burnt on sunday around 4am. I did hot bath, and hot compressed with vinager and sea salt really intense on Saturday. On Sunday I wasn't able to walk, to sit, even lay down. After, read this reviews.. I added the tea tree oil (sunday 4pm) to my rituals baths ..and 4am I was bleeding and screaming Hallelujah (one of the girl on the page write this..so I remembered the comment... and definitely yes... Hallelujah!!! ).

I still doing hot bath.. now, I am a bit loss about next steps... how to keep drain it.

Good luck girls, a lot faith, prays, and meditation :) xo

Sitz Bath
Posted by Prettycookie (Georgia) on 12/05/2017

Hi there, this is my second post in two days concerning my experience with Bartholin Cyst. It ruptured last night, so here is my full experience.

I noticed a grape size lump on the right side of my vagina where the Bartholin gland resides about a year ago. I did not have insurance so going to the doctor was not an option for me at that time. It did not hurt at all, it only would swell up from time to time and go away. Usually during sex, or when I am negligent with my hygiene. Because it did not hurt I simply observed it and moved on. As of last week I noticed it growing larger. Now the size of golf ball, I guess is the closest reference I can use. As it grew it became uncomfortable but not painful, I just felt the pressure from the size. At this point I enrolled for medical insurance for the 2018 year because this was not looking promising.

By Saturday I was beginning to experience more pressure and thus more pain. I started doing heavy research and learned about sitz baths, tea tree oil and castor oil. I had these things in my home already in addition to epsom salt. So I took my first bath Saturday night. I notice the pain slowly getting more intense. By Sunday I was walking as if I had a limp and it was painful to sit directly on it. I took 3 baths on Sunday, which became more and more uncomfortable with each bath due to the pain and having to sit in the tub. It was the longest 20 minutes.

I took a full bath that night, filling the tub all the way up. I layed on my stomach and soak for an hour. That night was on and off with sleeping because of the pain. It hurt to move, shift and roll over. I had to place a pillow between my legs to avoid the pressure of them being closed. I am a heavier woman so my thighs applied a lot of pressure. I also slept on my back with my legs open or on my stomach with my legs spread apart. I am a side sleeper so this was major uncomfortable. After tossing and turning all night and having to deal with constant bathroom trips I got up for the day at 630am to take my first bath of the day.

My plan was to head to a health store thereafter and purchased some vitamins to help remedy the cyst. I didn't make it because of the pain. Instead I called off work and went to my boyfriend house and laid in his bed just to have somebody around. I took an Ibuprofen soon after I got there and had some relief. I also heated some castor oil and soak a gauze and placed it on the cyst to avoid friction. I then fell asleep and rested. right around the 8 hr mark after the pain killer wore off. I fell into excruciating pain. I took another Ibuprofen and took another bath. I was getting worse. I started calling around for free clinics that could possibly help with a payment plan option. I didn't get through to anyone because of the time it was right at 430 pm. I went back to sleep at 5pm, at this time the ibuprofen buffered the pain until later I went to urinate. It flared the pain up a bit, so I took some salt water and poored it on my vagina for some relief of the burning and slight itch feeling. It worked for a moment, so I immediately did another sitz bath but in a small basin this time. I sat for 20 minutes and dried off. I felt better, but I could feel the pain trying to increase so I took another Ibuprofen before the 8 hour mark, so basically I am overdosing at this point, then I went to lay back down. within 5 minutes the pain completely subsided. I thought hmmm Salt water bath? As I reached down to touch, the lump had felt softer, as I felt toward the inside that's when IT RUPTURED! It was a disgusting thing to witness but It was everything I needed. I slept well overnight and here I am now. I still am going to work on getting vitamins and rebuild my immune system to NEVER experience this again! The cyst is still slowly draining so I am wearing a pad to catch that and keeping my vagina rinsed with salt water.

Sitz Bath
Posted by Bella (Malaysia) on 06/02/2017

I've been suffering for BC two years ago, pay a visit to OB specialist, they given me painkiller and antibiotic to resolved it, I asked them to do procedure on me but they turn me away by saying that its only small lump. I went home walking with excruciating pain (it 10/10, I've never felt so much pain in my life). I took sitz bath (no added salt) 4-5times for about 4days, and cont taking antibiotis and painkiller before that little satan burst in afternoon. I was BC free for about 2 1/2 years.

Last friday (26/5/2017) I felt small little lump at my genital area but wasnt sure if its a BC or not so I decided to left it on its own. 2days afterwards, I felt it getting bigger but no pain felt, so I talk to my doc about it. She not giving me anything coz I said it doesnt hurt until the next tuesday(30/5/2017) I felt like it bugging me whenever I walk and sit. So I asked my doc to examined me and confirmed it was BC. (damn hell). She contact a specialist at nearest hospital to refer me to them, however the specialist asked me to try antibiotic first. I was a bit relieve coz its holidays weeks for us. So I decide to do sitz bath at home, I did few times a day (without salt) and massage that little satan, I bought serrapeptase online and took it 2x daily (since a pill is only 40uid, I took 3 to increase the dose), I also bought Australian Tea Tree Oil to rub at night, Kerdel Horsetail herbs supplement. I did everything for few days and the cyst getting bigger and its even hard for me to sit and walk (i walk like a monkey lol).

After trying anything I could, finally I felt like the lump has soften a bit but still tender to touch. So I did a mixture of baking soda and salt and apply it with cotton pad on my cyst, its not long I felt burning at my skin so I decide to take it of and continue with tea tree oil. I rubbed a few times a day.

Today(2/6/2017), I already lost hope to try anything I could. I told myself, if this cyst hadnt burst tomorrow I will straightly go to ER to make it drain. Before sleep I took a sitz bath again, and ate 2 tablet of horsetail herb and went to sleep without applying anything on the cyst. Sleep was hard when I cant even find comfortable position to rest my eyes. Few hours later, I touch the area and its wet, I try to move my legs and smell the odor, (guess what its foulty smell), so I get up and find my skirts all wet, when I turned on the lamp, I see blood and white yellowish stain. So I rush to bathroom and do sitz bath along to drain the cyst. Its a bit painful(but not as painful as having the growing cyst). After drain the cyst, I place a cotton pads with tea tree oil to ease the pain and prevent infection. I still can feel the small lump right now but not as painful as before. So I will continue to take my supplements and antibiotics, along with sitz bath and massaging the area to clears the clog.

My advice, its okay to try anything that u could, just don't lose hope. It will get better even it can make u depressed, emotional and physically hurts. I havent ate for 2days in a row, and I can feel that im malnutritions right now. Talk to some one about your condition. Im sorry to be lengthy, but I really do hope my experienced will help u guys a bit.

Lots of love,

Sitz Bath
Posted by Annas (Littleton) on 06/23/2016

Editor's Choice Okay so I have had Bartholin cysts for about 10 years. One grew the size of a lemon because I didn't have insurance to get it treated. The one I just currently resolved I did completely on my own.

First I took 2 sits baths each day for two days.

Second I used a lavender salt scrub on the affected area before the site baths. After all this is caused by a clogged duct. What do we do to our faces when we have clogged pores from makeup? Anyways it sounded logical to me.

After the bath I would pat dry and then applied tea tree oil to the affected area. After just 1/12 days ( or 3 treatments of each) the thing ruptured and completely drained itself. It was much less painful than enduring the cyst or having the procedure done. Hope it's just as effective for you as it was for me. I also want to note that for two days after I rubbed tea tree oil on the site. Tea tree oil is a natural bacterial. The only side effect that I noticed from using it was a tingle down there.

Sitz Bath
Posted by Lisa (Connecticut) on 07/31/2014

SOLUTION:Get fluids moving naturally.

Had Bartholin Cyst, the size of golf ball. Alot of pain, swelling, soreness, tried the following: tea tree and grapefruit seed extract topically-BAD IDEA -worse pain!! Also did castor oil hot packs applied to the area 2 nights in a row, all night, very hot water baths with a cup of epsom salts, cup of sea salt, and cup of baking soda. NO RELIEF!!

Then I spoke wih a Naturapathic Doctor today-- he said the problem is that fluids are not moving. The fluid that comes from these glands is for the purpose of lubricating pre-intercourse. Somehow those fluids have to start moving again. Well, the area was so inflammed, ultra sensitized and there was a great feeling of pressure that I instinctively felt would be relieved if I helped to "get fluids moving". I don't know if this is what he was implying, but I did another hot sitz bath, went back to bed and did what I could to "get fluids moving"-- three times.

Immediately felt alot of pain relief and did another sitz bath, the cyst broke up, alot of blood and fluid. You may think this is unconventional, but I have been dealing with excruciating pain for 48 hours and this was the thing that "got fluids moving" and broke up the cyst. It would be a natural instinctive way to---- "get fluids moving" as the Naturopath said. Most importantly: IT WORKED!!!!!

I do believe that the castor oil hot packs, baths with epsom salt, sea salt, and baking soda also were integral to the success of this. Sorry if you think it's crass, IT WORKED!!! I think taking a knife to the problem is crass and draconian. THANK YOU EARTH CLINIC!!!!!
