Cinnamon's Incredible Health Benefits

| Modified on Jan 12, 2023
Urinary Tract Infections
Posted by Jim (Bellingham, Wa) on 08/31/2010

Cinnamon as a curative for UTI (urinary tract infections). Use/mix with toast or small yogurt. Stumbled on this when researching the topic of UTI's. So my wife gave it a try and... Bingo. Situation solved. Now a regular part of her diet. Also, when our female dog was passing blood the vet. wanted to schedule an operation he thought things were so bad. Took her home and just thought before we brought her back we would give her some yogurt with cinnamon. Next day urine looked perfect and brought the vet a sample. He was in disbelief as she tested normal. We've told many people about this as it is easy, cheap and really works. So for people and pets try it. Just a teaspoon seems to do it. We give it daily to our pets for years and never a problem since. Hope this post helps someone.

Acid Reflux
Posted by James (Massillon, Ohio ) on 09/17/2016

I have long suspected that cinnamon stops heartburn dead in its tracks. I took Tagamet and Zantac for years, until they stopped working. Then Prilosec hit the market; took that for 10 years until it stopped working. Then on to Nexium......then it stopped working. Ditto for Axcid, Aciphex, Protonix, etc. One night, I was SO MISERABLE with my symptoms, I Tried everything, including drinking an entire bottle of Gaviscon, to no avail. As I sat on the sofa, I spotted a dish of cinnamon disks in a candy dish and, against my better judgment, I grabbed two and popped them into my mouth, and then waited for the fire in my esophagus to REALLY come roaring back even worse than ever, and.....NOTHING! It had completely STOPPED the raging burn in its tracks. I will be researching this much further.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Fred (Austin Texas) on 04/02/2017

I have been eating 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of saigon Cinnamon a day for over 8 weeks. I do not have to take prilosec for acid reflux or heartburn anymore. Even when I feel the symptom a quick does of Cinnamon takes it away almost instantly.

Urinary Tract Infections
Posted by Donna (Royal Oak, Mi) on 01/05/2010

I've battled bladder issues all my life, and for a while, high contentrations of cranberry (pills, not juice - juice has too much sugar which feeds the infection) helped. That was until I got IC and became antibiotic resistant. Felt like I was peeing glass. By fluke I read 3 sentences in a magazine that saved me - it basically said that cinnamon kills off E-coli. E-coli is often the cause of bladder issues and IC. I started taking cinnamon capsules and felt major relief in a matter of a few days. I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from IC. You'll sing its praises too.

Posted by Jillery (Rawlly, Nc) on 08/05/2015 88 posts

Cinnamon has helped the arthritis in my ankles/feet ever so much!!! WOW. I take 1t of cinnamon mixed with 1 t of organic honey before my coffee in the morning. I feel 80% better. I love cinnamon anyway so it is great that this is helpful. Thank you once again Earthclinic peeps!!!

Posted by Pipi (Lakewood, New Jersey) on 09/12/2010

Cinnamon took away my ant problem. Ants hate the smell of cinnamon. I told my friend, who had a problem with ants too, about it, and she sprinkled some cinnamon in the place where they were coming from. The ants didn't come back. My other friend had a cockroach infestation in her home and I figured if cinnamon could work on ants why wouldn't it work on cockroaches. A few weeks later she came back to me and she was like "you know, Pipi, I think your cinnamon worked because I haven't seen a cockroach since I put it out." I was really happy for her. Anyway, a lot of people in my town are having problems with bedbugs and I really think cinnamon could work to eliminate them. I mean, if it could work on ants and cockroaches why wouldn't it work on bedbugs. If you're having a ant or cockroach problem figure out where they are coming from and sprinkle cinnamon in that place. For bedbugs, maybe you could sprinkle cinnamon directly on the mattress under the sheet. I don't know if that might ruin the mattress. I guess whatever you feel is right, do. If you get results with bed bugs.

Urinary Tract Infections
Posted by Anonymous (Pacific Palsades, Ca) on 09/04/2012

The power of cinnamon to kill E-COLI there was a (study apple juice samples were tainted with approximately one million E. Coli O157:H7 bacteria. About a teaspoon of cinnamon was added and the concoction was left to stand for three days. When researchers tested the juice samples it was discovered that 99.5 percent of the bacteria had been destroyed. So I'm trying cinnamon oil in steam for E coli sinus infection a very small amount mixed with some soothing oil on q-tip put in my nose to inhale it to kill e coli.

Side Effects
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/15/2017 233 posts

"the man that died from carrot juice" was doing so for the vitamin a and was constantly taking absolutely ridiculous amounts of vitamin a at the same time. Not death from carrot juice.

Posted by Ellen (Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Currently livin) on 01/07/2009

Essential Oil Inhalation cure for Bronchitis, Sinus Infections, Pneumonia

I regularly get sinus infections due to a deformity in one of my sinuses. Until a few years ago when I found this cure I had regular bronchitis and lastly in 2005 I had serious pneumonia. I opted out of health insurance years ago so I had to take responsibility for my own health.
I got onto one of those $39.95 sites with the magical cure but this one WORKED! So here it is for all of you.

The following essential oils are 89% antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal. Cinnamon, Clove and Oregano. First, get the best quality you can.

These oils work magic together BUT, you can use just one or a combo of two if that is all you can get. Put 2-3 drops of each oil in a steamer or a steaming pan of water. BE CAREFUL NOT TO GET THE OILS ON YOUR SKIN...They burn. Cinnamon and Clove burn. (Cinnamon Oil is the main ingredient of all those lip plumpers :-) Now, inhale the steam with your eyes closed and take it in as deeply as you possibly can, breathing through the nose and the mouth alternately. When I did this with my pneumonia, I felt a kind of crack in my lungs after three or four breaths and everything started to come loose. I coughed up all the guck and was completely well in 5 days. I was so sick that I had bruised my ribs from the coughing and I was very, very weak. Now at the first sign of anything respiratory, I do this. I have never had a reoccurence of bronchitis or pneumonia and very seldom get any sinus trouble anymore. How happy I am that we can all share these wonderful old rememdies with each other! Thanks to this site and all of you.

Posted by Lou In Texas (Somewhere, Texas) on 07/02/2011

My husband began taking 1 tablespoon of Really Raw Honey and 1 teaspoon of ceylon (sweet) cinnamon about 5-6 weeks ago for his arthritis in his knees. He takes this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and does not eat for at least an hour afterward. He could see a definite improvement after the first week and every week since. He now has no pain in his knees at all, unless he stands up too long at one time. Before, his knees were always in pain.

Side Effects
Posted by Mayallen (Dublin, Ireland) on 05/25/2011


If you are going to use Cinnamon, make sure it is pure Ceylon Cinnamon, and not Cassia which contains 5 % Coumarin, a toxin that is very harmful to the liver and kidneys. Ceylon Cinnamon only has .05% Coumarin. The Cinnamon you purchase in the stores or Supermarkets has little or no curative properties... I had to send away to Sri Lanka to get the TRUE CINNAMON Good Health...

Posted by Teresa (USA) on 10/14/2010

Also cucumber peelings work to get rid of ants. I thought that my mom was joking when she told me to peel a cucumber and throw small slices in the corners of rooms but it worked great and after 12-24 hours not an ant in sight! You'll notice in 3-5 days when the cucumber slices dry up and need replaced because the ants will come back."

[YEA ] 01/07/2011: Dani from Miami, Fl replies: "I sprinkled cinamon everywhere in the bedroom, and it's been a few weeks. Things look OK.

Urinary Tract Infections
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, TN) on 01/06/2010

How much cinnamon do you take daily? Do you take capsules already premade or use fresh? Thanks."

01/08/2010: Donna from Royal Oak, Mi replies: "Fresh is of course always better, but I basically took premade capsules for the convenience. Started out with 4-6 a day, a couple in the morning, afternoon and evening. After the symptoms were alleviated, I gradually reduced my intake. I still will take one a day, and sprinkle fresh cinnamon on my toast or apples just for maintenance purposes. Wonderful thing is that cinnamon also helps stomach issues! (gas, bloating, etc) It is a miracle worker as far as I am concerned."

01/08/2010: Elizabeth from Nashville, Tn replies: "Thanks for the information. I will add this to my daily regimen for my IC and hopefully get the same results. God Bless!"

01/08/2010: Donna from Royal Oak, Mi replies: "Let me know if it works as well for you as it did for me! Good luck!"

08/16/2010: Emily from Charlotte, Nc replies: "Hi Donna, I live in NC but used to live in Ann Arbor, Mi! Hope you are doing well. I have suffered from pelvic pain for a while - I believe it's IC, as it flares up after I drink coffee, eat chocolate, or eat strawberries or tomatoes. I read your post and bought cinnamon capsules. I would love to know if you or anybody on this post has had luck with cinnamon - how many 500 mg capsules should I take every day to feel a difference?

Thanks! Emily"

09/08/2010: Jen from Ann Arbor, Mi replies: "Be careful with Cinnamon, it's a major IC bladder irritant for me."

[NAY ] 01/19/2012: Ichater from Northern, California Usa replies: "Prior to the worst flare up in my life, I had already been taking cinnamon capsules daily for a year prior... So I don't think that cinnamon works for everyone. I was taking 1000 mg a day and I still had a flare up.

Posted by Lana (Morris, New Jersey) on 05/14/2008

Diarrhea (ailment) and Cinnamon (cure): My boyfriend had a stomach virus and was in awful pain. He was throwing up and using the bathroom around every 5-10 minutes. It was to the point where he had nothing left to expell but water and bile. I finally convinced him to drink a tea mix I made. I used- 1 cinnamon stick, broken up with a scissor a big pinch of ground ginger pinch of ground mustard a pinch of ground cloves (or 2 whole) I let it steep from boiling to drinkable temperature. He started getting better almost instantaneously. It stopped not only the diarrhea, but also the throwing up and the incredible pain. I never saw anything work so fast!

Posted by Ruth (Arcadia, CA) on 12/07/2006

For months I've been stressed out and my face has been breaking out with red swollen pimples, which just wouldn't go away. I spent a lot of money on expensive facial cleansers, toners, and lotions...none worked. After finding information via internet regarding honey and cinnamon paste for acne, I tried it. The next morning the pimples were visibly improved, shrunken. I did a test by not putting the paste on one part of my face, and sure enough that part remained the unchanged. I'm on my 4th day sleeping with this paste on my face and very excited that something so simple is working.

Posted by Mizvee (Wallingford, Ct, Usa) on 11/26/2011

Try cinnamon on your next burn. I keep it in my car, back/sports pack, work & kitchen. Any burn; iron, gas/electric/wood stove, insect or jellyfish sting, motorcycle muffler or abrasion can be remedied using this native healing product. Our family has been using for generations for it's anispetic/healing capability. May be applied as often as needed. Doesn't stain clothing or furniture. Promotes healing via it's phytochemical compounds to reduce pain, counteract bacteria and disinfect wounds without blistering and little to no scarring. I've had 3rd degree burns from a clothes iron (inner arm) and from motorcycle pipes (leg calf) and have no scarring. Use it on my grandkids at the beach when they encounter jelly fish. Simply shake on, the pain is immediately gone. If pain returns (as with 2nd & 3rd degree burns) simply shake on more. Blistering will be minimal & will not run (aka 'leak'). Scabbing will look slightly darker than normal, but will come off without leaving any disfigurment to the skin surface. On major injuries, I use until fully scabbed. (And it smells good too! )

Posted by Steven L. Jones (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 02/13/2011

I started Honey and Cinnamon a month ago, and the pain in my knees stopped bothering me after two weeks, but not all the way. At four weeks, no pain. I tried stopping the Hon & Cin, and after one week, the pain was back. Does this mean, I have to take it for life? I'm 69, and plan to live another 33 years. Thank You...

Posted by Elaine Garcia (Chicago, IL USA) on 03/27/2009

Searching Earth Clinic for something to halt my diarrhea this guy said his mom recommended Cream of Wheat. It would absorb the extra moisture. Then I read about cinnamon as a cure and read about various ways to use it. I decided to combine the two remedies and I make a serving of cream of wheat and I covered it in cinnamon; I probably used 2-3 tsp. I love cream of wheat, so it was painless to scoff this down. It has been 25 minutes. Before I took the remedy I was in the bathroom every 15 minutes or so and my stomach was rumbling so loudly; I never heard it sound so awful!! Now, 25 minutes later there is an occasional low sounding rumble and so far I have not run to the urgency!!

This remedy makes sense; absorbing the excess water causing the diarrhea, and the cinnamon has amazing healing qualities. It was used in the "old days" as a diarrhea/upset stomach remedy, an anti viral/fungal and it helps to treat UTI. I can not contest to these as I have not proven the results. But as for the UTI, that is how I got the diarrhea in the first place. My doctor put on one antibiotic that I was allergic to and then changed the medicine. My stomach was all out of wack and UTI is not gone~! I will keep taking the cinnamon and report that back later. My stomach is calmed down, I do not have cramping and rumbling. No bathroom trips in more than an hour. I am going to bed to get some sleep. And bravo to earth clinic for being there ONCE AGAIN in a middle of the night emergency. I love this website; advice you can rely on (take what you want and leave the rest). Sweet Dreams...Elaine in Chicago.

Posted by Frankie (Franklin, Louisiana) on 07/19/2008

1st I tried BSM remedy for a knee issue but I needed surgery for it. Arthritis was found in right knee and now is in left knee. For a week and some I have been doing the honey-cinn and I positively feel the difference. I have not taken any prescribed meds. for a week. I add 2 teaspoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon and add this to a cup very hot water. I drink this morning and nite. I also love the fact that it benefits me in other ways. Hope this helps someone else.