Breastmilk cured my baby's pink eye in a matter of hours. I just expressed a little breastmilk and put a drop or two in each of her eyes every hour (aimed toward the inner corners of the eyes). I tried it in my own eye as well first just to see if it felt alright and it was soothing and not irritating at all. Her eyes completely stopped the oozing and redness after about 6 hours.
Breast Milk
I use breast milk for everyone in my house for eye infections and ear infections. Antibiotic drops were not clearing up eye infections because they were viral. Now, I just use an eye dropper with expressed breast milk several times a day, and the symptoms disappear!
Breast Milk
My daughter had mucous in the eyes as an infant. Doctor prescribed drops and massage, but the problem persisted. Someone suggested breastmilk and I applied to her eyes and it cleared up never to reoccur.
Breast Milk
My midwife recommended I try breast milk when my newborn had gloopy eyes. It worked! The problem cleared up within a couple of days and did not return.
Breast Milk
My two year old daughter had goopy eyes for 3-4 days, but because there was no redness, I left it go and it went away. This is why when my son got goopy eyes, followed by redness, I thought maybe it would go away too. It did not and after three days it looked much worse and swollen. When I read this post, I just laughed, but it was an option for me as I still breastfed my son (7 months old), who had pink eye. So I thought I'd try it! I squirted some in his eye the next time he ate (right after "let down") and immediately noticed a little relief in the redness. I have done it three times a day for 2 1/2 days now and can't believe the power of the breast milk! It is obviously not painful for my son and his eye just has a tiny bit of pink left! (I did the other eye every other time to ward off infection). Thank you so much for such an easy remedy!
Breast Milk
re: Mucous in baby's eye. Breastmilk expressed directly on the eye area immediately dissolves the mucous painlessly. Rather than using a warm wet cloth (as recommended by many) I followed an old folk remedy and it worked beautifully!