Effective Natural Remedies for Bartholin Cysts

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Heayawn (Dublin, Ohio ) on 02/04/2016

The alkaline diet works for me too!! I tried sitz baths and some other treatments, it just doesn't work!! I was so frustrated and I didn't want to go to the doctor to get rid of it so I tried the alkaline diet and man it works wonderfully!! The pain not only lessens so much but it did go away too!! Man I was just so happy!!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Amber (Florida, US) on 02/23/2015

I completely agree with you! I've had a recurring bartholins cyst for the past 5 years coming every 2-3 months and 5 times I had to get it drained-the others were lessened by antibiotics OR it got so bad that it would naturally rupture on it's own (which I think is a better alternative then draining) Anyways, I tried everything but knew the problem was internal. I was having digestive problems and my cyst would always flare up after being constipated for days. Now I know that GLUTEN was the problem and I got my blood tested and I have a severe intolerance to gluten. Having eliminated it from my died and eating more leafy greens, I have gone 6 months now without a problem which is the longest I've home without a cyst. I'm so relieved to find the source of the problem:)

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Susan (Columbus, Ohio) on 11/27/2014

Editor's Choice The best cure for bartholin cysts is an alkaline diet. It is the ONLY thing that works for me and can take a golf ball sized cyst down to a pea in less than a week. No sitz baths or any topical treatment with this as that NEVER worked for me. When we get these nasty cysts it's because our body is completely out of balance and needs oxygenating food to remove all the toxins. A bartholin's cyst is our body's way of trying to release toxins, so instead of just trying to cure the symptom, you have to fix the main problem and cure the source of the ailment. I will admit it is hard to stick to this diet, but it is sooooooo worth it when you see such quick results and can avoid being sliced and diced by the docs and a catheter rammed up there, no thanks! Never again! The long and short of it is you want to eat tons of leafy greens, drink lots of water with lemons and limes (I understand counter-intuitive, but these fruits have a powerfully alkalizing effect on the body), soaked raw almonds, sprouted seeds, EVOO & flax seed oil, and that's about it for the first week. I'm also a very busy working mom, so I don't have time to sit in a sitz bath 7 times a day, and all it ever did for me cause a yeast infection too. I'm a firm believer that this is an internal problem and needs an internal remedy. Applying anything externally is like having a mold infested house which a person keeps spraying the outside, hoping it solves the problem. You have to get in there and clean the house!!! Hope this helps, good luck to everyone and God bless!
