How Zinc Stopped Hair Loss

| Modified on Jun 05, 2024
Posted by Berry (Florida) on 12/28/2018

I am a female, 37 years old. A couple years ago I began losing my hair. I was constantly pulling strands off of my clothes throughout the day and there was wads of more hair coming out whenever I showered. I tried different shampoos advertised for hair loss and they seemed to help a bit but the hair loss would start up again if stopped the shampoo.

Finally I went to my doctor and told him to test me for several vitamins and minerals. My zinc was significantly low (in the 40s), even though I ate meat. For some reason my body was not absorbing zinc through foods. I began supplementing with zinc sulfate and within a few days the hair loss stopped. I retested my levels a couple months later and it had gone up to 72 (optimal levels is about 90). My hair no longer falls out and the bald patches I was starting to get before have filled in. If you are losing your hair it is most likely a deficiency, like iron or zinc. Get tested.