Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies: Relief & Healing


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Pareetp (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/07/2009

best remedy for arthritis would be 1 tbsp fenugreek seeds soaked in 1 cup of water....boil it all together in morning .....drink the water and eat the fenugreek seeds.......gr8 for arthritis...tried n tested by my grandmoms

Fire Ant Bites

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Teresa (Nacogdoches, Texas) on 09/13/2009

Fire Ant Remedy for Arthritis

Back in the day when doctors weren't readily available people who worked in the fields had to find ways of healing themselves. If someone has a really bad case of arthritis the best thing to alleviate the swelling and pain are bites from fire ants.This has been done in my family for four generations and has always worked.

Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Gracie (Nottingham) on 07/28/2021

Hi Michael from Down Under,

Thank you for your post, lovely to hear from you again and learn that you are keeping well.

I can relate to you 'almost becoming a monk' by eating just once a day. I discovered a couple of years ago that I was pre-diabetic and now follow a low carb diet. However, occasionally, my resolve goes and I eat the things I shouldn't.

You mention that your evening meals are 'creeping' away from meat, and this seems to be a global trend. For a long time it has been recommended that we reduce the amount of meat we eat, especially if we suffer from any form of arthritis. However, Michael Moseley, author of both the 500 and 800 Diet, was recently quoted in the Daily Mail as saying he would not give up meat!

I'm still following D Johanna Budwig's protocol, having two bowls of the cottage cheese/flaxseed oil a day. She also recommends to cut out meat and replace it with legumes and nuts. The diet is aimed at people suffering with cancer, but it has been found to help other conditions such as arthritis, hence my interest. How long I follow the diet remains to be seen.

She also believes everything in the universe has a vibrational level, and this resonates with me as in the past I've done Reiki healing. Have I ever cured anyone? The answer has to be 'no', but it does make one aware that we are more than purely the physical.

The golden sultanas in gin sound a bit decadent, Michael. Are you sure they will improve my arthritis? What will the neighbours think if they see me pushing a shopping trolley around the local supermarket containing a large bottle of Gordon's Gin?

Shocking news about the high number of young New Zealanders committing suicide, and that New Zealand has the third highest obesity figures in the world. Bang goes the mental image I've always had of fit young New Zealanders surfing through white tipped waves under an eternally blue sky. Or was I thinking of Australia and Bondi beach!

So pleased that the Bicarbonate of Soda worked for your wife's eyes. It's good for so many things. Will not be long before she's posting on Earth Clinic!

By the way, I went looking for Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest the other day. Couldn't find him but it sure was beautiful under that canopy of trees. Saw the thousand year old Major Oak, and it's still going strong.

Stay well, and my best wishes to you both.

Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese
Posted by Sj_texas (Dallas, Texas, Usa) on 06/14/2016

Editor's Choice 10 years ago a friend started me on a tablespoon of flax oil and a tablespoon of cottage cheese daily (the Budwig cure for cancer). After taking it daily for 3 weeks, I woke and my arthritis was gone. I called her up and two others had called recently with the same report. I'd had arthritis in my hands for 10 years by then, since around 35 years old. My mother had the same problem, and her knuckles changed shape in her 60s, causing constant pain and difficulty in movement.

This is not a 'magic bullet': it only helps about 20% of arthritis sufferers. There are several types of arthritis, and this apparently helps my type. It's certainly more useful than the NSAIDs that were only masking the symptoms. I've experimented over the years, and the type or brand of flax oil doesn't matter, nor does the cottage cheese. I do recommend cold-rolled flax oil and not heat extracted, though. The cottage cheese acts as a surfactant, and makes the oil more water-soluble and able to penetrate the cell walls. In Germany Dr. Joanna Budwig used something called 'quark', and cottage cheese is the closest American equivalent. I use low-fat 2% cottage cheese since I'm older and less tolerant of milk fat.

I did another experiment to prove the effectiveness: I quit taking it and went 'cold turkey'. After 2 months, the arthritis returned. I stayed off for a few more months, just to make sure. Then I started taking one tablespoon of flax oil and one tablespoon of cottage cheese again, and 3 weeks later my arthritis was gone again. I duplicated the same experiment 4 years later, just to be doubly sure. Same results: 2 months of no dietary addition, and the arthritis came back, 3 weeks taking it and I'm cured again. Obviously you can skip a week or two while on vacation with little-or-no ill effect.

If you research the 'Budwig Cure', it was originally a solution for cancer, but it's not a 'magic bullet' for cancer, either. You don't need to blend the two as Dr. Budwig suggests; I take one and then the other and let my stomach do the mixing. I do chew the cottage cheese thoroughly to make sure it mixes well in the gut.

Replied by Myway

I used the Budwig Protocol many years ago for an awful case of psoriasis and did my own research - I read Dr. Budwigs books and understood the science behind her great body of work. I followed her protocol exactly. In under 3 months, my psoriasis was history.

My point? Dairy products have many added pesticide residues and hormones - and many patients do not acquire a "cure" if they choose or cannot afford organic products. After reading Dr. Budwigs books, I understood why she had success and suggests her methodologies. I trusted her research - hence, I got cured. I eat her focc recipe (flaxseed oil cottage cheese) once a week only because it's delicious.

To do your own research - go to This source is very reliable because it was created by the yahoo moderator since the early 90's.

Replied by Kathryn

Any ideas for how to experiment with this being dairy-intolerant?

Replied by Joe arsanis
(Stockton, Ca)
73 posts

I have Arthritis in back, neck, etc., and hate cottage cheese, any replacement?


You combine the cottage cheese with Greek low fat yogurt and flax seeds and flax/linseed oil in a blender you can then add fresh fruit (Berries banana apple any fruit really. or use a low fat flavoured yogurt or honey to flavour the mix.

Replied by Gracie

Hi Joe,

From your query as to whether there is a replacement for cottage cheese in the cottage cheese/flaxseed mix, I assume you're interested in following Dr Budwig's protocol.

She does in the first instance recommend quark which is more refined than cottage cheese, lumps. And I'm sure you're aware that quark/cottage cheese are a rich source of sulphur. Sulphur being highly recommended as a supplement if suffering from arthritis, and usually taken in the form of tablets/capsules. So cottage cheese/quark are essential for the Budwig Diet and I don't know of a substitute.

We've all got our likes and dislikes, but cottage cheese is so mild, so bland, I cannot quite understand anyone's aversion to it. And as Dr Budwig suggests the mixture can be sweetened with honey, fruit added, nuts, and added milled flaxseed.

I, too, suffer from arthritis, but kept reasonably well until four/five months ago when I had a massive flare-up of pain. Couldn't swear to it that it was arthritis, but the pain was so bad there were times when I didn't want to carry on living. However, sought help on Earth Clinic and tried this and that remedy, but they didn't really help the pain. Then 3rd July 2021 (I made a note of it in my diary) I started taking the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese mix, and within three days the pain was gone. It felt as though I was firing on all cylinders.

Now I cannot say with all certainty whether it was due to the flaxseed mix, I think it was, but who can say, I'm just grateful. I'm not entirely pain free, but I can cope with the bit of pain I have, and I'm back to doing my beloved walking. Also, I now take one cup of Kefir a day, plus a healthy diet.

I wish you well on your journey.

(New Zealand)

Greetings again Gracie,

It was great to hear that you are enjoying some relief from your Arthritis pain! The Flax Seed Oil and Cottage Cheese remedy is interesting. I had heard it being touted as a possible remedy on this Site a while ago but was unsure if many people had experienced relief, or if it was merely a "one off" for one person. Do you take yours first thing in the a.m. on an empty stomach I wonder?

Currently, I am quite well and think it might have something to do with the fact that I am taking extra care to not strain my muscles, ligaments and tendons that otherwise can cause me great strife if I don't watch out for "wrong" movements.

Possibly due to soft-tissue, calcium build-up over the years and I am aware of Ted's advice on this little-known condition.

I try to be regular with Magnesium and Joint capsules one day and Fish Oil tablets the next day. I also take a drizzle of Flax OR Hemp seed oil with my evening meal every evening almost without fail.

In addition, I have almost become a monk by resorting to only one meal per day. This helps to eliminate my craving for bread and cereals which are known to be possible triggers for arthritis. Our evening meals are gradually creeping away from meat and we are lucky to get quite a few of our fresh vegetables from my garden, which gets a little more productive, imaginative and broad-based every year. This year's new vegetable is Kohl Rabi no less!

I am certainly not obese but long to drop a few kilos, which I figure are surplus to requirements and not fit for purpose. Being overweight can lead to harsh health problems down the track as you know. As we grow older, weight loss becomes more of a challenge for some reason.

I have never been a fan for diets until recently and do not relish the thought of counting the calories all the time so I thought I would "out Mosely" Dr. Michael Mosely and go the whole hog and restrict my meals to only one per day and only eat during an eight hour window.

If the weight comes off (maybe six kilos in my case), then that should ease the pressure on the joints. What's not to like?

Early days yet.

As I have had some experience with following Dr. Michael's 5/2 (or whatever) Diet previously, I don't constantly obsess about food throughout the day, so long as I don't THINK about it!

Also, my other radical move, and one which I am hoping you might try, is to take the "Golden Sultanas in Gin Remedy" for a month to see what happens. For this one you need to refer to this Site and ensure that the sultanas are indeed golden and that your tipple is actual, London, juniper gin.

I strongly suspect that they are doing me some good, though you and I will possibly never be completely pain free, a bit of relief is something sincerely to be desired!

Lastly, I have been upping my Vitamin C and MSM intake. All in all, this is about as much as I can handle on a regular basis.

I have thought long and hard about the above for some considerable time now and am now trying to be more disciplined about implementing the regime regularly.

Now for a cautionary tale:-

I realize that New Zealand comes in for some good press these days but we have some horrible statistics actually!! Highest youth suicide rate in the World for instance! Also, we are the third in the world for obesity!!

Number one is the U.S.A. and no. two is Mexico. According to our local paper, New Zealanders (remember there are only five million of us) collectively put on 2,819 tonnes in weight over the past twelve months! Yikes! Those who gained weight, increased their weight by almost ten times the normal weight gain for adults apparently. Covid has changed the way people ate and moved according to the study by "Exercise NZ". We are digging our own graves with a spoon! In the USA, life expectancy is now trending downwards for the first time in a long time!!

Lastly, my Wife (who is a trifle cynical about the amount of time I devote to this Site - bless her) finally succumbed and asked for advice for her sore eyes that had been that way for some time. I suggested wiping some diluted Baking Soda / Sodium Bicarbonate - a quarter of a teaspoon in a third of a glass of water I think, on her eyelids and swallowing the rest when finished. Relief within thirty six hours or so. I am back in her good books again thanks to E.C.!!

Cheers from Down Under



I ordered flaxseed oil yesterday. I will let you know how it works for me. Just going through a bad time with arthritis and bursitis. I have been adding MSM and more vitamin C.

Thanks for your long post with details on your experiment with flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.


Replied by Malikha
(Laverock, Pa)

High quality Plain Greek yogurt like Fage is a substitute.

Replied by Jacqueline
(El Paso, TX)
24 posts

Hi, Would y please clarify? I want to try the Budwig recipe to see if it will help my arthritis. But I'm confused regarding the ratio of flaxseed oil to cottage cheese. I thought it is 1 tbsp of flaxseed oil for every 2 of Cottage. In this post where this lady used it for arthritis, she refers to the Budwig recipe as being " a tablespoon of flax oil and a tablespoon of cottage cheese daily (the Budwig cure for cancer)....." Are the amounts different for arthritis vs for cancer?


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jodi (San Diego, Ca) on 04/14/2016

I have found that frankincense works wonders for arthritis. I use it on my hands my husband uses it on his knees and on his shoulder. Not only does it help bring down swelling but actually helps pain. Brings tremendous relief. It is amazing.

Frankincense Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jodi (San Diego, Ca) on 04/14/2016

I have found that frankincense oil works wonders for arthritis. I use it on my hands, my husband uses it on his knees and on his shoulder. Not only does it help bring down swelling but actually helps pain. Brings tremendous relief. It is amazing.

Gallium Nitrate

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by B Jones (London) on 08/27/2019

Gallium nitrate as a cure for arthritis George Eby in Austin Texas has posted various articles about curing arthritis in people and navicular disease in horses using gallium III. Some of his research has been published in respectable journals. An internet search will easily find his sites, including a sales site. As there seem to be no known side effects I would be willing to try this at least topically (he recommends soaking an arthritic joint in his liquid gallium nitrate for an hour). However, he's elderly now and it doesn't look as though his site has been updated for a couple of years, though it will still accept money. No-one answers the phone or responds to emails. Does any chemist out there know how to acquire the necessary ingredients in the UK or how to concoct a similar solution? I can't find anything similar elsewhere.

Replied by Bethbs

Update. Eby Pharmacy did finally respond by email, though both telephone numbers are permanently on answer phone. If you want to buy his gallium from the UK, be aware the cost is high. In addition to the selling price USD250 for 500 ml of the 42% solution, express postage from the US is a further £58; then VAT and further handling costs are charged by ParcelForce in the UK to the tune of another £76.(2019) . I'd be interested to hear whether anyone has had any success using gallium.

Replied by Lahura Chavez-Barajas

I have used veterinary liniment gel for horses and is a little helpful


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Paul (Sacramento, Ca) on 06/08/2016

Gelatin is still the most effective treatment for arthritis. Unflavored gelatin is very beneficial for most people suffering from joint pain.

Posted by Ken (Now Colorado, US) on 07/20/2014

For arthritis, research knox gelatin. 35 yrs ago I had no knee cartilidge. Went on knox, in two months pain was subsiding. In 6 months almost grown back. In a year I was fine. I couldn't walk up or down stairs, run or anything. I am now 72 and knee cartilige is fine. Still take one packet every week or two as joint insurance. It has worked for many, many people!!!!? Ken

Posted by Nicholas (Edison, Nj) on 12/08/2013

A couple of days ago I awoke to find pain in the area of my left hip, in the front. I'd not felt any arthritis pain in my hips since I gave up eating grains about six years ago to heal adrenal fatigue caused by stress.

Anyway, I came straight to EC's arthritis page and decided on gelatine as the remedy, especially since I had gelatin packets hanging around for 10-12 years. I emptied one packet into my morning smoothie...what amounted to a level tablespoon...drank it all down and was relieved of the pain right away.

That afternoon I felt a hint of pain and drank another packet of gelatin in half a glass of water. It was kind of uckie, but it went down and I got relief.

Next morning (yesterday) I felt a hint of the pain again and had another gelatin packet in my smoothie. Got relief right away. In the afternoon, to play it safe, I had half a teaspoon of turmeric in a little apple juice. (Also from EC.) The taste was very palatable.

This morning, to play it safe, I had another packet in my smoothie. I am fine, no pain since yesterday morning.

I am 76 y.o. and I'll be putting gelatine in my smoothie from now on. I'll have the turmeric when there is no smoothie. B.T.W. on the box it says "The Original Unflavored Gelatine" ... spelled with an e at the end.

Now I can keep on bragging that at my age I have no arthritis, no prostate problems, and I can still make babies.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Dear Nicholas,

Well, after reading you whole post about using gelatin for arthritis...and especially reading the last sentence of your post...what I want to know is...

What is in that smoothie???? Gonna run out and get me a big box of it!!!!

Replied by Nicholas
(Edison, Nj)

Had a feeling I'd be asked for smoothie ingredients. Got most of it from Dr. Mercola's site.

  • 1 large ripe banana (overly ripe, if possible)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/8 t-spoon powdered clove
  • 1/4 t-spoon powdered oriental five spices
  • 1/2 t-spoon powdered cinnamon
  • 1 t-spoon bee pollen
  • 1 t-spoon honey
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 1 cup water

I watch my diet, do daily exercise and take a ton of supplements based on what I learned on EC. I also eat chyawanprash daily - Indian jam made of healthy herbs and spices.

Replied by Deborah
(Loxley, Alabama)
3 posts

I too would love to know your smoothie recipe, please. Thank you for your testimony. I'm in bad shape..need help.

(New Zealand)

These smoothie recipes must be lurking somewhere on THIS website but here goes anyway (if you cannot find them?).

KNEE PAIN SMOOTHIE(Knees and Joints)

1 cup Milk (almond, rice or dairy)

1/2 frozen Banana,

1 tbl BSM,

1 tbl Chia seeds,

1 tbl Gelatine powder,

1/2 - 1 teaspoon Turmeric powder,

1 teaspoon Coconut oil.

Blend in a blender for powerhouse 1 or 2x per day.

Place second batch in fridge (if making two lots). It can be eaten with a spoon later on.

#2 Arthritis Pain Smoothie:

1 cup Almond milk

1 tsp - 2 tbsp Turmeric

1 chunk of Ginger (1/2" X 1/2")

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

1 Banana

1 cup Pineapple

1 tsp Vanilla extract

1 large Carrot

2 tbsp Hemp seeds (optional)

Once again, give it a whirl.

I can recommend the first one, as I took that one for a while.

A while ago, I purchased a 4 lb container of gelatin from the "Now" company (USA) and have very little left so I must have had a lot of smoothies in the past!

Some posters have been known to add it to their coffee.

The second one I have not tried but there are many appropriate ingredients for an arthritis sufferer in there.

The gelatin is not easy to "melt" properly.

You need to use hot but not boiling water.

Then be prepared to whisk like mad for a while until most of it melts.

I got their beef gelatin but I guess the best might be chicken....... if you can get it?

You might wish to read up on what your chicken can do for arthritics.

Cheers from Down Under

(faithville, Us)
Replied by Rob

I stopped by my friend's automotive shop to see how she was doing. While I was there, Billy her chief mechanic walked over to me holding a peanut jar with red powder. I asked “what is that”? He said, remember you told me to take a tablespoon full of jello-gelatin in a glass of water every day for arthritis in my elbows and knees? I said yea, and what happened? Billy said, no more pain. They don't hurt at all. It took about 10 days, but it worked for him. He stopped for a while, and the arthritis started to come back so now he does a maintenance dose every day.

(somewhere, europe)

Rob, I guess your friend is a big guy. I'm not, so 1/2 tsp. daily was enough for me. I didn't do jello, just gelatin.

General Feedback

1 User Review

Posted by Sara (Sacramento, Ca, Sacramento) on 09/02/2011

Yesterday, I bought a "Heat Wrap" for my mom who is 76 years old. This Heat Wraps is for powerful pain relief and deep muscle relaxation. She is pretty much healthy, but she suffers from Arthritis on her back and both knees. As soon as she put the wrap on her back the heat wrap started getting warm, and she could not stand it for more than 45 minutes. She had to remove the wrap, and she felt a burning sensation on her the bases of her both feet. Now, she suffers from a great amount of pain and she does not have any energy at all. I called to take her to her doctor, but he is on leave till next week. What do you think is the problem and what natural remedy will be helpful in her case?

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Sara has your mom tired apple cider vinegar for her arthritis. If you look at the arthritis remedies page on this website many people have cured their arthritis by drinking ACV with honey and bicarb of soda.

Also for the deep muscle pain, magnesium oil rubbed in the area should help with that or magnesium chloride in bath water or even epson salts would help, although magnesium chloride is better and longer lasting.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

A short term remedy to help the pain is castor oil with DMSO. That means one part castor oil and one part DMSO, for simplicity. Applied to her leg it will relieve pain in minutes, if not then she needs allopurinol 100 mg x 3 times a day. A long term treatment is needed, but we'll discuss later. The energy is required CoQ10 300 mg to have any effect.


General Feedback
Posted by Chris (London) on 02/14/2011

Hi thanks so much for all the info you've researched and shared its making what I think is a big difference as a someone only recently diagnosed with RA.

My query is I am taking along with probiotics vit k2 vit d3 and borax with magnesium tablets as well. The magnesium supplement is a mag calcium complex with the ingredients as mag. As oxide citrate. Is this right as I am worried that taking calcium as bottle label suggests is interfering with the healing process.

Many thanks Chris


6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Mel (Calgary, Ab, Canada) on 03/17/2012

I have only checked out a few things in the last few days but so far I love it. I am a 50 yr old male and have really bad knees and arthritis all over the place. I have tried a few different things but the one that has worked the best is the candied ginger. I went and bought some and had a few pcs while I did stuff in the kitchen and had forgotten about it and noticed about 2 hrs later my knees did not hurt at all. I am also using the ACV and honey and will try oil pulling in the morning. So far very happy with everything. Thanks to everyone that has given these home remedies. Mel

Posted by Scarletty (Champion, Nebraska) on 05/04/2010

My brother has had excruciating back pain for years and was researching natural cures last week and came across an article that said crystalized ginger would help. He went and bought some saturday night and by Monday morning he was walking around without any pain!! I thought that was pretty amazing! Best wishes and God bless!

EC: Crystalized ginger is a popular remedy for sciatica too!

Posted by Sunny (Fullerton, CA) on 03/20/2007

I am of Korean descent, and for as long as I can remember, my grandparents and my mother have been using ginger for a few different ailments. Recently, I noticed with the cold weather, the flu bug was going around and I have had some pain and swelling in my wrists and finger joints. I made tea by boiling one ginger root, sliced and diced, in some water, added some fresh lemon juice and the peel (how it was done forever in my household) and added honey into my cup. it isn't a cure for a cold, but it certainly helps to relieve symptoms. i took the warm ginger remains out of the pot and mashed it up and applied it topically to my wrists and fingers. the pain is substantially alleviated. if you can handle the smell, it is worth a try. this is not a cure for arthritis, but a natural and very healthy way of relieving pain.
