Was wondering if there is anything out there for my 15 pound dog who has a uti I can't get rid of. I have been using ACV and it not working . I did take her to vet they did all the test and no stones just UTI. I hate to put her back on antibiotics. Trying Nature's Way Kidney & Bladder. How about D-Mannose - can you give that to dogs?
I have an elderly male dog, about 55 pounds. I think he could have a UTI because he has been incontinent and his urine has a bad odor. He also has a neurological disease that causes rear leg weakness, etc. I see different dosages of the ACV...can anyone tell me how much to give my dog? It looks like maybe 1 Tablespoon?
Also, has anyone noticed any side effects from this, especially stomach or intestinal reactions? My guy has a very sensitive GI system. Thank you!
Apple Cider Vinegar
My dog, a 4 yr old American Bulldog, had a bladder infection that seemed to not work with antibiotics given by the vet. After multiple medications and 3 vet visits within a 3 week time period, the last visit they did ultrasound and X-rays to see if he had kidney stones or whatever was going on and to why he was not responding to antibiotics. After reviewing imaging, his bladder was so large and full of urine we were unable to see his prostate b/c bladder pushed it back so far. My dog had blockage and was still unable to urinate along with peeing blood also. Vet suggested I go to ER to have his bladder drained with catheter b/c when the vet office attempted they said they were unable to do it b/c they didn't he the proper tools. ? the vet also stated that he most likely had prostate cancer. Idk where that came from b/c I just listened to her tell me that she could barely see the prostate b/c of the enlarged bladder. I understand that it def could be cancer but where did she come up with that based off of something she could not see? The cost of ER was $1500 for only draining of bladder and 24 hr care. Nothing else included. OR she suggested euthanasia!!!!! I broke down in tears and didn't know what was best to do. I did know, at that time I was not ready to make a decision, sooooo I brought my dog home. I cried and cried and felt I had to try other alternatives before going based off of 1 doctor.
I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar that I read up online and multiple reviews from others and I wanted to try. I just finished 2 days of giving him 2 T 2x/day and have already seen improvement. He has actually been able to make a much better pee on his own, waaaayyyy better than he did befor acv.
Now I will say this, Apple Cider Vinegar is nasty and my dog is not a fan. I tried putting Apple Cider Vinegar in his water along with mixing Apple Cider Vinegar with yogurt and he did not like either one. I have been putting Apple Cider Vinegar in a dropper and having to put it in his mouth to keep him from spitting it out. With that being said, whatever works best for you is the route I would take in administering Apple Cider Vinegar to your dog. I have another appt in 3 days to get a second opinion from a new vet and I hope to have better news than I did on my last 3 vet visits. As many of us, we are all pet lovers and will do anything to save our animals. If in doubt as I was, get a second opinion so that you know you tried all you could in order to save your pets life.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thank you all for this incredible tip about apple cider vinegar as a cure for a canine bladder infection. My dog Cleo (she's a BBD - big black dog - around 90 lbs) picked up a raging bladder infection yesterday, and of course with typically good timing did this right after the vet had gone home for the day (which ended up saving me probably three hundred bucks, as it turned out). She was clearly miserable: pacing around, and peeing literally every two minutes. After reading the posts here, I rather skeptically tried giving her apple cider vinegar (ACV), and was amazed at how fast it worked. Within 45 minutes she had calmed down and no longer had a desperate need to go out, and while she peed a few times during the rest of the evening she was basically fine, and slept soundly through the night.
What I gave her: I started with two tablespoons of ACV, and first tried mixing all of it with some food, but she took one sniff and was having none of it. So I resorted to the direct delivery option with a plastic syringe we have in the house. Since my wife was away, it was just me doing this, and it's not an option I'd recommend for entertainment - it wasn't fun for either of us! I later mixed another tablespoon in with some dry food, some yoghurt and some meat, and she loved the meat so much she ate everything. I don't know if the yoghurt was necessary, but whatever I did worked.
Anyway, thanks again to all who contributed.
Apple Cider Vinegar
24 hour fix! When my 2 1/2 year old golden retriever suddenly showed signs of a UTI, I was very worried. I've worked in clinics before and I know how expensive any exam, testing and treatment may be - and, like almost everyone right now, I definitely don't have the money to pay a vet outrageous amounts. I found this site and immediately tried ACV home treatment; I used 2 table spoons of ACV in her dry dog food that morning. I had to coax her to eat with some gravy, but she got it all down. She later got another half tablespoon of ACV with yogurt that afternoon. This morning, she seems completely better! She only had to go once (compared to the squatting marathon of yesterday!) and is normal and frisky as ever. She'll be getting on tblspoon of that "delicious" stuff for another three days, just to make sure we're all clear.
Thanks for all the help and advice on this site!
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Mpls., Mn) on 05/09/2017
Hey Sue!
A few thoughts for you. Read the pages on ACV for dosing ideas. I tend to go heavy and hide it in canned tuna, while others have smaller doses in water. Chronic infections make me think your girl is constantly being exposed to something that disagrees with her. It may be helpful to have a log or journal and record everything she takes by mouth - all treats, chewies, and human food. Consider the grain free diet you are feeding may also be the culprit and consider changing protiens. So if you are feeding a chicken based diet try a beef based diet and give it 6 weeks while you record results. Also consider on a rotating basis alkalizing her drinking water with baking soda, and also Ted's Borax protocol for dogs - another water treatment. Finally consider her conformation - if she has an 'inny' vulva this may be something she has to out grow and innies usually resolve with the first heat cycle. Please keep us posted!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Make sure you get her checked out for worms too, sometimes pups can get that and it just makes them pee more because they are sensitive to that, most importantly get your dog off of commercial dog food. Please see Dr Dobias (Canadian Veterinarian) for his products, articles and videos, also join their community. Feeding a dog raw especially for a puppy is crucially important, if you do research on the commercial food industry you will cringe that you allowed a bag of that food open in you home, I know I did and thus our journey to a better simpler life began for our dog and us, and it turns out its cheaper in more than one way and you get smaller less smelly poops and a happy healthy dog. To make the transition cook your food and mix it for 2-4 days there should be no issues, then just go full speed ahead with just cooked food, there are many support sites out there find a few and look at the reviews until you find what suits you.
A must have is Dr Pitcairn's (American Veterinarian) book(he will walk your through a lot of questions on feeding and illness), even the old version is priceless. As long as there is nothing medically wrong you should see a lot of improvements just with a diet change almost immediately, please get support for this and be patient. A vet you can talk to that is not trying to sell you their commercial dog food is so important, a holistic one is priceless but not so easy to find let alone afford. Good luck and do keep posting here, I find lots of great ideas and resources here.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Music to a desperate fur mama's ears. My old baby girl (12/13yrs old she's a rescue) has been peeing pretty bloody for about two days now. Took her to a second opinion vet today and she had a good blood report, but her urine test wasn't so good. Bacteria and blood in the urine(obviously). We are going back Thursday morning for a sonogram to see if what the vet is seeing in her bladder is a clot or crystals.
She did send me two prescriptions and an anti inflammatory, but I would love to try adding the ACV to her water in addition.
Yalls thoughts?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have my maltese on antibiotics for struvite kidney stones and a UTI infection. Just found this site and gave her some ACV. She didn't want to take it mixed in water or food, so I gave it to her straight with a syringe, followed by water and a raw treat for being so good. My question is should I be giving it to her while she's on an antibiotic or wait until she finishes her meds?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Sherry,
I have a pie bald doxie and she too has had the operation less than 10 mos. ago for bladder stones. I have had her on a raw diet and watch her weight and add a chicken or beef broth to her raw food along with ACV in the broth. I think its helping to impede the what I fear is some sort of genetic predisposition to stones. She is having some symptoms again like frequent urination and what appears to be longer attempts at peeing. Sometimes, like tonight her pee, she peeped in the house was VERY pungent and foul smelling. How is your dog doing now? Does anyone else have what appears to be development of recurrences of bladder stones. She's quite young --about 3 now(rescued at about age 1)and had the stones at about 2 so I fear this is kind of a congenital problem that will be a life long struggle.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You might try D-Mannose. After trying several of the remedies listed on Earth Clinic, including ACV, D-Mannose finally cleared up a UTI in my dog. It's not bitter so I just opened the capsule and mixed it with her food.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi kristin, I looked in my notes for a answer that should help with your problem, 15 drops of each sarsaparilla, red clover and barberry orally twice a day for two weeks also a tablespoon cod liver oil, 1 teaspoon liquid vit c once per day. Good luck.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hello All,
I stumbled on to this site, and read where a lot of people cured a dog's bladder infection with ACV and Yogurt. I have taken my shepherd to the vet several times and its costed me a phenomenal amount of money. after two rounds of different antibiotics and tests. I can't see putting her through this again. I know by them drawing the urine from her bladder it causes her a lot of discomfort and I cant see me doing that to her anymore. I will give this remedy a try by putting 2 tbl spoons of ACV and yogurt in her food and Pray that I clears it up for her. I am at a loss right now and am desperate for any advice anyone can offer. I would certainly appreciate any further input because going back to a vet is not an option at this point. Thank you for the many posts and advice.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Mpls., Mn) on 02/21/2016
Hello Tj,
I can't tell the age of your dog by the pic, but when I got my AB as a 10 week old pup from the breeder she had been raised on a corn based diet and she had a UTI when I got her. The vinegar color of the urine is most likely from blood. If you have ever had one, a UTI feels like you are peeing fire - it stings like the Dickens, and you just feel you have to go, go, go despite the sting. If this were my dog I would see the vet for meds. I would then check the diet you are feeding and if it is grain based switch to a grain free diet. Antibiotics will knock out both the bad and the good bacteria, so consider supplementing with a probiotic once you are done with the antibiotics. If this is not a puppy but an older dog - if corn is not in the diet, consider additional testing and work ups. Despite the additional expense it would be helpful to know if there are stones or crystals in the bladder which would require special care and feeding down the road.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar for dog's UTI
This totally works and works fast! I mixed 2 tablespoons each ACV and honey. Had to coax my puppy into eating it but he got it down.
Within 3 hours he started leaking urine for a few minutes at a time. Within 5 hours he is urinating slowly. He is no longer in a permanent squatting position and has perked up considerably. Cannot believe how fast and simple this was. My poor puppy has been miserable for days waiting for our vet apt tomorrow. Now he's taking food and drinking! Will continue this treatment twice a day for a week. THANK YOU everyone!
Gracious me, I think the way you treated your dog is the cause of spasms and lack of appetite.
Would you want someone to force 2 Tablespoons of vinegar down your throat, especially when you aren't feeling well? You try taking 2 Tablespoons straight. Yes, it will make you feel awful.
Kindness will go a long way with your dogs health.
Yes, please try Suzyq's remedy of colloidal silver. It is tasteless and easy to add to water.
Never give a dog undiluted Apple Cider Vinegar internally or externally.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I know you were desperate to help your dog, but why on earth would you force 2 Tablespoons of straight apple cider vinegar down her throat? It's written all over the net that ACV MUST BE DILUTED IN WATER 50/50 for pets. I hope your dog is okay. Please update us.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dear Jill,
I would use Apple cider vinegar for a puppy with a suspected bladder infection, just a much smaller dose.
I am guessing he is about 10 pounds?
I would try 1/4 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in food or water 2-3 times a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi I have just joined this group my 7 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback has had the same issues for last 10 weeks & booked in for an ultrasound on 28 October. Long weekend here in New Zealand 🇳🇿 so I was desperate yesterday as he had blood in urine & white cells but the vet has not prescribed any medication for long weekend & his urine is very bad smell. I did purchase some Blackmores Cramberry 15000 & emptied a small portion on his food last night today his urine is not quite as smelly but I wonder if I could use apple cider vinegar also? Are you meaning 2 Teaspoons or Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with yoghurt?
Kind Regards Margaret
Apple Cider Vinegar
Our 4 month old female choc lab was showing obvious signs of a UTI and not wanting to subject her to antibiotics and expensive lab tests, I chose to try the yogurt/ACV treatment and it totally worked! I gave her 1 tablespoon organic natural yogurt 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar four times the first day, spaced out 4 hours, and I could tell by that first evening that it was working. I was so thrilled and so relieved! I continued it through the second day, just wanting to make sure the infection was gone. I am going to continue to give it to her once a day as a supplement to keep the UTI from coming back again. Natural, healthy supplements have to be better than drugs and antibiotics from the vet!
Apple Cider Vinegar
My 3 year old Chocolate Lab (100lbs) started having a problem 2 days ago, she would have small accidents in the house which she never did and woke us up at 3:00 am needing to go out. We knew she had a bladder infection because she would go out and try to pee but nothing would happen, after finding this thread we gave her 2 tbl spoons of ACV mixed in with 2tbl spoons of non-flavored yogurt.
Well today she is back to her normal self this worked great for us, we will continue to give it to her for a couple of days just to make sure it has cleared up.
Thanks Too All!
Apple Cider Vinegar
To Donna from Barbourville, I just read your post- sorry it doesn't seem that anyone answered, it seems that you didn't dilute the ACV enough 1 1/2 tbsp. in just a little water still will be strong and the poor thing must have had a hard time with bad sensations in the throat or stomach. Dilute in at least 1 gallon of water 2 tbsp. There are enough posts here that you can go over and see what worked for other people in a similar situation. All the best wishes for you and your Lab. Don't give up, and really hope she's doing better.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am very interested in this treatment as endorsed by so many. Our English Cocker was diagnosed with a bladder infection, the vet did ultrasound, x-ray, physical exam, blood analysis for the diagnosis. He is on a three week round of antibiotics that two weeks into it has not cleared his urine. We had another blood analysis which was better, but not clear. Thus far the bills are $520 and mounting, so I am going to try this. I will let you know what happens. One question, though, can you purchase Apple Cider Vinegar at the grocery store, or does it have to be purchased at a health food store where it is pure and of course, much more expensive?
Apple Cider Vinegar great cure almost a miracle!!!
I will admit I was very skeptical about this entire process but I figured what could it hurt its definitely won't hurt my wallet. It all started yesterday (July 15th 2009) when my dog had to urinate about every 15 minutes. The first two times I wasn't too concerned until I noticed there was a little bit of blood in her urine. After doing a little research on the internet I came across this site as well as a few others. I wasn't sure just how to give the dose of Apple Cider Vinegar to my dog since we just moved on July 10 and she has not been drinking water or eating much if at all. I ended up hitting the health food store down the street and bought unfiltered apple cider vinegar and also bought a plastic baby medicine dropper so I could give it to her directly. I gave her a 2 table spoon dose mixed 1 to 1 with vinegar and water. This morning she went out there was not blood (thank god) I then gave her some food with some vinegar sprinkled over it and also some in her water which she finally started drinking not much but did drink some. She continued the need to go out every 15 to 20 minutes for a few more hours. This afternoon I also gave her 2 large spoons full of unflavored yogurt and about a table spoon of vinegar. I had my doubts she would eat it but she gobbled it down and seemed to love it. Over the last 6 hours she has not had to go out and seems happy and content. I still have some vinegar in her water and will give her some more yogurt and vinegar tomorrow just in case. Thank you very much for this I will continue to put some vinegar in her water since I heard it will also help keep her tear stains at bay.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks to everybody who wrote about cider vinegar bladder infection treatment. It works! I took Tasha - black labrador, 4 years old - out for a walk yesterday and she was passing urine every 10 minutes or so. That's very unusual for her so I knew something was wrong. Realising it might be a bladder infection I googled; google took me to this site and I decided to try the cider vinegar on her.
She still had her appetite so I gave her 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar mixed into muesli and dessicated coconut - two things she likes - and she ate it all! Later I gave her yoghurt with her supper. By then she was very quiet and listless, but when she woke up this morning she was completely back to normal. I would recommend this to everybody - effective treatment with no side effects. Perfect medicine
Apple Cider Vinegar
My large 105 lb. rhodesian could not urinate or very little. Vet said it was his prostate. Suggested neutering however he is on prednisone every other day so surgery was delicate. Did tests and results were good for surgery. I researched this site and tried the ACV and honey (2tbls. each) 2X a day and wow, he was urinating within 5 hours. Continued this for months and then changed to 1 tbls 1X a day. He is still doing fine and no surgery.
Thanks...what a find. He probably had stones even though vet tested and found none.
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV works! I too, just paid a large vet bill last month. When my 11 year old lab woke me up at 3am sunday, did the dry pee dance on our morning walk, bloody urine in the house, along with the whining, & pacing and going to the door to go out every 5 mins, I took a chance & googled and found this site. I read what everyone else had to say and gave her 1 TBSP of Heinz ACV mixed with 2 TBSP of yogurt last night. I was amazed at how quickly her behavior changed. She settled down almost immediately, sleep comfortably all night and urinated normally the next morning. Since she gets feed 1 time a day, I mixed 1 TBSP of ACV in her dry food in the morning and gave her the yogurt ACV mixture that same night and she seems fine. I will probably cut back to just once a day for the rest of the week and then maybe every other day for a while.
I am so thankful for this site, saved me lots of $ and heartache.
Now if I could just find a remedy to shrink or aliviate those fatty tumors...
Thanks again!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dear Valerie from Minneapolis,
I had a male chocolate lab that had the same problem. I thought it was a botched fixing, but it wasn't. He would leak urine on occasion that was bloody and I took him to the vet, but he found nothing. I finally saw a new vet and x-rays revealed a tumor. It was too big and we lost him. Please consider seeing a vet and make sure all is clear before relying on it just being a bladder infection. I am all for homeopathy, but make sure it isn't something else!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I just want to let you all know that I started the ACV on 12/22/08 and my old boy is absolutely more active and back to his old self. He has however had a few "accidents" but not as many as before and I will continue the ACV for a few more days. He did sleep much better the very first night and the panting and most of the pacing has stopped. It seems to be working.... keep praying for "Mr. Whiffer Sniffers".
My husband has also agreed that he looks much better and that my boy is back to his old self. If Mr. Sniffers can completely stop the accidents, I will swear by this treatment, but it has only been 1 1/2 days so far with the treatment.
Good luck to everybody with their dogs. Unfortuntely, they cannot talk and let us know how they feel.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Mpls., Mn) on 03/20/2018
Hey Guinandmela,
If this were my dog I would take her to the vet for a diagnosis. AND I would stress that I did not want Clavamox, that I wanted to try other options first. Your nutritional approach seems to be addressing symptoms -let the vet know that. But you really need to rule out any other hidden issue that may be causing the increased thirst, diarrhea and blood in the urine. Good luck and please report back.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Angel,
It would probably be good to still get your dog seen considering he has other factors that might be contributing factors to his bladder incontinence. Especially because he has back end issues .. this can affect the bladder function and bowl function too depending on if the back end is wonky and possibly applying pressure in the wrong spots. Chiropractic may be very helpful with that issue. An adjustment could relieve any pressures that might be affecting his bladder and possibly causing his incontinence.
With the ACV for UTI ... It definitely works great but, I'm reading some posts here and am unsure if you are all diluting the ACV with water at all in the dosage? Some sound like it's straight ACV which is not how it is meant to be given ... even if added to food.
I have a cat who appears to have Cycstitis based on her symptoms. She is challenged with being able to urinate comfortably but, lately, it has got worse. Normally, I give her cranberry powder and goat yogurt (this is a digestible form of dairy for our pets ... cow dairy is not) in her food daily to manage the problem which worked great for a number of years. She'd have the odd flare-up but otherwise, was good.
Lately, she's having more frequent flare-ups and so, I just tried a different method of administering a concoction to her that I was hopeful would be helpful. I mixed in a bottle 2tbsp ACV to 4tbsp distilled water and added a single capsule of cranberry powder (cracked it open and dumped it in :) ... Then shake the bottle to mix it all up. I syringed directly into her mouth 1ml every 40mins because she was acute and really struggling to urinate ... small drops only came out and some with blood streaks. Within 3 doses of this method of administering, she had a big pee!!
This concoction can be used on a daily basis as a form of maintenance ... I am giving it to her 2x daily with the hopes that she will be managed better than when I added it to her food (which she sometimes ate and sometimes didn't because the ACV is strong tasting and gross).
Hope this helps whomever needs a good remedy for bladder stuff ... It will help with general UTI too :)
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Mpls., Mn) on 02/20/2016
Hello Rudy,
Did your two vet trips give you any insight as to why your GSD is getting UTI's? Did they suspect stones or crystals?
I have an AB who I got as a pup with a UTI; she had been raised onto a kibble that was corn based. I treated her for her UTI at the vet and change her diet to grain free and there has been no problem ever since.
Please check the ingredient label on your food - it could be a grocery upgrade is in order.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hello Theresa,
Thank you for your reply! No neither of the two vets mentioned an exact cause for the infection. one mentioned that he did not see any crystals or stones in the X-rays, but that her blood count levels were high. He advised that if it continued he would want to conduct more tests to see what else could be going one. He never mentioned one thing about her food being a possible cause. She was prescribed 10 days of 500 MG cephlaxin twice daily. It cleared for a while. I took her back for a followup and the second vet conducted another test and said she still saw the infection when they "Spun"the urine, she prescribed Amoxicillin 500 MG Twice Daily for 14 days, then she wanted more tests and for me to collect a urine sample. When I got my Shep someone had severely abused her, and its difficult even for me to do something like that without her really getting scared. the blood and bad urine smell have returned, which is why I was looking for an alternative measure.
I took your advice and looked at the label, sure enough WHOLE GRAIN CORN is in the ingredients. I didn't stop to think the food may be a problem. And without either of the Vets mentioning it, I assumed everything was okay. I will go out today and get her something that does not have any corn in it and try it out. Could you recommend a brand for me as she is pretty finicky about what she eats. Of course I will check out the labels. Thank you so much for your help, and your input, I sincerely appreciate it! You have helped out a best friend and companion of an old firefighter.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have a 145 lb. Bernese Mountain Dog. She has had urgency in going to the bathroom and needed to pee a little bit several times a day, I would like to give her the ACV treatment but am really not sure how much to give her and how often and for how long? Can you help?
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Mpls., Mn) on 03/07/2016
Hey Christine,
I would start with adding 3 tablespoons into 2 cups of water and see if she will drink that. If not, dilute it further until she does take it. In addition, I would put 3 tablespoons into some wet food to disguise the taste and give this to her am and pm, and I would also sneak a few ACV loaded snacks in between to make sure she gets it into her to start working ASAP.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just took our 7 1/2 year old Basset-hound/terrier mix in this past weekend for what ended up being a massive amount of stones (struvite) in her bladder. They did surgery yesterday. Now she is on amoxicillin for 10 days as well as changing her reg dry food (Chicken Soup for the Soul brand) to Royal Canin Urinary variety (both dry and moist) I have read about the remedy of administering ACV in the past. I have just given her some mixed in with her water. I imagine until the UTI is cleared up, I will continue to keep seeing her trying to go more often.
On the upswing she is peeing more and her appetite is back. She is sleeping well, no cries of discomfort at all, so the surgery was not as bad (pain wise) as I had thought. I have a friend in another state who advised long ago that dogs are carnivores, thus needing to be on a raw diet, not kibbles. I will explore the new food the vet mentioned, but also continue to be mindful of a more natural raw food diet. I just need to do more research on what raw items to give her. I pray that the acidic balance returns back to normal in a few days, (as I believe it truly will-given the ACV) because I hate seeing her be in such a state of confusion not going when she thinks she should be. I am glad I stumbled upon this page. Thanks for all the feedback here and I will keep checking in.
Vet did call earlier today and asked for her to not come back in until a month (new xray to check for picture of bladder area) as they suspect the sand size crystals not removed during surgery could very well end up forming more stones, if her PH is not balanced. So once again here's hoping and praying her issue dissolves itself in a few days with the ACV. I have mixed feelings on the antibiotic, because I know what that does in the end. So another concern would be starting her on a good probiotic after this medicine is complete in 7 days. Thanks again and I am open for feedback.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Theresa, a really good food that I have had many customers switch to is a brand called Taste of the Wild, comes in many flavors, and all natural, nor corn, wheat, its made with real meat like venison, bison, salmon, or wild boar, sweet potato and other good for them vegetables and fruits. I feed this to my dogs and cats. it can be a little pricey, but so very worth it. good luck on your fur kid.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Mpls., Mn) on 06/28/2016
Hey Jennifer!
I think your comment is for the original poster [?]. I feed my pack a rotation diet of home made, Fromm, TOTW and others. I agree that top quality and grain free is key for urinary tract health.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have a fourteen year old female Corgi/Shepherd mix named Molly who weighs around fifty pounds (she is definitely overweight! ), who developed a bad bladder infection all of a sudden. There was blood in her urine and she was exhibiting the stress behavior of relieving herself on the living room carpet, which she normally never does.
I followed the instructions given on this site and gave her organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar from Trader Joe's. It has been one week today; all her symptoms have been gone since day five.
Blood was no longer present in her urine (not visibly anyway like before) on the morning of day three. By day four, she wasn't going in the house any more. After day five she wasn't repeatedly squatting over and over outside like she felt she needed to keep trying to go. I am, however, continuing on with a maintenance dose since she has gum disease and I think it may have caused her bladder infection (I'm afraid to have her put under anesthesia for cleaning/surgery at her age).
I started out giving her one tablespoon in the morning with a recipe I came up with: boiled chicken, either baked yams or organic potatoes, a little frozen organic spinach, organic chicken broth, and one teaspoon of organic coconut oil. I mashed everything up with a potato masher and microwaved everything together in her bowl except the ACV, which I added afterward.
I repeated the same exact recipe around eight or nine hours later at dinner time, with another tablespoon of the ACV. I also gave her about a teaspoon of ACV at bedtime in three or four teaspoons of organic yogurt to hold her over for the night.
After the fourth day, I changed the doses of ACV to two teaspoons with breakfast, two teaspoons with dinner, and two teaspoons at bedtime. This equals two tablespoons total, a reduction of one teaspoon from before.
Today, day seven, I have reduced the doses down to one-and-a-half teaspoons with each meal: breakfast, dinner, bedtime yogurt. I'm going to see how it goes for a few days and reduce it down to one teaspoon three times a day, and then go from there, perhaps stopping the bedtime yogurt.
I hope this helps someone who is dealing with the same issue with their dog -- it was certainly a Godsend for me! Thank you very much earthclinic.com... :) Tamara
Apple Cider Vinegar
I read about apple cider vinegar( ACV) on this site, I have a small mini foxie, around 6kg, she was peeing or trying to pee, between 15-20 times on our daily walk, I figured it might be a bladder infection. I did call my vet and was told antibiotics, this was going to be a call out on a weekend of $195 antibiotics. Instead I thought I would try for 12 hours and see if indeed it works.
I used 1 teaspoon x 3 times a day and after 24 hours the peeing was 5 times on our walk instead of 15-20 the day before. The next day I continued same ACV and she was much better, temperature normal, peeing normal. The cost so far about 30C and no nasty chemicals! THANK YOU for this site! Spread the word.
Lacey recently had had another UTI (3rd in the past 18 months all due to grain heavy dog food). First two times we took her to the vet who gave meds then she had a yeast infection both times following the UTI meds. Both times I only gave her can food. The third time she had a UTI(Feburary 2011)we gave her 1/2 tsp ACV for three days by syringe & water then squirt it down her throat after she eats for three days straight. Remember to give your dog food before you administer ACV. I forgot to let her eat before we gave her the ACV and she regurgutated it. All the other times when we gave ACV she always had some food in the tummy & responded well with no problems.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thank you so much for all your posts! Our 2 year old labrador, Gail, has been struggling with an ear infection for weeks. We were treating it with a cleanser and drops that the vet prescribed. Several days ago she started leaking urine. We were shocked since she has had maybe a dozen accidents in the house ever and we've had her since she was 6 weeks old. I assumed it was a bladder infection. My daughter found this site and I gave Gail 2 Tbsp. of ACV with yogurt twice that day. I also cleaned her ears with the 50/50 ACV and water solution. She got up in the middle of the night twice but otherwise seemed okay. The following morning she couldn't even stand. We called our vet. We have taken Gail there since she was a puppy. We were raising her for an organization that trains seeing eye dogs. All of her vet bills were covered through the organization and she was screened for EVERYTHING, even her hips were x-rayed. These dogs have their genetic history tracked so we were certain she didn't have a genetic disease. But she ended up being offered back to us for adoption since she had recurrent ear infections, which means all of her medical care is now our responsibility. Of course we were thrilled to have her back. We also assumed that this vet, knowing her history, would work with us to let us pay them over time since my husband has recently become disabled. No such luck. So much for all of those people out there that criticize others for not calling the vet. And by the way, we treat our animals like our children but if my child was sick a hospital would treat him, not ask for money up front.
Anyway, long story to say that we had no choice but to continue to keep trying the ACV and yogurt in the same dosage. We got her to eat it that morning and within an hour she could stand and go outside. We gave her water from a cup we held up to her since she couldn't stand to drink out of her bowl. She slept most of the day and then around dinner time was up and wanting her dinner. We gave her the regular amount of food with some yogurt and another 2 Tbsp. of ACV. She went outside for a short walk afterward. This morning she is her old self. No leaking urine, no limping and her ears are almost completely better. The one looks normal and the other has no heat or black gunk in it anymore. I am going to continue with the ACV in her food at a lower dose for a week or so, just to make sure and we will continue to use the ACV to clean her ears. We can't thank you enough for this site. We are sure it saved our furry family member.