Arcane Solution for Ear Infections in Dogs

Arcane Solution
Posted by Squirrel! (Sycamore, Il.) on 09/06/2018

It`s worked like a charm! My little 12 year old Brussels Griffon, Elvira had recurring ear infections for months. Even after changing her diet to grain free she was miserable. We`d go to the vet get steroid salves and oral meds for her and they`d clear up, but came back soon after stopping treatment. This mixture doesn`t hurt her, and cleared her up in 3 days! The once a week preventative doses keep her ears clean and pink as they should be. I also have a few hints for all y`all. I warmed up all of the closed tubes, by putting them in a glass of very warm water before mixing them. It helped a lot with making sure that I was able to mix it thoroughly. I also used an insulin syringe with no needle to suck it up into and put it into her ears without getting goop all over. Elvira and I thank you!!!

Arcane Solution
Posted by Bullies (Derry) on 02/16/2018

I have an English Bulldog who suffers from auto immune disease. He has had bad ear infections in the past year. His ears were clear however an infection broke out in the right ear, green gunk, inflamed with cuts. Vets meds did not work including formulated drops after lab results. Tried this Arcane Solution and his ear cleared up. Excellent stuff and l have used a lot, basically all options suggested by the Vets. Dog is on a raw food diet also.