Effective Natural Remedies for Bartholin Cysts

Epsom Salt
Posted by Kim (Montreal, Canada) on 09/22/2021

Editor's Choice I discovered I had a Bartholin cyst two weeks ago. It was the size of a grape. I read up on DIY home remedies and tried several things like applying a clay paste, apple cider vinegar compresses castor oil with tea tree essential oil massages and sitz baths. These seemed helpful at first because the swelling seemed to reduce during the night but suddenly, the cyst got really hard and painful. (Now I realize that it must have been in its way to bursting which is the goal) I did more research and decided to try epsom salt baths and magnesium sulfate paste application. That did the trick. After my first sitz bath with half a cup of epsom salt followed by an application of the paste, the cyst burst a couple of hours later. Then I took another bath to disinfect and applied more paste.

The cyst is gone but there is still some hardness or tension in that area. I'm not sure If it's the gland or just ligaments. Hopefully, my gland will heal, the duct will be unclogged and the infection will subside.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Emma (Indianapolis, In) on 03/08/2016

I had a bartholin cyst and did the epsom salt bath one time and then after drying applied with sea salt and left it on overnight. It dried it out and by morning it had burst. It was painful to go to bathroom because of the wound so I used vaseline to coat it and it healed in two days. Doctor thought I was crazy to use sea salt but it worked. She did a test on rhe area and labs came back negative so all is good. Since then someone told me about clove oil and how to cut a hole in washcloth and cover everything leaving cyst exposed thru hole and carefully apply tiny amount of clove oil mixed in coconut oil or vaseline to be a carrier because clove oil is really strong. But it will dry them out. It can deaden nerves if used more than a few times in a row so space out the oil maybe every two days and let it work. My doctor says to just let them run their course but they are so annoying, I HAD to do something. Seems to work.
