Hi lovelies. I'm also suffering from this - I had a giant, painful infected Bartholin's cyst that needed to be lanced twice, plus 3 rounds of antibiotics, sitz and soaks, about 4 months ago.
Since then, it's been very small - about the size of a grape if you push in to find it, but nearly flat on the surface - and stayed that way, but about every other day or so it swells a bit and is slightly sore...and then drains some blood and pus.
It's literally been open and draining like that for 3 months - occasionally, it's bright red blood and more than usual.
Has anyone else experienced continual draining? Could my taking daily homeopathic silica be affecting it in that way? I still do a hot compress for about an hour every night, and some witch hazel and tea tree compresses, which seems to keep it from getting any worse.
Stay strong, ladies. We can do this.