I have 4 children, two are adults now.
We have always used a weak solution of Sodium tetraborate (mule team borax) for eye infections. It would usually be cured after first application. I just mixe 1/8teaspoon (mule team borax) in 1 cup warm distilled water.
Then I would put a couple drops of this mixture in their eyes and wipe the area around the eye with a solution soaked cotton ball.
Others should always do their own research, but I have done mine and trust it's safety when used responsibly and I always test new things by tiny amount first to make sure there is not a allergic type reaction.
The ingredients on my borax box today is only Sodium tetraborate.
Opticalm and is an eye wash that has Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate in it's ingredients.
Chloramphenicol Eye Drops has borax as one of it's ingredients and it is for bacterial conjunctivitis
Otrivine Antistin Eye Drops have sodium tetraborate in it's ingredients.