Apple Cider Vinegar for Ear Infections in Dogs

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mumma_melly (Act 2902) on 04/25/2017

Hey I just did the apple cider vineger to my dogs ear and the reaction I just got wasnt very good she made her head stay on the right side thats the side that is sore. She is 12-14months old she has a bad problem with her right ear and gets irration and its like all the time I cant get into a vet and im lost on things to do please can someone help me asap pretty please

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beverly (Trinidad) on 02/19/2017

Acv and water for dogs ear Infection: I used the Apple Cider Vinegar and water solution for my dog ears and the next day his ears was swollen internally and red...why did that happen? Now I don't know what to do.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Cape Breton, Canada) on 12/12/2009

We have a long haired 10 year old cat that has had chronic ear infections all her life. Vets have told us that it is a yeast infection, not mites. Same story as everyone else. Many vet visits and much $$$ later, no relief.

I read about Apple Cider Vinegar and tried some in her ear last night. Just a couple of drops of organic ACV. I didn't dilute it with water - didn't read the posts on this site until after I had done it. It was clearly painful for her and I felt terrible so I'm hesitant to try it again. Would diluting it have made a difference in the how much it would sting?

Her ear is red, hot and has some scratches from her constant digging at it. I was wondering if I could use Traumeel Gel for a few days to help with the inflammation and scratches so that if I use the ACV again it won't sting her as much.

Also wondering about witch hazel. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


EC: APPLE CIDER VINEGAR -- AND WATER. One part ACV to two parts water seems about right.